General info
- Type
- Poison/Ground
- Ability
- Poison Point (has 30% chance to poison an opponent attacking with a direct move)
- Base Stats
- HP: 90
- Attack: 82
- Defense: 87
- Special Attack: 75
- Special Defense: 85
- Speed: 76
- Description
- Online Pokédex
- Click here
Nidoqueen’s decent Attack stats and Hit Points along with her variable movepool, make this Pokémon quite a versatile sweeper but not a tremendous one. Her below average speed is quite a holdback and her average defences will even help her out even after a super effective hit. Poison Point, might actually be bad since you might prefer to Intoxicate the opponent rather than simply poison him.
Role #1: Physical Sweeper
- Item Held
- Leftovers (Recovers a small amount of Hit Points at the end of each round)
- Nature
- Adamant (+Attack –Special Attack)
- Effort Points
- 252 Attack, 252 Defense, 6 HP
- Moveset
- Sludge Bomb
- Earthquake
- Brick Break/Superpower
- Aerial Ace/Shadow Ball/Rock Slide
- Strategy
As you can see, lots of choices here! Sludge Bomb and Earthquake get a STAB so they must be used with this set. A fighting move, such as Brick Break, or even the stronger Superpower are there to counter Steel types (eventhough I think Earthquake is quite enough). Aerial Ace mostly for non-pure grass types, Shadow Ball to cover Nidoqueen’s Psychic weakness, or Rock Slide for Ice and Flying types. Choose your set and sweep!
Role #2: Annoyer
- Item Held
- Leftovers (Recovers a small amount of Hit Points at the end of each round)
- Nature
- Impish (+Defense –Special Attack)
- Effort Points
- 252 HPk, 129 Defense, 129 Special Defense
- Moveset
- Focus Punch
- Earthquake
- Flatter
- Attract
- Strategy
Avoid this set against a special sweeper! Use Flatter and Attract then hope for a miss and Focus Punch your way to victory!
Egg Moves
These are the moves Nidoran F. can learn through breeding with Pokémon of the Ground and/or Monster Egg Group, and the Pokémon it can get them from.
- Beat Up
- Sneasel
- Counter
- Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking
- Disable
- Psyduck/Golduck, Slowpoke/Slowbro/Slowking or Lickitung
- Supersonic
- Lickitung or Whismur/Loudred/Exploud
- Take Down
- Growlithe/Arcanine, Ponyta/Rapidash, Seel/Dewgong, Rhyhorn/Rhydon, Tauros, Eevee, Dunsparce, Snubull/Granbull or Swinub/Piloswine
- Charm
- Pichu, Snubull/Granbull or Skitty/Delcatty
- Focus Energy
- Rattata/Raticate, Nidoran M., Mankey/Primape, Cubone/Marowak, Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken, Vigoroth/Slaking or Numel/Camerupt
Training Grounds
This section is to advise you on the areas in which you can train for the acquisition of the Effort Points presented above. It is recommended you use 10 vitamins on the stat you desire to raise. Do not use vitamins on stats that require less than 100 Effort Points. Equip the Macho Brace on your Pokémon to speed up the process even more.
- Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
- HP
- Rusturf Tunner [Wishmur +1]
- Attack
- Fish with Super Rod on Route 118 [Carvanha +1]
- Defense
- Any Diving Route [Clamperl +1]
- Granite Cave [Aron +1]
- Victory Road 1F, B1F, B2F [Lairon +2]
- Mt. Pyre [Duskull +1] (Ruby mainly)
- Special Defense
- Route 114 [Lotad +1] [Lombre +2] (Sapphire only)
- Mt. Pyre [Duskull +1] (Ruby mainly)
- Any Sea Route [Tentacool +1] [Tentacruel +2]
- Speed
- Route 118 [Elektrike +1] [Manectric +2] [Zigzagoon +1] [Linoone +2] [Wingull +1]
- HP
- Viridian Forest [Caterpie +1]
- Attack
- Routes 16, 18 [Doduo +1] [Dodrio +2]
- Defense
- Viridian Forest [Metapod +2] [Kakuna +2]
- Special Defense
- Any Sea Route [Tentacool +1] [Tentacruel +2]
- Speed
- Routes 13 to 15 [Pidgey +1] [Pidgeotto +2]
- Diglett’s Cave [Diglett +1] [Dugtrio +2]
- Item Held
- Yellow Scarf
- Contest Moveset
- Take Down [Tough]
- Tackle [Tough]
- Endure [Tough]/Rain Dance [Tough]
- Earthquake [Tough]/ Thunder [Cool]
As I’ve said, Tough Contests offer more Jam points than Appeal points. This is no different; Take Down and Tackle offer good Appeal points and you should use them cautiously. Take Down might of course, give away more points than Tackle but the Jam effects will hurt you even more! Endure is there to protect you and give you an average amount of points, while Earthquake is mostly there to Jam! You could use the alternative set, Rain Dance (which is also a Tough move) and Thunder which despite its Cool classification, will combo well with Rain Dance and Jam your opponents. Since this is so variable, I cannot really guide you step by step! Try experimenting and watching your opponents. You will then be able to predict their moves and either appeal, protect yourself, or Jam them!
Useful Links: If you are not familiar with game language used above, read through the
Stats & Training Guide, the Team Building Guide and the Egg Group Guide. More guides shall be added soon to help you out. If you have suggestions on additional movesets for either Battles or Contests, please post them in the Comments section. I will then evaluate them and probably add some of them, giving you credit.