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Ii dont like fire types as muchh, tthey always look so imposingg, aas you can telll, Ii like my pokemon team to look nicee :33
But say you were walking along with your team and suddenly, you came across a colony of Victreebel? I don't think your water types are going to be much help. A fire type, however, could roast them all with no effort.
Yyess, bbut I would faill, pprettyilylikee, tthats not even a word is itt?
let me its not...however "truthiness" is a word.
Hhmm, ddindnt know thatt
Ii also like some normal types like Eevee and suchh
Oh yes, eevee is awesome. When you get bored with it you can cchange it into a whole variety of things.
Yyeahh, tthats what I love about eeveess, they are like the rosemary in pokemonn (llawll, eeveee = rrosemaryy)
Yyess, tthat is what I am calling Eevee's noww, bbecuase rosemary can be used on anything in cookingg, aand taste goodd, jjust like eevee'ss :DD
All I do is have eggs or noodles or fast food...or I could just eat a magikarp...
Yyumm, mmagikarpp, Ii would catch them just eat themm, tthey should make that an action in the pokemon gamess
I'd like to take you all back quite a bit, to the Kanto episodes of Pokemon. The episode is when the SS ANNE sunk down to the bottom of the sea, and they used water pokemon to escape. After obtaining a raft, James sends out his Magickarp and attempts to eat it, but nearly breaks his teeth on it's hard scales
And I would like to take you all to the modern days where I don't give a damn!

i would catch the normal types that way i would gt dunspace!!!!!!! Oh yeah go normals!
Normals are for NOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS!!! You need to have a REAL team of REAL awesome types...
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