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i hate bug. and i never use rock/ground. 3 X4 weaknesses.
I cannot STAND grass-water types (lotad, lombre & ludicolo, cause they are SERIOUSLY annoying) and poison-flying( zubat, golbat and crobat, cause they keep confusing my pokemon)
well, im really bad at raising/fighting fire types.
I hate ALL Fighting types.
Except for Infernape and Lucario, i hate ALL the others.
The most hated type for me is the grass type.Most of them are weak.Grass type moves suck!!And I hate grass-poison pokemon even more.
^ I completely and TOTALLY disagree with you.
Sceptile is AWESOME if you know how to use it.
Example: Give it a sash and Swords Dance, and since Sceptile has weak Def and SpD, it won't survive a powerful hit/super effective hit, so Swords Dance for the first turn and wait for the opponent to hit Sceptile, then sweep with Leaf Blade, and with a +50% boost from Overgrow + STAB + Swords Dance = Unstopable.
Same goes with Venusaur, Venusaur is awesomesauce. :]
I hate BUGS
they have a sucky moveset and many weaknesses
Bug type from me, too. They are poor (I'm not a racist!). No exceptions.
I hate Normal type.My favourite type is fire, but I also use electric (

) ,rock,water and dragon types in my team.
The type i hate the most is Poison...a lot of weaknesses and they arent usefull at all
Disagree. Muk and Weezing are so amazing!
Bugs are amazing too.
Ninjask, Scizor and Scyther ftw. (And also Yanmega!)
Don't forget Heracross.
They're awesome Pokemon, but it's true that their movepool isn't wide.
Now, I don't actually hate. I kinda dislike Poison-type Pokemon except from Gengar and Weezing.
Yeah,maybe i didnt expressed my opinion well.Well,i hate the pure poison types and i havent used Weezing or Muk at all...
Well, I used to have a little gruge for water type, because I was a big fan of the fire starters (till gen 3) but now I have a Lapras in my standard party, and I have no fire pokemon... sience how things turn, isn't it?
also, the poison type is FTW, and even if it wasn't, just the fact that Gengar is in there would make it. And it has one of my 3 favorite alterations, being poison/burn and sleep!
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