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Of course it would be cool pokemon to be real. I would like to
catch them all
and have them as my pets to feed them and to walk with them. I really like picachu to follow me where i am going and attack other peoples pokemon

(ok we are talking hypotheticly).
Off topic but my english is brilliant best fantastic!! Furthermore

(oh yes) i would like to travel across the world with a garchomp. There are many activities in life where pokemon with their abilities would be useful but im bored to elaborate

(oh yes once again) on this.
Off topic (maybe if i become a wiki writer this is an excelllent topic to cover!Mods are you hearing? I want to contribute.) Closed! not the thread the off topic.

(15-06-2009 12:36 PM)odisseas Wrote: [ -> ]i would like to travel across the world with a garchomp.
it'd be awesome to fly on a garchomp across the world! but i dont see how it flies...
I pokemon were real then I would like to catch Suicune.
what kind of question is this? Froslass of course! Well, I'd really like to have a Salamence, Ninjask and Vaporeon.(these four are my favorites but Froslass is my Top favorite!)
Salamence,Tyranitar,Metagross,Gengar and Alakazam.
Thats really good imagination. If Pokemon were real , I would like to catch charmander.

i would like to have: 1)charizard 2)aggron 3)metagross 4)chyther 5)sceptile 6)magmar
i would dedicate my life on capturing them

An Eevee... Then I would spend hours wondering what it would evolve into!

Hmm... I think that I would like to catch:
Empoleon, Mudkip, Palkia, Gardevoir, Uxie and Cresselia.
I would capture a Charmander, a Totodile, a Treecko, a Vulpix, a Riolu (ofc) and a Sneasel which I would evolve them all

i would capture Lugia(something not possible) charmander(which i would make it evolve) a t-tar,metagross and an Ursaring like the one Pawl has

i would like to cath all my favored pokemon

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