General info
- Type
- Electric
- Ability
- Static (has 30% chance to paralyze an opponent attacking with a direct move)
- Base Stats
- HP: 60
- Attack: 90
- Defense: 55
- Special Attack: 90
- Special Defense: 80
- Speed: 100
- Description
- Online Pokédex
- Click here
Raichu! The evolution of the all-popular Pikachu and the cute Pichu! Many love it, others hate it! I’m simply a Pokéfan, so I’m neutral about it. Despite its popularity, Raichu is not all that great. Its Defenses are below average and a Physical attack could take it out easily. However, you should take advantage of its Speed and its Trait, Static.
Role #1: Thunderdancer
- Item Held
- Salac Berry (raises Speed when HP are low)/ Petaya Berry (raises Special Attack when HP are low)
- Nature
- Timid (+Speed –Attack)/Modest (+Special Attack –Attack)
- Effort Points
- 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
- Moveset
- Thunder
- Rain Dance
- Thunder Wave
- Hidden Power Water
- Strategy
This one is very common and predictable; you first Rain Dance and then blast opponents with Thunder, hoping for paralysis either by using Thunder, Thunder Wave or Static. Hidden Power Water is there to be even more powered up by Rain Dance but it’s a last solution as a Water attack won’t save you from a Ground Type Pokémon.
Role #2: Special Sweeper
- Item Held
- Salac Berry (raises Speed when HP are low)/ Petaya Berry (raises Special Attack when HP are low)
- Nature
- Timid (+Speed –Attack)/Modest (+Special Attack –Attack)
- Effort Points
- 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
- Moveset
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Agility
- Hidden Power Special
- Strategy
Start off with a Thunder Wave, hoping for a switch and then use Agility. Follow up with Thunderbolt –which is preferable- or a Hidden Power of Special nature such as Ice, Grass or Water.
Egg Moves
These are the moves Pichu can learn through breeding with Pokémon of the Ground and/or the Fairy Egg Group, and the Pokémon it can get them from.
- Bide
- Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry or Meditite/Medicham
- Doubleslap
- Clefairy/Clefable, Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff or Skitty/Delcatty
- Encore
- Clefairy/Clefable, Togepi/Togetic, Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking, Plusle, Minun or Spheal/Sealeo/Walrein
- Present
- Delibird
- Reversal
- Vigoroth/Slaking
- Volt Tackle
- Pikachu holding Light Ball (Emerald only)
- Wish
- Togetic
- Charge
- Elektrike/Manectric, Plusle or Minun
Training Grounds
This section is to advise you on the areas in which you can train for the acquisition of the Effort Points presented above. It is recommended you use 10 vitamins on the stat you desire to raise. Do not use vitamins on stats that require less than 100 Effort Points. Equip the Macho Brace on your Pokémon to speed up the process even more.
- Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
- HP
- Rusturf Tunner [Wishmur +1]
- Special Attack
- Route 113 [Spinda +1]
- Speed
- Route 118 [Elektrike +1] [Manectric +2] [Zigzagoon +1] [Linoone +2] [Wingull +1]
- Fire Red/Leaf Green
- HP
- Viridian Forest [Caterpie +1]
- Special Attack
- Pokemon Tower [Gastly +1] [Haunter +2]
- Speed
- Routes 13 to 15 [Pidgey +1] [Pidgeotto +2]
- Diglett’s Cave [Diglett +1] [Dugtrio +2]
- Item Held
- Red Scarf
- Contest Moveset 1
- Quick Attack [Cool]
- Shock Wave [Cool]
- Thunderbolt [Cool]
- Charge [Cool]
- Item Held
- Pink Scarf
- Contest Moveset 2
- Charm [Cute]
- Sweet Kiss [Cute]
- Tail Whip[Cute]
- Growl [Cute]
Most Electric Pokémon are suited for Cool Type Contest. However, Raichu (or its pre-evolutions, Pichu and Pikachu) applies for Cute Contests very easily, as well.
First of all, make sure to use Quick Attack followed by Shock Wave for a bunch of Cool Appeal Points, which is better used when appealing first. Charge is there but is risky to use and Thunderbolt just in case you cannot do anything else.
For the Cute Contest, make use of Charm which makes a combo with all other 3 moves. You should prefer Tail Whip or Growl when you are last to appeal and Sweet Kiss for all other cases. You’d ask… Why both Tail Whip and Growl? Yes, they have the same effect but you might need to use the same effect in a row. Having both saves you from a penalty.
More precisely
- If you appeal 1st:
- Round 1: Shock Wave or Charm
- Round 2: Quick Attack or Sweet Kiss/Tail Whip/Growl (use either Tail Whip or Growl when you appeal last)
- Round 3: Shock Wave or Charm
- Round 4: Quick Attack or Sweet Kiss/Tail Whip/Growl (use either Tail Whip or Growl when you appeal last)
- Round 5: Shock Wave or Sweet Kiss/Tail Whip/Growl (use either Tail Whip or Growl when you appeal last but not the same as in the previous round)
- If you appeal 2nd or 3rd:
- Round 1: Quick Attack or Charm
- Round 2: Shock Wave or Sweet Kiss/Tail Whip/Growl (use either Tail Whip or Growl when you appeal last)
- Round 3: Quick Attack or Charm
- Round 4: Shock Wave or Sweet Kiss/Tail Whip/Growl (use either Tail Whip or Growl when you appeal last)
- Round 5: Charge or Sweet Kiss/Tail Whip/Growl (use either Tail Whip or Growl when you appeal last but not the same as in the previous round)
- If you appeal 4th:
- Round 1: Quick Attack or Tail Whip/Growl
- Round 2: Shock Wave or Charm
- Round 3: Quick Attack or Sweet Kiss/Tail Whip/Growl (use either Tail Whip or Growl when you appeal last)
- Round 4: Shock Wave or Charm
- Round 5: Charge or Sweet Kiss/Tail Whip/Growl (use either Tail Whip or Growl when you appeal last)
Useful Links: If you are not familiar with game language used above, read through the
Stats & Training Guide, the Team Building Guide and the Egg Group Guide. More guides shall be added soon to help you out. If you have suggestions on additional movesets for either Battles or Contests, please post them in the Comments section. I will then evaluate them and probably add some of them, giving you credit.