“The Website Previously Known as Legendary Pokémon.”

Legacy, News

New Games Info!

by Eraleas

I am finally back from my summer vacation; back to work that is! We’ve all been away for some time so it’s time to catch up.

First of all, our condolenses to the families of the 121 victims of the airplane crash tragedy, north of Athens. May God rest their immortal souls.

Back to Pokémon reality, 3 new games have been revealed.
Pokémon Ranger which will be an Action RPG for the Nintendo DS, supposedly based on the next Pokémon movie, where you take the role of a Pokémon Ranger and use Pokémon to defend nature.
Pokémon Puzzle which will be a puzzle game for the Nintendo DS.
Pokémon Mysterious Dungeon which will come in two different versions. Red Rescue Force for GBA and Blue Rescue Force for the DS.

We expect to receive more info on these upcoming games. However no additional news for Diamond and Pearl have been revealed in this issue. Quite disappointing if you ask me!

As you all may know Pokémon XD was out in Japan the 8th of August. We shall try to create a section soon, to add all available info on this game.

That is pretty much all! Expect Ninetales as the Pokémon of the Week in a few days, as well as a few more surprises since the site’s 4th birthday is approaching!