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Genesect for me! It's like an awesome bug with a cannon! That makes it even more awesome!
I can imagine it saying "I'm a firin ma lazor!" when it uses its special attack
I can also imagine it using cassetes like machine gun ammo and creating an insta-lazor rave party!
I would like to catch Pikachu!
If pokemon were real(if only

) i would like to catch a Scizor.It totally rocks and i really like it.Actually i would catch every bug pokemon i could.I simply lone them.I would like a Smeargle too
I think I would catch Arceus. Then I would show it to the Pope, and then we would be worshiping ARCEUS, not Yahweh.
dragonite i love that pokemon...
Oh yeah? Can Dragonite convince the Pope that its God?
I'd also like to have a Shedinja that faces me at all times (read its pokedex).
Still doesn't sound like god.
A Houndoom ofc.
Whimscott too ^^
i would have a blaziken follow me... my fav poke
I would catch a Golbat. Not only does it look awesome, it can also learn fly.
Imagine flying on one of these in the midnight. Batman would be jealous
Eevees I love eevee they are cool and cute
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