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Dudes... That's not our point! Back on track!
What do you want/expect to see in the DS Generation RPG games?
Oh!I forgot!I want to hear pokemon having their real voices and not just sound effects
Sam hear, at least in an upcoming Stadium/Colosseum game! I mean, Super Smash Bros had Pokémon shout their names out loud!
I wanna see that definitely!
BLUE Wrote:Oh!I forgot!I want to hear pokemon having their real voices and not just sound effects
I think also that the music has to change it sucks 8)
No it doesn't! It simply repeats itslef every so often...

The music doesn't suck!I hear the music especially from the blue version and I shiver...
Oe thing we haven't mentioned yet...
I'm 100% positive that D&P will make use of the touch screen and stylus.
Excpet for the menus (selecting attacks etc) I can't see how the stylus and the touch screen may be used. We might be surprised when we actually obtain news on that.
I mean... The possibiliites could be endless; from following a "maze" in order to catch the Pokemon once you use a Pokeball, to the way that you want your Pokemon's hairstyle (like in G/S/C)...
I'm sooo eager to see how this could work!
For those who have seen the Fishing Rally game, we could guess that the same exact system will be used for ingame fishing!
What do you think?
The only thing we can do is to wait until we have some information about it
Yes, but I'm afraid we won't have as many surprises as we thought... And I agree that the music sucks

Or maybe we will have more surprises than we thought...And the music DOESN' T SUCK :evil:
It's OK when youu first play the game but it then keeps repeating... Kinda tiring if you ask me!
But let's ceize this music conversation now.
What else? I do hope we receove info from this month's CoroCoro...
Hmmmmm... Playing Nintendogs I thought that it would be a great idea if in the new pokemon games,pokemon could react to your voice...Imagine yourself saying: Gengar use Psychic!!! (or something like that

maybe the stylus will be used for other things...maybe in fights you could have the ability to direct the tackle attack, or when using flamethrower you have to keep dragging the flame at the enemy so it doesnt keep missing,
all of this would be possible in a 3D world, i would also like thw ability to rub and comfort your pokemon before or after a fight, to get them syked up, or simply just help recover from paralyzation and other things
This way though the game will loose the character it has all this years....
fair comment...but it will gain a lot more depth and break the now ancient mould of the previous games
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