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Sceptile is like the only decent grass type, otherwise, grass types suck
Venusaur sucks ???
Shaymin sucks ???
BLASPHEMY !!!!!!!!!!111!!1!!!one!!!111!!!!!
Scizor's only good cause it's dual type
Scizor's actually easily defeated if handled properly. the only thing I like about it is the combination of technician, bullet punch, STAB, excellent attack stat. And that's it.
Sceptile's kinda good. Same goes for Shaymin. The else pretty much fail.
Add to these a STAB U-Turn coming from a 130 Base Attack Stat, a great typing with a bunch of resistances and only one (yet serious) weakness and the ability to revenge kill over half of the metagame and you got the single most OU pokemon ;)
Apart from Scizor there are many great bug types like Heracross, Yanma, Pinsir, Shedinja and Butterfree but there are others I can't stand such as Spinarak, Wumple and co. and Burmy.
Unlike many I people, I like grass types. Sceptile, Celebi, Shaymin, Venusaur, Roserade - all of them are great pokemon. Tangela though still annoys me -.-'
Grass types are great, one of my favorite types.
I know i <3 Grass and Ice. (and rock)
dragon is great
little weaknesses
high stats
great special sweeper
I Actually Like Fire,Water,Electric,Dark...
I Hate... Rock,Fighting,Bug
And I Hate Dialga....It Has Not Supereffective And If It Has Wonder Guard You Are...

It is actually weak to Ground and Fighting(two of the most common attacking types) and it can't have Wonder Guard(unless it's hacked of course...)
I love Dialga, give it Magnet Rise and Chople Berry and voila, no weakness and 11 or something resistences.
I hate dark types because they take super effective damage from types that rare any trainer has like bug type.I almost break my ds after the 15th move that it missed in karen pokemons(elite four of pokemon HG/SS)
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