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Oh yes.That's why I couldn't find it in the TMs!
One question.I'm at the MT.Coronet.What is the move I need to climb that strange rocks?I haven't found it yet...
It's rock Climb. You must first pass to the other side of the Mountain(When you enter from Celestic town head straight up and follow the road). You will find it in a Pokeball in the snow above a house.
can i have some opinions on a movepool for vespiquen?
attack order
heal order
defense order
its suppose to be a tank( obviously). i just wanted to know if its good.
oh, and has anyone beten the E4 yet?i have! last sunday.
treecko3453 Wrote:can i have some opinions on a movepool for vespiquen?
attack order
heal order
defense order
Looks pretty good. How about Confuse Ray and Power Gem? Confuse Ray for more annoying while setting up your Defend Orders and Power Gem covers two of Vespiquen's weaknesses, Fire and Flying. But Attack Order is much better so go with it.
does anyone know the chance of scoring a critical hit with night slash on absol who's ability is super luck and is holding a scope lens?
I really don´t know.

But I guess it´s the same of when you use Focus Energy... By the way, the max chance of critical hit that you have is 50%, you can´t have more than this.
Is it possible to deposit items on D/P? At the pokemon centers there´s only a option to see my mails and something else on my PC...
no, but i think the bag holds at least 999 of all items.other things like tms only have 99 i think.
... by hacking. its really not a 'legal' pokemon.
treecko3453 Wrote:no, but i think the bag holds at least 999 of all items.other things like tms only have 99 i think.
It´s not exactly what I meant... Isn´t there a limit of types of items that I can carry? Like, if I have 30 different items my bag won´t let me have another different item, or something like this...
And, hey, where is the move deleter and the move "re-learner"? (I wanna make my Vespiquen learn defend order and make it forget Cut >.<)
the move deleter is in canalave city, unfortunately. the 6th badge. the move releaner is in pastoria city. and i think with the items, you can hold every single item at once, as in my diamond, i have almost all items.
Nice... but now I regret to teach Cut to Vespiquen.
lol. you shouold have taught it to a budew. thats what i do. budew and geodude. the best hm pokemons!
I did that... but I had to deposit my Budew for hatching Happiny´s egg. And then I found an item behind a tree which needed to be cut...
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