Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: If pokemon were real, which species would you like to catch?
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Ii like normals thoughh D< Ddoes that make me a noob tooo??
Normal sux...
I would like to catch a dragon type....hmmm...like rayquaza...

I'd like to have it for a pet....it would be nice.....
Just imagine it...O.O
Yes...it would probably eat you...
Oomnomnom peoplee
Scary thought. Dragons eating their owner...
Tthats an awesome thoughtt, tthen again I am also the person who wants to see a football field explode with the players on itt, iif only death wasnt so permanantt
I'd probably try to get a Charmander, a Gible or a Bagon, each of them has a great final stage, would be nice to be their owner. Or I could have a Magikarp if Rare Candies were sold in super markets in a reasonable price. Toungue Although then I'd had to move a bit closer to the sea, hm...
But as we have seen...magicarp are no good for eating...
Mmagikarp arent very good at anything thoughh...
very very true....
Magikarp are good at being uselesss :I
Oh yeah!!! You are full of good ideas!
Oof course I amm Smile
Lolz you seem to get that from me
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