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evry time i try to look at normal, my computer freezes up. i did see the one w/ nincada and lotad.
Normal type is loaded with info and has nothing to do with Pokemon Orgiins. it's a totally different thing.
you know what? i hate normal types. all b/c of that cheap lord pkmn with stats of 120 all across. i bet i aint got no good attacks.
I hate Bug and Grass type.They are worthless.
i like the idea of dark type, but the movepool is awful...although dark was supposed to belong to special attack/defence, most of the damage dealing moves have physical contact, and i think the majority of dark moves affect the status,
bug pokemon are disgusting too
awww i dont like u

bug poke ftw !!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry, Tr41n3R_Darvor_gr, i do like some Pokemon however... Beautifly, Butterfree and the Scyther evolution I like them very much! I don't like bugs like Spinarak, Kricketot and such..
I hate water types,but recently started liking them.
I hate Dark, Ghost and Poison DX
I don't like bug types(although I find scyther & scizor awesome) and poison(even though I like croagunk)
dark and ghost. they exsist to kill each other... whats the point?
i hate ground type and i don't like any pokemon that is in ground type to
I don't like some poison types(I do ,however,adore Roserade),and specific darks.=\
I hate Normal type...Pokemon like Blissey make me mad xD
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