Hello! I´d like to ask you for some help. I´ll participate in a tourney. One of the rules say that half of my team should be of the same type. Since I love grass pokemon, I chose the grass type.
What about this team, then? I´m still planning and I´d really like some suggestions.
Relaxed@Shell Bell
252 HP, 100 Atk, 158 Def
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake
- Payback
Unfortunately, my Bronzong has IV 25 of speed, so Gyro Ball won´t be as powerful as it should be xP Well, you know Bronzong´s walling ability. I love to use Stealth Rock, so I decided to use it. Payback may look retarded (specially when there´s Explosion, Hypnosis and somethings else), but it gives Bronzong more type coverage.
I almost forgot... I can´t use Leftovers, because I´m planning to use it on another pokemon, and the rules also say that I can´t repeat the same item.
Adamant@Focus Sash
?? HP, 252 Atk, ?? Spd
- Earthquake
- Seed Bomb
- Rock Slide
- Rock Polish
Focus Sash will grant Torterra time to use Rock Polish once. I´ll calculate how many EVs it takes for Torterra to be with 198 of speed - enough for beating everything not-stated up that is used. I prefered Seed Bomb over Wood Hammer because I don´t want to kill my own Torterra.
Modest@Wet Rock?
Swift Swim
?? HP, 252 SAtk, ?? Spd
- Rain Dance
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Energy Ball
Same thing as Torterra... I´ll make it have 198 speed to overrun everything fearful while it´s raining. It´s just a special sweeper.
Timid@Wide Lens
6 HP, 252 SAtk, 252 Spd
- Thunder
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Destiny Bond
Wide Lens´ll increase both Thunder and Focus Blast´s horrible accuracu to a slightly better 77. If Ludicolo activates Rain Dance before Gengar is sent out, Thunder won´t ever miss, and may even paralyze. I prefer Focus Blast over Energy Ball just for type coverage...
Natural Cure
252 HP, 252 Def, 6 SDef
- Seismic Toss
- Counter
- Aromatherapy
- Softboiled
Well, a standard countering-blissey. Countering Blisseys aren´t common nowadays, so it may be really surprising for my foes. Since the tourney has recovery-clause (we´re forbitten of using recovery-only moves, like Softboiled, but we can use moves that also damage the opponent, like Drain Punch and Leech Seed), I´m thinking about replacing Softboiled with Shadow Ball, to take away ghosts. What do you think?
Leaf Guard
252 HP, 6 Def, 252 Spd
- Encore
- Sleep Powder
- Aerial Ace
- Leech Seed
My well-known Jumpluff
Of course I´m using it! xD I prefer Chlorophyll, but the only good Hoppip I could breed had Leaf Guard.
What do you think about the team? I tried to balance well its weaknesses...