13-08-2006, 02:20 AM
13-08-2006, 05:03 AM
Yes, this would be great... I would love to be a pokémon breeder.^^
13-08-2006, 05:06 AM
i have become somewhat a pokemon breeder, but i have always been a cool trainer.
20-08-2006, 06:12 AM
they should make super shiney pokemon. they are shiny pokemon with a shinier color and much better stats. but they are twice as hard to find as shiny pokemon.
23-08-2006, 05:40 AM
i wonder if you can trade from D/P to D/P if they both belong to you and you have two DS's?
23-08-2006, 06:03 AM
Of course. If we can do it with the other versions...
It's a good idea of the shiny ones that you suggested. In G/S/C, shiny pokémon had better stats but now...
It's a good idea of the shiny ones that you suggested. In G/S/C, shiny pokémon had better stats but now...
23-08-2006, 07:45 AM
treecko3453 Wrote:they should make super shiney pokemon. they are shiny pokemon with a shinier color and much better stats. but they are twice as hard to find as shiny pokemon.Kinda like in GSC where shinies were determined by perfect(or almost perfect) IVs. I guess that would be okay, but I'd rather them use all the space they can for WiFi

24-08-2006, 12:05 AM
i also plan on seeing more pokemon than they revealed. i want:aerodactyl, lickitung,lapras,magmar and jynx to follow electabuzz's evo, pinsir,farfetched, aipom, misdreavus, gligar. but what i really want are: heracross, skarmory, a divergent shroomish evo that focuses on sp.a, seviper,and zangoose. that would be grand...
24-08-2006, 05:21 AM
Really, what I hope is there will be some important people (like a gym leader or elite four) that uses grass pokémon!
25-08-2006, 01:38 AM
yes! they dont have enough grass trainers.
28-08-2006, 01:05 AM
there needs to be more animation such as charizard opening its mouth for a flamethrower or a hyper beam they also should make pokemon flinch when an attack hits them unlike just having a picture blink and a sound that means the attack hit and critical hits should have different animation other than a pokemons life go way down and seeing the words a critical hit! i think those would make the battles more interesting
28-08-2006, 01:18 AM
more types!! they should make just a couple more types like fairy (togetic blissey) or sound (whismur loudred exploud) i think that that would be cool but then they would have to change ther type chart such as fairy is bad against dark but good against something else and so on. they have pretty much everthing covered but i think a couple of new types would be cool
28-08-2006, 08:42 AM
treecko3453 Wrote:i also plan on seeing more pokemon than they revealed. i want:aerodactyl, lickitung,lapras,magmar and jynx to follow electabuzz's evo, pinsir,farfetched, aipom, misdreavus, gligar. but what i really want are: heracross, skarmory, a divergent shroomish evo that focuses on sp.a, seviper,and zangoose. that would be grand...Aero evo would be so broken XD
30-08-2006, 12:05 AM
killr2021 Wrote:more types!! they should make just a couple more types like fairy (togetic blissey) or sound (whismur loudred exploud) i think that that would be cool but then they would have to change ther type chart such as fairy is bad against dark but good against something else and so on. they have pretty much everthing covered but i think a couple of new types would be coolthat wouldnt be right... the elements are supposed to be those of the planet Earth. they just have the sub elements added along with earth(ground/rock/grass)wind(flying)water,and fire which are the classic elements. unless they would be categories that apply with the normal type( humans would be of the normal type)
30-08-2006, 05:30 AM
I hope some weak pokémon, like Murkrow, Lickitung, Aipom will be given an evolution... So they wouldn't be so useless.