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murkrow is not weak! it just has a bad movepool and defences. but it would be cool to give it an evo too. ^^
I would like that Plusle and Minun would be given an evolution too. Maybe they should evolve with Thunderstone?
Hey, did you see that?! Only TWO pokémon evolve with the thunderstone! (Eevee and Pikachu).
OMG! i never noticed that. maybe electabuzz's evolves via t/stone. i wonder what P&Ms Evo would look like. plusle does have pretty good sp.a
No it won't evolve like that.Every new evolution of a previous Pokemon is performed with a new way.
Yeah, you're right... At least, maybe Pachirisu would evolve with thunderstone and Cherimu with Sun Stone... (Sun Stone is the most useless stone. Only Sunkern and Gloom evolve with that, and nobody uses Bellossom or Sunflora.)
If I remember correct Pachirisu doesn't evolve, it's dex entry is right before Buyosel/Buizeru. Older Pokemon will evolve with new items or ways previously unknown ( otherwise we'd know about them earlier

). Pre-evos will also work that way.
i wonder if it will be compatible with XD or col.
I guess it won't... Even G/S/C aren't compatible with Stadium 1.
there needs to be more cant fit on a pidgey, can you? and why would a ground pokemon surf, knowing that its weak to water? and how can grass pokemon generate electricity(sceptile@thunder punch)? and i dont understand how shelgon can use dragon claw on all 4's.
what i really want to see is a super has like the best suff. attacks, item, stats. and a nature that depends on nature. yeah...
I don't like legendaries so...
But I agree with Treecko when he says things could be more logical. How can Dodrio fly??? How can a tiny Natu take us to a flight??? And why we don't choke underwater?>.<
i know really. i dont think we got a oxygen tank. how can charizard fight under water? and how can u surf under water if surf is a tide?
Ι dont like the pokemon much ! They are like modern art!

I hope they will be more "poke".
you want them to look more pocket? pokemon is a conjuction of the words pocket and monster.
He means that They don't look like POKEmon but like DIGImon or WHATEVAHmon.
They are losing their Pokemonish style.
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