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Tthough it's so funny at the same timee
Yes it is...untill I broke my DS by accident...then it just sucked.
Mmy friend broke my ds by throwing across her house twicee, tthen it didnt work so I crushed it into a million piecess
lolfail. sorry about that. The 3DS comes out soon so maybe you could get that.
Ii cant afford that shizz, Ii'm gonna get a ds from a pawn shopp
just have your parents buy you one...
Tthay can't afford that shiz eitherr!! Kkinda sucks being poorr
oh...I come from a upper middle class family. You'd think that'd make me top of the neighborhood but I live in a neighborhood of super rich red necks who don't give a damn about the poor.
DD: Ii've always been poorr, DDAMN THOSE RED NECKSS
Yyayy, wwait a secc, yyour using my typing stylee!!
hhhaarrr hhaarr harrrr nnottt eeexcatttly....Iimm usssing soommthing ellse...
Nnot anymoree, bbut before you weree
oh really? All you have with you is circumstantial evidence. You cant prove anything with that.
(31-01-2011 02:14 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]II HATE THEM SO MUCHH!!!
Tthere is yourr 'ccircumstanciall' eevidencee
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