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Bug Pokemon are awesome !!!
Have anyone used a Lead Yanmega before ?
Its awesome, and its semi-un-stoppable.

The only bug i like and i use is scizor that it's not clearly bug it is steel/bug.Have u fight the umbreon of karen the best pokemon of an elite four from all generations of elite fours.But i aggre yanmega is awesome

I did, but i think i OHKO'd it. =P
But yeah, agree'd, not all Bugs are cool.
Heracross is AWSOME! Better than Scizor. By far.
xD that reminded me a greek commercial...
Although i still dont get it.How Heracross is better than Scizor?Because of the resistances?
Scizor is only better cause it has access to Swords Dance, Bullet Punch and Technician.
But Heracross's Guts is still awesome too.
But Scizor might be better when it comes to defending right?That makes no sense anyway...
Scizor is better imo and i still believe it even though i checked the LP pokedex for base stats,abilities etc
Yeah, that's true.
They're both good anyway.
Nah, I'm still thinking that Heracross is better

Great movepool, Guts/ Swarm, decent Attack and acceptable Speed and some fearsome combos.
Scizor may be a threat but you know exactly what you're gonna face.
(23-07-2010 09:00 AM)herooftime Wrote: [ -> ]Scizor may be a threat but you know exactly what you're gonna face.
Yeah, you expect a Bullet Punch, switch to something that resists it, Scizor uses Swords Dance, another Bullet Punch and bang you're team is solo'd.

If you have a Skarmory as wall i dont think thats its gonna get down that easily...And i have never switched another pokemon when facing Scizor/DD users(until now,but i dont battle much anyway).It is expected that the foe expects that you will change pokemon and uses swords dance...Right?
Right, that's why i laugh every time they switch into a Fighting Pokemon when i send out my DD Tyranitr.

scizor and heracross are the only decent bug type
the rest SUCK
bugs dont suck D:
that what u think
bugs still have many weaknesses
i rest my case

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