General info
- Type
- Grass/Poison
- Ability
- Chlorophyll (When sunny, The Pokémon’s Speed doubles. However, Speed will not double on the turn weather becomes Clear Skies.)
- Base Stats
- HP: 75
- Attack: 80
- Defense: 85
- Special Attack: 100
- Special Defense: 90
- Speed: 50
- Description
- Online Pokédex
- Click here
Vileplume is an underused, classic Grass/Poison Pokémon. However, it annoys me to see that Vileplume is rarely ever used, as it is a decent Pokémon. After a proper training, all of its stats will prove to be above average and learn some pretty good moves. If you ever encounter a Pokémon with Chlorophyll, beware as chances are that they have Sunny Day, which along with its ability, have will have its Speed doubled! Using a status inducing move will possibly fail as Aromatherapy can do the trick.
Role #1: Healer/Special Sweeper
- Item Held
- Petaya Berry (raises Special Attack when HP are low)
- Nature
- Timid (+Speed –Attack)
- Effort Points
- 252 Special Attack, 129 Special Defense, 129 HP
- Moveset
- Sunny Day
- Solarbeam
- Hidden Power Fire
- Aromatherapy
- Strategy
This is the typical Sunnybeamer strategy which combined with Hidden Power Fire can work pretty well. However, setting that Sunny Day may cause you problems since Vileplume’s Speed without the beneficial effects of Chlorophyll is quite low. Aromatherapy is there to counter status inducing moves and your opponent will think twice before inducing you with a status after seeing you using it once at least.
Role #2: Annoyer
- Item Held
- Liechi Berry (raises Attack when HP are low)
- Nature
- Impish(+Defense, -Special Attack)
- Effort Points
- 252 HP, 129 Special Defense, 129 Defense
- Moveset
- Sludge Bomb
- Toxic
- Attract
- Moonlight/Swords Dance
- Strategy
When Confuse Ray isn’t the case, then Attract is a close, ideal, second choice. You intoxicate, attract and pump up with Swords Dance or heal up with Moonlight. You then start sweeping using the all powerful STAB, Sludge Bomb.
Role #3: Physical Sweeper
- Item Held
- Salac Berry (raises Speed when HP are low)
- Nature
- Adamant (+Attack –Special Attack)
- Effort Points
- 252 Attack, 128 Speed, 129 Defense
- Moveset
- Swords Dance
- Sludge Bomb
- Hidden Power Fighting
- Sunny Day
- Strategy
A Vileplume has indeed an above average Attack stat and its dual typed nature halps it become a good but slow Physical Sweeper. Swords Dance and Sludge Bomb create a mayhem of pain while the risk of poison is high. Hidden Power Fighting is really good against Rock, Ground, Steel and Ice since you no longer possess a Grass move. Sunny Day is there to pump up your Speed. However, you could replace it with Sleep Powder.
Egg Moves
These are the moves Oddish can learn through breeding with Pokémon of the Plant Egg Group. Click here for the Pokémon it can get them from..
- Amnesia
- Swords Dance
- Razor Leaf
- Flail
- Synthesis
- Charm
- Ingrain
- Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
- HP
- Rusturf Tunner [Wishmur +1]
- Attack
- Fish with Super Rod on Route 118 [Carvanha +1]
- Defense
- Any Diving Route [Clamperl +1]
- Granite Cave [Aron +1]
- Victory Road 1F, B1F, B2F [Lairon +2]
- Mt. Pyre [Duskull +1] (Ruby mainly)
- Special Attack
- Route 113 [Spinda +1]
- Special Defense
- Route 114 [Lotad +1] [Lombre +2] (Sapphire only)
- Mt. Pyre [Duskull +1] (Ruby mainly)
- Any Sea Route [Tentacool +1] [Tentacruel +2]
- Fire Red/Leaf Green
- HP
- Viridian Forest [Caterpie +1]
- Attack
- Routes 16, 18 [Doduo +1] [Dodrio +2]
- Defense
- Viridian Forest [Metapod +2] [Kakuna +2]
- Special Attack
- Pokemon Tower [Gastly +1] [Haunter +2]
- Special Defense
- Any Sea Route [Tentacool +1] [Tentacruel +2]
- Item Held
- Green Scarf
- Contest Moveset 1
- Hidden Power [Smart]
- Sweet Scent [Smart]
- Poison Powder/Sleep Powder/Stun Spore [Smart]
- Absorb [Smart]
Training Grounds
This section is to advise you on the areas in which you can train for the acquisition of the Effort Points presented above. It is recommended you use 10 vitamins on the stat you desire to raise. Do not use vitamins on stats that require less than 100 Effort Points. Equip the Macho Brace on your Pokémon to speed up the process even more.
Smart Contests are mostly based on Jamming the opponents than gaining many Appeal Points yourself. Keeping this in mind, use the above moveset under this motive. Hidden Power is a Smart move that can be used each round without bothering the Judge and it gives away three Appeal Points. Sweet Scent and one of the status inducing Powders form a nice, highly Jamming combo, while Absorb is there as a filler. Since this moveset does not depend one who appeals first or last, I cannot guide you precisely. You should watch your opponents’ moves and act accordingly.
Useful Links: If you are not familiar with game language used above, read through the
Stats & Training Guide, the Team Building Guide and the Egg Group Guide. More guides shall be added soon to help you out. If you have suggestions on additional movesets for either Battles or Contests, please post them in the Comments section. I will then evaluate them and probably add some of them, giving you credit.