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What pokemon would you like ? I would like charmander.
I would like to catch gamakichi
Ι'd like to catch , Suicune
What's gamakichi?
I would like a piplup or picatsu too. love them

i would like to catch a sky shaymin ~

I would like an Empoleon. I like all water pokemon.
(03-02-2009 12:36 AM)piplup234 Wrote: [ -> ]I would like charmander.
(03-02-2009 09:55 PM)piplup234 Wrote: [ -> ]I would like a piplup or picatsu too.
(11-02-2009 06:42 PM)piplup234 Wrote: [ -> ]I would like an Empoleon.
Couldn't you include those last three Pokes in your first post? This seems to me more like a game....Oh and something else, what are you smoking?
gengar, lucario and alakazam
from ubers i would like mewtwo, raicuaza or dialga
the end!
I'd like to catch realistic ones..For example saying I'd catch Arceus and Manaphy would be utopic..But a starter or a Meowth for example would make more sense... I like mostly normal-type pokemon
I'd be happy with a Riolu or a Budew. I simply love Lucario and Roserade. <333
A Ditto cause is normal type and it would transform into anything
i would love to have something like a machop or dratini folloing me about yehhhh
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