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^not enough clutter/unnecessary clocks.
CCCleaner? It's CCleaner, though I say it as "CCCleaner" to my friends. xD +1
Everybody gets new desktops and only thing I do is changing the wallpaper once a month. Or adding/removing a shortcut.
(14-04-2013 08:43 PM)fr3quency Wrote: [ -> ]CCCleaner? It's CCleaner, though I say it as "CCCleaner" to my friends. xD +1
I used to do that too, but then I realized it's wrong. Most of my friends still call it CCCleaner though.
You should stop playing LoL.
(14-04-2013 08:43 PM)fr3quency Wrote: [ -> ]CCCleaner? It's CCleaner, though I say it as "CCCleaner" to my friends. xD +1
DB0: No.
(forgot to add the Meowth one

Omg, the icons on the desktop. Kill it with fire. :'(
My wallpapers:
It cycles through these every 10 minutes.
@hachi i agree with fr3, too many icons on desktop (i don't mind that too much but dude you have many icons in the taskbar too, remove some of them).
Yes. First of all, remove Firefox and Steam from your desktop. You have already pinned the on the taskbar. Secondly, Adobe Reader? Seriously? Delete the damn icon! Secondly, Safari? lulz. Uninstall it. Pinn "My Computer" and "Recycle Bin" on the taskbar. Remove Control Panel, it's already in the Start menu. Pin Skype on the taskbar and then delete the icon. Delete the BitTorrent icon and pin it on the taskbar.
What if I told you you can pin programs on the Start menu?
(14-09-2013 04:02 PM)fr3quency Wrote: [ -> ]What if I told you you can pin programs on the Start menu?
What if I told you that it's MY laptop and not yours?This means I can do whatever I want and no fr3quency or Grim Ripper will tell me how it must be.

We're just trying to help you so others won't make fun of you.

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