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Um all of them

but if i could only choose a few, I'd choose Pikachu, Chimchar, and Piplup. I would never evolve Pikachu, and I would evolve Chimchar to Infernape and Piplup to Infernape.
Well, I would capture a Growlithe, a Totodile, a Charmander, an Eevee and a Pidgey..
you can all guess what i'd like to catch

!a shinx to evolve it into a luxray!!!
but i'd prefer to catch all my top six pokemon (luxray, shiny umbreon,empoleon,flygon,furret and espeon)
I would want a...Giratina. It would not only be a great pet, but also serve as a great wepon!
Well I would like to have a dog-like Pokemon. A Growlithe, a Zorua, a Houndoom or a Yooterie would be perfect. + A bird-like. Either Pidove, Pidgey or Taillow.
and those would be my pokemon
(20-01-2011 06:29 PM)gryffindor1991 Wrote: [ -> ]I would evolve Chimchar to Infernape and Piplup to Infernape.
hm...something doesn't sound right about that sentence, but I cant quite put my finger on it...
The answer you're looking for is Piplup to Empoleon.
Or were you being sarcastic?
I would want, Chikorita, Eevee, Squirtle, Leafeon, and Vaporan

Hmmm... I'd like a Desukaan and a Doryuuzu. Also a Skitty and a Wailord.
YAY SKITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mmy little sis wants to catch Skittyy, aand all those other really cutesy pokemonss
I just collect pokemon based on type and power...I like to balance out my team. THEN I get some cute pokemon...
Ii just catch pokemonn, tto catch themm
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