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Which type do you hate? Which type you rarely use 'cause you simply can't bear the idea of something being so mean?
I hate the psychics! All the guardians are psychics and, except for a few ones, the psychics have low defences but are overused! It annoys me to see almost everybody using Alakazam and saying it's better than Umbreon, for example.
Actually, I think I don't like very much what's overused...
What about you? Which types do you hate?
i absolutly hate bug types. exspecially b/c grass is my favorite type. and the dreaded signal beam. the good thing is that most bugs have poor defence or sp. defence. and most people dont use them.
I really hate the Rock types! They can take out all the Fire Pokemon (That are my favorite) and most of the Dragon Pokemon.
I don't hate any type!I used to hate the Steel Type but I understood that it is very usefull.
ermmmmm.... i hate dark type grrrrrrrrr!
Every type has its own skills so we must love all types
For example electric type is extremely fast. ( high speed)
But all types have disvantages, too, so it's not bad if somebody doesn't like a type. For example, electric is fast but haven't a second type to help! The only ones that have are Zapdos (flying) and Lanturn/Chinchou (water).
I personally think that rock types are so slow and low sp.defence.... also many disadvantages,
EDIT: Do not use greek here 
.... but in away i like all types...

i am really starting to hate ghost types. i dont know why. maybe 'cause i dont use darks but use psychics and the disadvantage thing.
I hate the Normal type because they can learn moves from all the types. It's unfair and very annoying the normal pokemon.
I hate fighting type...........They are sooo annoying......
I hate Normal type for two reasons: There is not a single type that they are effective and Blissey is Normal. I hate Blissey. But anyway I use normal type Pokemon in my team.
ninjomewtwo Wrote:I hate Normal type for two reasons: There is not a single type that they are effective and Blissey is Normal. I hate Blissey. But anyway I use normal type Pokemon in my team.
Normal is a very balanced type!

I didn't do all that research for nothing...
Have fun reading through it.

Wow! Its perfect! You guys rock! Hve got this for other types too?
Heh... U guys do not check the Main site, do you?
No, I haven't done any other type yet but soon I will prepare the Fire type. Take a look around our Columns. You might find there are useful things in there, such as Pokemon Origins, Elements, of the week etc...
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