25-07-2010, 10:36 AM
26-07-2010, 04:02 PM
Slaking and Regigigas ftw
Rattata and Biddoof must disappear from pokemon games they are so irritating when encountering them in the wild.Again my english sucked but i hope someone would understand
Rattata and Biddoof must disappear from pokemon games they are so irritating when encountering them in the wild.Again my english sucked but i hope someone would understand
27-07-2010, 11:10 AM
actually your english is good

27-07-2010, 11:55 AM
Yeah, didn't have trouble understanding it at all. 

27-07-2010, 01:08 PM
Hmm... :/
Bug pokemon aren't that bad after all.
Bug pokemon aren't that bad after all.
28-07-2010, 10:41 AM
(27-07-2010 01:08 PM)herooftime Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm... :/
Bug pokemon aren't that bad after all.
Not all bug are good though

28-07-2010, 11:15 AM
They're good when you know how to use them.

They're good when you know how to use them.

30-07-2010, 09:33 AM
None, really. Love Fire types but absolutely hate Heatran. Heatran isn't a type though xD
Bugs are fine: Vespiquen, Syther, Pinsir, Yanmega, and Forretress are great. And yes, Scizor too, though I still use Brick Break to avoid the suicidal effects of Superpower. Honestly never even used Heracross.
If I had to pick a most hated it'd be Poison. Awful on offense, worse on defense, except maybe Muk and Venusaur. They can at least take a beating, though Crobat is quite good as well.
Bugs are fine: Vespiquen, Syther, Pinsir, Yanmega, and Forretress are great. And yes, Scizor too, though I still use Brick Break to avoid the suicidal effects of Superpower. Honestly never even used Heracross.
If I had to pick a most hated it'd be Poison. Awful on offense, worse on defense, except maybe Muk and Venusaur. They can at least take a beating, though Crobat is quite good as well.
30-07-2010, 09:46 AM
Response to above post^: Agreed, all types are good, even Poison, Weezing can work great on walling attacks or stalling, Roserade is absolute kickass if you know how to use it, same for Crobat, Substitute + Brave Bird + Roost is actually a good strategy for him.
And bugs have Ninjask, Scizsor and Butterfree, with Butterfree's 97% accurate Sleep Powder and Ninjask's Speed Boost + Baton Pass, you can tear whole teams with only those two.
And bugs have Ninjask, Scizsor and Butterfree, with Butterfree's 97% accurate Sleep Powder and Ninjask's Speed Boost + Baton Pass, you can tear whole teams with only those two.

30-07-2010, 09:54 AM
Roserade is great, can't believe I forgot it. Most people seem to see it as a Scarf and Sleep powder, but honestly its much better with Energy Ball/Grass knot, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory and a filler is better than an iffy, one-off pot shot. Weezing, never used, but looks good. I think the only reason I haven't used it is because I'm just too lazy to make one and hate Pain Split with a passion.
Every type has its good pokes, and every type has its fails in life (Dunsparce. That thing HAD to be a joke from Game Freak).
Every type has its good pokes, and every type has its fails in life (Dunsparce. That thing HAD to be a joke from Game Freak).
30-07-2010, 10:02 AM
I personally think Roserade works best at lead position IMO.
Roserade @ Focus Sash
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
~ Leaf Storm
~ Sleep Powder
~ Toxic Spikes
~ Protect
I do realize it's weak against Steel and Fire types, but you rarely see those as Leads. (Except for Infernape)
Roserade @ Focus Sash
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
~ Leaf Storm
~ Sleep Powder
~ Toxic Spikes
~ Protect
I do realize it's weak against Steel and Fire types, but you rarely see those as Leads. (Except for Infernape)
05-08-2010, 10:54 AM
(28-07-2010 11:15 AM)sweet-devil Wrote: [ -> ]*facepalm*
They're good when you know how to use them.
Only some are good
scizor and heracross are the best
but weedle and wurmple exc suck are annoying

and stop facepalming me

08-09-2010, 02:08 PM
i hate bug pokemon
08-09-2010, 05:05 PM
i rarely use rock and ground types.they usually have high defence and attack(tyranitar for example) but they are a little slow.i prefer fast pokemon....
09-09-2010, 09:51 PM
For those of you who hate bug types and steel types, I have a simple solution: Get a fire type, burn a few bug and steel types, and you won't find them anywhere near as annoying as you used to think of them