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So what do you people expect to see in the next generation games?
Please do not post anything way too farfetched (not the Pokémon) or anything that is already known.
This is simply a wishlist and please keep in mind the motive in which Game Freak has been working during all those years as well as the DS' capabilities.
I wll write down my own ideas and post them soon!
Lets see....
1)All the pokemon in a game(when is ay all i mean deoxys,mew etc

2)I would like to see a Pokemon Leaugue like the one in the anime than the elite 4,I'm sick and tired of the elite four.
3)At the end i would like to see pokemon like pidgey,spearow etc. unavailable to use fly because they are to small.It sounds stupid but it will make the game more logical.
Yeah, what I'd like to see is that they use the calender in the DS to make season changes. That would be awesome.
Or stuff like giving you random rare items when it's your birthday. And random weather too, as alotta people wants.
Meh, I'll add some more, when I think of something.
Well, my wishlist so far:
Random Weather effects: these would rock, both in Battles and Map. GF could probably create a system that depending on the current weather condition, certain Pokémon would appear more often while others would be more rare. The weather could also affect berry growth.
Calendar: I would like to see this and if it finally is added to the games, those weather effects wouldn't be that random. Time based events would be more logical as well.
Day/Night: This has to be re-added to the games! I really enjoyed watching the illuminated city at night and knocking sleeping Pokémon down from trees.
More Logic: By that I mean Fire Pokémon not being able to fight when underwater and small flying Pokémon not being able to Fly you somewhere, just like Dimis said.
Interesting Type Combinations: Rukario/Lucario is OK but I still want to see many new type combinations such as Fire/Psychic (like a Magmar evo or so) and Dark/Steel!
Evos/Prevos: I would like to see some (yp to a certain limit though) coz some Pokémon really need them! Murkrow, Skarmory, Electabuzz, Magmar and even Rapidash would be suited for extra evolutions/baby formss.
Breeding System: I think that they could make some Pokémon Traits inheritable (like PIkachu being able to have Volt Absorb etc.)
Less Legendary Pokémon: Yup! They were way too many in the Advance Generation!
New "Rare" Pokémon: Probably liky shiny ones but with different colors, just ike Shadow Lugia from XD (which is strangely colored and not Shiny, just Shdow). Collectiblity will become a must, should I say!
More "Moving" Pokémon: Like the Dogs and Lait@s... I enjoy hunting down these critters and it's one hell of a challenge!
Online Island/Community: Since the game will supposedly play online, a community in the dorm of a city or an island where you could meet people from your server trade, chat, battle etc, would be fantastic.
That's it from, me! Possibly gonna add more soon!
I agree with you all, but I also wish that the battle system could change a bit... I mean that I'd like it to be more realistic (3D perhaps) even if I think I'll be unlucky...
An old letter I once sent:
(don't mind the typos I never bothered to correct them)
Quote:Dear Sir/Madam
Some time ago, before the release of Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire I sent an e-mail to Nintendo of Japan concerning some ideas that could be used in the new games. Some of them that I still remember were:
- A portable computer that the player could use while being away from Pokemon Centers.
- The ability to have a custom house/gym.
- The ability for other players to visit your game and battle in your gym.
Surprisingly all these came true via the Secret Base, so either my ideas were considered or great minds think alike!
Anyway, after the presentation of the amazing Nintendo DS I thought that there might be a new Pokemon game under development so here I am writing again with some ideas which I hope might be useful:
- Graphical day/night feature. It was obviously the best part of G/S?C and the fans loved it.
- Mobile cellphone like the one in the G/S/C, because random events always trigger enthusiasm.
- Calendar syste (with days of the week etc) because daily events encourage players to solve more puzzles.
- All the continents (Hoenn, Johto, Kanto and Oore) in one game. Every fan's dream plus supported by DS's new media format.
- More action in battles, it makes them more interesting.
- Pokemon Contests, Pokeblocks and berry planting.
- Ability to be followed by a pokemon, like in Pokemon Yellow.
- Ability to draw your own badge in the touch-screen and have your own gym.
- Random weather effects in all areas (rain, snow, hail, extreme sunlight and partially sandstorms).
- Radio and TV stations with animation like in Fire Red/Leaf Green's help system.
- A part of the world could be for multiplayer/singleplayer game. It could have battle buildings, special shops, minigame areas, trading areas, voice(via DS's microphone) chatrooms, drawing(via the touch-screen) areas, almost like an extended Union Room. However the player should be able to visit it even in singleplayer mode and interact with computer characters.
- Ability to play with other people over the internet by using a special peripheral that connects to a USB port for example and wirelessly links to one or more Nintendo DS systems, so that friends that live far away can play together.
- Voice commands like "use bike, surf, dive, fly, dig" etc.
- Attacks should be a bit more logical, for example a Flygon using dig should be affected by earthquake.
- More mazes by trick master.
- Much more secret bases, apartments in cities, ability to save more other people's secret bases.
- Option similar to mystery gift.
- The second screen could be used to show: map, panoramic views (like in F/L), dialogue text, tools (pokeblock case for example), team status, tv shows, backpack, minigames, extended Pokedex, mini keyboard
- Finally, there could be different replay selections in dialogues, like in most RPG games.
Thank you for your time,
Oh yeah if diamond and pearl would be like tha I'll buy them WHATEVER THE COST!!!
Do NOT write with such HUGE characters please... And that was spamming, clearly!
We discuss about what we wan to se, not if we buy it or not!
Thank you
Wow, I really like Arty2's ideas. They're great. I wish that nintendo could see this topic. :P
Let's see... I would expect 3D battles and a little more mystery!I mean the storyplot should be more interesting and attractive...
Well the plot of R/S/E wasn't too bad, but it really tires me beatinfg trainers with the same ol' crappy Pokémon like Zubat and Poochyena.
I wish the Pokédex was displayed in 3D while the map could have 2D and 3D aspects. A 3D Map would really be tiring to the eye, but I'm pretty convinced that GF will work weel on D&P and not let us down.
However, Ninty will probably want to repeat the whole Ticket process, the whole trading thingy... It's something that we cannot avoid in the end!
Let's see what else can we put here... hmmmm...
I would also want to see more powerful trainers in the game outside the battle tower!
Agree on that! I'm sooo tired of seeing the same Pokémon over and over again!
Even the Elite Four is very very easy!
BLUE Wrote:Even the Elite Four is very very easy!
Elite 4 must have some vacation(for ever)

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