24-05-2006, 07:21 PM
24-05-2006, 09:50 PM
well, I don't really like the Mic. of the DS, but I like blowing up balloons in Mario Kart 

24-05-2006, 09:51 PM
Something like that...I know that the attacks are many but I am sure they could do something.The question is: Will they do something?
24-05-2006, 09:55 PM
There's only one way to find it out... wait until the game is released in Europe and BUY IT! I think it will cost too much data
24-05-2006, 10:04 PM
As I have said before, here we are talking about expectations so there is no point in saying "wait until the game is released in Europe and BUY IT!"
31-05-2006, 04:21 AM
Something I really expect is the new pokémon be better drawn. Many johto/houen pokémon are looking digimon or a child's draw! For example: who looks more like a dragon? Charizard or Salamence? And what about Latias/Latios's wings?
Another thing that would be nice is something to upgrade the advanced generation's pokédex, so R/S/E/LG/FR could battle and trade new pokémon with D&P! I think if nintendo could fix the berry glitch by a update at LG/FR/E, the're able to do it.
Another thing that would be nice is something to upgrade the advanced generation's pokédex, so R/S/E/LG/FR could battle and trade new pokémon with D&P! I think if nintendo could fix the berry glitch by a update at LG/FR/E, the're able to do it.
31-05-2006, 11:08 AM
I had word from a friend from Nintendo that D&P are gonna ROCK! Of course, he couldn't tell me what is planned, but he is positive that the games will be a huge success.
He couldn't reveal a thing, as much as he wanted but do trust me. Blue and Arty2 know this person and he can be trusted.
The games are going to be formidable.
He couldn't reveal a thing, as much as he wanted but do trust me. Blue and Arty2 know this person and he can be trusted.
The games are going to be formidable.

31-05-2006, 01:09 PM
I am going to buy them when they are released in the US from Ebay.
31-05-2006, 03:04 PM
Ah yes! If HE said that(
) then it is true and I am sure we can expect a lot of things...

01-06-2006, 04:15 AM
Another thing which would be great is to show breeding types at the pokémon data. Just like, if I check my Blissey, it would show it's a normal pokémon and a fairy pokémon.
05-07-2006, 06:08 AM
they should let your pokemon dodge attacks and attack twice while the other pokemon dodges. also, they should let you make combo moves in double battles. in this one dream i had, i had a blaziken and a sceptile. my opponent had a scyther and a alakazam. blaziken used sky uppercut to launch scyther in the air, then sceptile jumped up and did a sciemic toss. still accelerating in the air, blaziken jumps up above sceptile and scyther and does a overheat. that forces scyther out of sceptiles hand and into the ground. then blaziken does a blaze kick in the same fashion that captain falcon from super smash bros. does, while sceptile is charging up for solar beam. as blaziken hits scyther, sceptile releases a powerful solarbeam and blaziken dodges.
they should also make they environment have an effect on the pokemon. if your in a jungle or forest and have a sceptile, it should have a advantage, right.?
they should also make they environment have an effect on the pokemon. if your in a jungle or forest and have a sceptile, it should have a advantage, right.?
05-07-2006, 01:13 PM
Yes!This last one is really good.Pokemon should have advantages and disadvantages according to the battle environment just like weather effects affect the attacks.
05-07-2006, 06:26 PM
yeah. like if you have a magmar and are in a volcanic region, it should be albe to go in the lava and hide or throw the opponent in the lava, giving a 1-hit ko
09-07-2006, 03:07 AM
also, more weird type combos, like fire and ice.
09-07-2006, 10:47 AM
A pokemon like this would not exist.Weird type combos are good but they have to be logical.