General info
- Type
- Fire
- Ability
- Flash Fire (When the user is hit by a damaging Fire type move, the user’s Fire type moves deal 1.5 times damage and is immune to Fire type moves and effects.)
- Base Stats
- HP: 73
- Attack: 76
- Defense: 75
- Special Attack: 81
- Special Defense: 100
- Speed: 100
- Description
- Online Pokédex
Ninetales! A mystical and beautiful Pokémon with no Uber stats but awesome Special Defense which can become a perfect Special Sponge. Its Special Attack is not too great but not too low either. Two different movesets are viable:
Click here
- Item Held
- Leftovers (Recovers a small amount of Hit Points at the end of each round)
- Nature
- Calm (+Special Defense –Attack)
- Effort Points
- 252 Special Defense, 129 Defense, 129 HP
- Moveset
- Will-O-Wisp
- Roar/Confuse Ray
- Flamethrower
- Safeguard/Filler
Role #1: Pyroshuffler
Start by Will ‘O Wisp-ing the opponent and sending him away using Roar. Confuse Ray is also an option to create that shuffling effect. Flamethrower is there for STAB and muscle, while Safeguard is there to protect you. Watch out for those Ground types however, since they can take out Ninetales much easier than Water types.
Role #2: Annoyer
- Toxic
- Confuse Ray
- Fire Spin
- Flamethrower
This one is kinda obvious, really! Toxic and Confuse Ray create a mayhem of annoyance while Fire Spin works like Mean Look here, only that it will slowly eats away your opponent’s HP round by round. Flamethrower is to finish off or use when all of the three conditions have been induced.
Egg Moves
These are the moves Vulpix can learn through breeding with Pokémon of the Ground Egg Group. Click here for the Pokémon it can get them from.
Training Grounds
This section is to advise you on the areas in which you can train for the acquisition of the Effort Points presented above. It is recommended you use 10 vitamins on the stat you desire to raise. Do not use vitamins on stats that require less than 100 Effort Points. Equip the Macho Brace on your Pokémon to speed up the process even more.
- Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
- HP
- Rusturf Tunner [Wishmur +1]
- Defense
- Any Diving Route [Clamperl +1]
- Granite Cave [Aron +1]
- Victory Road 1F, B1F, B2F [Lairon +2]
- Mt. Pyre [Duskull +1] (Ruby mainly)
- Special Defense
- Route 114 [Lotad +1] [Lombre +2] (Sapphire only)
- Mt. Pyre [Duskull +1] (Ruby mainly)
- Any Sea Route [Tentacool +1] [Tentacruel +2]
- Fire Red/Leaf Green
- HP
- Viridian Forest [Caterpie +1]
- Defense
- Viridian Forest [Metapod +2] [Kakuna +2]
- Special Defense
- Any Sea Route [Tentacool +1] [Tentacruel +2]
- Item Held
- Blue Scarf
- Contest Moveset 1
- Flamethrower [Beauty]
- Overheat [Beauty]
- Sunny Day [Beauty]
- Fire Spin [Beauty]
- Item Held
- Green Scarf
- Contest Moveset 2
- Faint Attack [Smart]
- Quick Attack [Cool]
- Confuse Ray [Smart]
- Hidden Power [Smart]
- Item Held
- Red Scarf
- Contest Moveset 3
- Faint Attack [Smart]
- Quick Attack [Cool]
- Roar [Cool]
- Hyper Beam[Cool]
Vulpix and Ninetales, as Fire type Pokémon are mostly suited for Beauty type Contests. However, some of its moves are also good for Smart and Cool Contests, with only a few differences between the two.
Flamethrower and Overheat are there for many Appeal points, while Fire Spin stops the crowd from growing excited which will give you some control over the extra points you will receive. Sunny Day combos with all three moves but is best used when the crowd is excited.
Quick Attack will put you in first place which opens the way for a high-appealing Faint Attack. Confuse Ray may cause a similar effect, but use it only if you need to apply for bonus Smart points. Hidden Power is can be used repeatedly without bothering the judge.
Again, use the Quick Attack and Faint Attack combo. You may use Roar instead of Quick Attack and finish off with Hyper Beam. It is just too bad Ninetales cannot learn Aerial Ace, which would work a lot better than Faint Attack.
More precisely
- If you appeal 1st:
- Round 1: Flamethrower or Faint Attack
- Round 2: Sunny Day or Quick Attack/Confuse Ray/Roar
- Round 3: Fire Spin/Flamethrower/Overheat (prefer Overheat if you are the last to appeal) or Faint Attack/Hidden Power
- Round 4: Sunny Day or Quick Attack/Confuse Ray/Roar
- Round 5: Fire Spin/Flamethrower/Overheat (prefer Overheat if you are the last to appeal) or Faint Attack/Hidden Power/Hyper Beam
- If you appeal 2nd, 3rd or4th:
- Round 1:Flamethrower/Overheat (prefer Overheat if you are the last to appeal) or Quick Attack/Confuse Ray/Roar/Hidden Power
- Round 2: Sunny Day or Faint Attack/Hidden Power
- Round 3: Flamethrower/Overheat (prefer Overheat if you are the last to appeal) or Quick Attack/Confuse Ray/Roar/Hidden Power
- Round 4: Sunny Day or Faint Attack/Hidden Power
- Round 5: Flamethrower/Overheat (prefer Overheat if you are the last to appeal) or Faint Attack/Hidden Power/Hyper Beam
Useful Links: If you are not familiar with game language used above, read through the
Stats & Training Guide, the Team Building Guide and the Egg Group Guide. More guides shall be added soon to help you out. If you have suggestions on additional movesets for either Battles or Contests, please post them in the Comments section. I will then evaluate them and probably add some of them, giving you credit.