“Give away love, flowers and many kisses!”

Back to Pokémon reality!
- The EX Deoxys TCG Set is officially being released today!
- Destiny Deoxys is coming out tomorrow, the 15th on DVD and VHS!
You might have noticed lately, that Legendary Pokémon is trying to keep you up to date while working on other projects too. We have always been left behind concerning content and will try to make up for it. More precisely:
- Arty2 is working on a Damage Calculator, which will be available for download soon! He will next concentrate on his Pokédex project.
- TCG Checklists will be added along with scans. Expect to see Base Set, Jungle, Fossil and Team Rocket very soon! I will probably post a Promo list too (eventhough I do not possess many of the promos out there) and the others will possibly be available in less than a month.
- I will keep adding Pokémon in the Pokémon of the Week section, and try to add more flavor to it as well as a Team Building Guide.
- I am also preparing a Pinball Ruby/Sapphire Guide, including values concerning the highscore of the game among other things.
- We will try updating the Deck of the Week section and might as well add a Card of the Week section.
- We will probably upload the animé Opening Videos for you to watch on our site and add the Lyrics from all Pokémon songs ever recorded.
- We hope to obtain more news about Pokémon Colosseum XD and Pokémon Diamond and Pearl along with the newly discovered Pokémon, Rukario.
All we require from you is to support us by visiting the site. We would also like to hear from you in the “Comments” section; how do you find Legendary Pokémon and what you would want/expect to see from us in the future etc.
If we notice an even greater increase in visits per day, we might as well open up the Forums for you to discuss with other Pokémon fans.