04-10-2006, 03:36 PM
30-10-2006, 04:50 AM
i know im kind of late, but i just relized that they made the thing where you could see enemy attacks, the ability psychic dream. who knows. maybe i had a psychic dream about it before!... i know that was bad.
31-10-2006, 05:36 PM
To say the truth..
I like many of the new pokemon.. well except the Tangela Evo and Kureseria, she IS modern art to my opinion..
I like many of the new pokemon.. well except the Tangela Evo and Kureseria, she IS modern art to my opinion..
25-11-2006, 03:16 PM
Well, my opinion is that pokemon lost their magic several years ago, when the 2d generation was created...
27-11-2006, 03:12 PM
The second generation was in the plans from the start (Ho-oh at the start of the Anime).The "magic" was lost in the Third Generation IMO.
29-11-2006, 05:00 AM
It is what I talked to Treecko a long ago...
Many people (even those who don't pokémon very well) could know the difference between pokémon and digimon: pokémon looks a little real and digimon looks really imaginary or too robotic.
But... we can't say this anymore...
Just see: does Lati@s looks dragons??? Their wings looks more airplane's than dragon/bird's.
And even Charizard looks more dragonish than Salamence (both are lizards/salamenders, but Salamence is a dragon while Charizard is fire/flying only...)
And can someone explain to me what's Regigigas??? Regirock looked a rock
, Regice looks an Iceberg and Registeel looks like a robot... but what does Regigigas look like?
Many people (even those who don't pokémon very well) could know the difference between pokémon and digimon: pokémon looks a little real and digimon looks really imaginary or too robotic.
But... we can't say this anymore...

And even Charizard looks more dragonish than Salamence (both are lizards/salamenders, but Salamence is a dragon while Charizard is fire/flying only...)
And can someone explain to me what's Regigigas??? Regirock looked a rock

29-11-2006, 05:41 AM
its quite obvious. regi- means king. giga- means giant, or large. regigigas is the king of the giants, thus being a GIANT himself. so while regir is a rock, regii is a iceberg, and regis is a steel robot, and regig is a giant, as the last part of their name is what they are. And the latis, remember, they are made to be able to fly like jets, so are rather modeled after jets. the dragon most likely comes from the fact that they have sharp claws and wings. and psychic, b/c, if you seen pkmn heros, they have sight sharing and can transform into anything, and can understand human speech. and the char and sala thing, well, im guessing that it has to due to the fact that they are different typers of animals, if they were real. lizards are reptiles and salamanders are amphibians. And remember, not the 1st bagon had a dream to get wings, just any kind to let him fly. there was a mutation, and mutations are imperfect, while the 1st charizards always had wings. remember gyarados? magikarp had a mutation, and look at gyarados' wings! can't really find them, and they are usless. since bagon had a dream and "practice''(jumping off of cliffs. lol) he got superior wings, but not to charizard. and sceptile is a reptile too, and has a dragon heritage like charizard, but he ain't got no wings. He didn't have a dream to fly, b/c of his unequal power as the'king of the jungle' and he high speed. So really, nintendo actually bases on more logic, than creativity. maybe that answers your questions...
30-11-2006, 03:16 PM
Regigas could be a Pokemon that was transformed into a statue and it can only wake up by the combined power of the three other Regis.That's why it has grass on its shoulders.
30-11-2006, 04:18 PM
Can someone post an image of that Regigas?
02-12-2006, 11:21 PM
I searched for them on google/yahoo and there weren't any results!!!!!!! They may be secret ones........
04-12-2006, 03:58 PM
OMG!Is this the ugliest pokemon ever or what?!
04-12-2006, 04:10 PM
I like it. Regigigas is better than the Regis trio on R/S/E
04-12-2006, 08:00 PM
[offtopic]You shoulb be kidding. Regighigas is one one of the uglies pkmn![offtopic/]
04-12-2006, 08:37 PM
Ι mean I like it better than the regis trio. In addition to, I like his name. It reminds me the enemy-mini boss from the NES Final Fantasy, Gilgames-Hillgigas. And Regigigas is one of the few good 4th gen pokemons