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(08-11-2010 07:31 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]Glad that I have yet to see anyone say they dispise fire types. You really can't hate them that much anyways
the only pure fire type pokemon i like are ninetales,arcanine and raidash.all the others suck.i generaly hate fire and everything hot or bright like summer.i like cold and dark types like water,ice,dark.the only problem is that i don't have a clue why i like electric types...
@Giratina88, you have a good point. The Kimono Girls are very irritating
@LuXray, FIRE RULES! types are okay...I still like poison best
Fire,Flame,Inferno,Blaze,Lava,Burn,Volcano,Eruption,Sun,Hot... Fire owns!!!
I hate water pokemon.They are unpredictable in battle and usually beat or tie my Charizard.
Electrode Digglet Nidoran Mankey
Venusaur Rattata Ferow Pidgey
Seaking Jolteon Dragonite Ghastly
Ponyta Vaporion Poliwrath Butterfree!
I used to hate Bug Type, but Bugs from Generation V has cahnged my mind! Ulgamoth, Genosect, Pendra, Kurumiru! Epic!
same with me. most of the bug types suck but some of them are really good
Is Genosect part of the Paras evolution?
No. It's a Robot Legendary. With a giand laser!

(24-11-2010 07:21 PM)pekinoua Wrote: [ -> ]I used to hate Bug Type, but Bugs from Generation V has cahnged my mind! Ulgamoth, Genosect, Pendra, Kurumiru! Epic!
i think bug pokemon(exept butterfree and mothim) suck.all of them!!!!and yes,i hate them cause i'm afraid of bugs.has anyone got a problem with that?
I found the answer to what happened to Misty. ^Right there
(25-11-2010 06:48 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]I found the answer to what happened to Misty. ^Right there
hehehe...very funny....bugs are creepy...

Admit it, you are acting just like Misty by saying that. You can't deny it
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