General info
- Type
- Normal/Flying
- Ability
- Keen Eye (Accuracy cannot be lowered by an opponent’s move effect)
- Base Stats
- HP: 65
- Attack: 90
- Defense: 65
- Special Attack: 61
- Special Defense: 61
- Speed: 100
- Description
- Online Pokédex
- Click here
Fearow is not all that bad to say the truth, but Pidgeot is overally preferred. It has an average Attack stat and a very good Speed stat. Its Defenses however are kinda low so you might want to protect it from harm when a Pokémon that it has a weakness to, comes out.
- Item Held
- Choice Band (Increases move’s power but only the selected move can be used until switched)
- Nature
- Jolly (+Speed –Special Attack)/Adamant (+Attack –Special Attack)
- Effort Points
- 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Defense
- Moveset
- Quick Attack
- Drill Peck
- Return
- Hidden Power Ground
Role: Physical Sweeper
Drill Peck is strong and reliable and gets STAB and thus can inflict a massive amount of damage. So does Quick Attack and along with a Choice Band this Pokémon can sweep like crazy. Hidden Power Ground is there to counter Electric Types and Return, just in case. Be warned as Choice Band will oblige you to switch once you decide that the move you are using is no longer effective.
Egg Moves
These are the moves Spearow can learn through breeding with Pokémon of the Flying Egg Group, and the Pokémon it can get them from.
False Swipe
Sky Attack
Training Grounds
This section is to advise you on the areas in which you can train for the acquisition of the Effort Points presented above. It is recommended you use 10 vitamins on the stat you desire to raise. Do not use vitamins on stats that require less than 100 Effort Points. Equip the Macho Brace on your Pokémon to speed up the process even more.
- Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
- Attack
- Fish with Super Rod on Route 118 [Carvanha +1]
- Defense
- Any Diving Route [Clamperl +1]
- Granite Cave [Aron +1]
- Victory Road 1F, B1F, B2F [Lairon +2]
- Mt. Pyre [Duskull +1] (Ruby mainly)
- Speed
- Route 118 [Elektrike +1] [Manectric +2] [Zigzagoon +1] [Linoone +2] [Wingull +1]
- Fire Red/Leaf Green
- Attack
- Routes 16, 18 [Doduo +1] [Dodrio +2]
- Defense
- Viridian Forest [Metapod +2] [Kakuna +2]
- Speed
- Routes 13 to 15 [Pidgey +1] [Pidgeotto +2]
- Diglett’s Cave [Diglett +1] [Dugtrio +2]
- Item Held
- Red Scarf
- Contest Moveset
- Agility [Cool]/ Quick Attack [Cool]
- Aerial Ace [Cool]
- Drill Peck [Cool]
- Hyper Beam [Cool]
- If you appeal 1st:
- Round 1: Aerial Ace
- Round 2: Agility/Quick Attack
- Round 3: Aerial Ace
- Round 4: Agility/Quick Attack
- Round 5: Aerial Ace
- If you appeal 2nd, 3rd or 4th:
- Round 1: Agility/Quick Attack
- Round 2: Aerial Ace
- Round 3: Agility/Quick Attack
- Round 4: Aerial Ace
- Round 5: Hyper Beam
This is similar to what I had suggested for Pidgeot and since these Pokémon are so much like I recommend you use the same. This moveset is suited for Cool Contests. You should use Agility followed by Aerial Ace. The other two moves are simply fillers. Simply follow this strategy and you will prevail in the Contest, provided that you take full advantage of the items and the Pokéblocks. Your best deal is to appeal first.
More precisely
Useful Links: If you are not familiar with game language used above, read through the
Stats & Training Guide, the Team Building Guide and the Egg Group Guide. More guides shall be added soon to help you out. If you have suggestions on additional movesets for either Battles or Contests, please post them in the Comments section. I will then evaluate them and probably add some of them, giving you credit.