(06-06-2011 07:02 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I thing poison is quite underpowered. It should corrode Steel and pollute Water,to give it an advantage over Fire.
We talk about poison though, not acid. Poison cannot harm a steel-made pokemon and steel in general. Pollute water sounds good.
i hate normal types and i dislike most grass and ice types but with some exceptions.....I don't really dislike normal types for no particular reason.I just don't like their moves , the way most of them look , their abilities etc. I only like porygon due to its great spa but still.......

With some exceptions, I dislike how most psychic types look (Bronzong, Drowzee, Grumpig etc.)
I really cannot imagine what was Nintendo thinking when they introduced these pokemon.
I agree with argente844, i also don t like the looks of psychic pokemon(with the exception of mew,espeon,celebi,lugia,gardevoir,deoxys,maybe jirachi,gallade,and reuniclus.), i also don t like poison types, although they are deadly(GOD,how the HELL did the developerd thought of GARBODOR?????)

wow..... it is EXACTLY what i mean..

. In which website did you saw this/????
my hate is the BUG! is to

![[Image: Single_Moutza.jpg]](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Fa80zAPdJN8/SR3Pl_JArXI/AAAAAAAAAPY/BaO69O-bS58/s400/Single_Moutza.jpg)
(02-11-2011 09:37 PM)andrreaskal13 Wrote: [ -> ]wow..... it is EXACTLY what i mean..
. In which website did you saw this/????
On Damnlol.
@George'T: Yes , i thought of saying that as well but then again there are some really good bug pokemon like Scizor , forretres , heracross , ninjask , shedinja , armaldo , yanmega , volcarona and gavantula........
Ι really dont get the dislikes focused so much on bug-types.Not that they are some favourites of mine, but it seems strange to me that so many people dislike pokemon that resists two of the most dangerous types of attacks in the game (Fight and Psychic).Okay, they HAVE many weaknesses, most of them do not even have a single base stat above 100 but..this is their style.Bug types are made to be extreme in something, while lacking in everything else (Shedinja, Ninjask, Shuckle, Escavalier) or as very good supporters (I mean mostly the Steel/Bug types which can partly fight their 4x weakness with Rain Dance).
I hate how they almost make all dragons with a 4x weakness to ice
And how most bugs types are really under powered