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When you start R/S/E, you have a Gamecube in your room but,unfortunately you can't play with it.And,i agree with George.I would also like to see a flying-type legendary pokemon to be created.
POKERULER Wrote:When you start R/S/E, you have a Gamecube in your room but,unfortunately you can't play with it.
This and much more stuff you have discussed might seem to be some really amusing additions to the games, but actually we cannot demand something this much from a game that already has a set plot. You should also take into account the fact that they cannot fit everything in there.
Pokeruler there are flying type legendaries. Lugia, Shayimin Sky Forme, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres
In the next generation I'd like an evolution of Tangrowth. "Tangsayan" ohh was that Japanese?

George7 Wrote:Pokeruler there are flying type legendaries. Lugia, Shayimin Sky Forme, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres
Ι mean single flying-types......although,i'll be pleased with Shaymin.
Celebi Wrote:In the next generation I'd like an evolution of Tangrowth. "Tangsayan" ohh was that Japanese? 
Tangrowth has the stats of an overall good Pokémon, won't get an evolution soon.
POKERULER Wrote:Ι mean single flying-types......although,i'll be pleased with Shaymin.
There's no Flying-type without a second type.
Ninjomewtwo Wrote:Celebi Wrote:In the next generation I'd like an evolution of Tangrowth. "Tangsayan" ohh was that Japanese? 
Tangrowth has the stats of an overall good Pokémon, won't get an evolution soon.
I mean, I'd like an evolution of Tangrowth with a better sp, def and a better speed first of all.
We can't ask for anything
George7 Wrote:We can't ask for anything
I agree.They don't have in mind what WE want and,i don't think they will ever think about that...
In my opinion, I believe we have to much time until the release of 5th generation games and TV series...
Do you remeber the series which were located in Hoen region? It last 3 years!! And the series are going to last longer and longer.. For instance, compare the first journey in Kanto region, in which Ash owned all 8 badges by the 76th episode (If I am right), with the last journey, in Sinnoh, still at the 100th episode (I am not very sure) and Ash has not owned all the badges!!
So, we must be patient..
Actually the time of the next generations does not depend on the TV series but on each portable Nintendo console. The series follow. But you may have a point here.
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