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Random places(use the poketch up, w/e it's called >.<). You need the National Dex.
I'ne got it..also been to Pal Park.I'm just asking,am I missing anything in the story? Is there something else I could do?
No, just search in random places, just like lati@s and legendary dogs.
Guys!He is asking about the Battle Tower!Just Fly at the Fight Area (The name is possibly wrong because I don't remember it correctly and the Ds isn't near) where the ship left you.There are three possible ways to go.The upper lead you to the Stark Mountain.The next is the Battle Tower.
Thanks and it is Fight Area!!
Oh! And something else...has anyone found out something about the mystery gift via WFC?
I don't know anything about that.Does anyone knows what's the purpose of the Lady who has lost her keys at Valor Lakefront?
As far as I can remember you find the keys and you give them to her.
Search around the place she is.I think you need to use Rock Smash. And also don't forget to use the Itemfinder.
Oops, i thought u meant Cresselia, sorry Intruder

Yeah I figured ( just now though! ). np..thanks anyway!
BLUE Wrote:Does anyone knows what's the purpose of the Lady who has lost her keys at Valor Lakefront?
Get out of the hotel and use the itemfinder. You will find the keys very easy. Go and give them to her and you will earn a lava cookie for your trouble. A big prize indeed!
Wow, so she lost more than one key? She´s quite carefree xD
Hey, how much does Wide/Zoom Lens increase your accuracy?
Wide Lens: +10%
Zoom Lens: +20% if your Pokémon hits last
Help me, pleeease!!!
Don´t Ganlon berries have the same dryness and sourness?So why when I feed my Feebas with it the smartness increases really more than its beautiness???
By the way, all my poffins are bitter-dry, lv 36 and smooth 39.
I have a Mew that is propably Hacked because its OT is an in-game Name.The Mew is Level 100.I am trying it to give it through the GTS and it says "That Pokemon may not be traded." The Mew is not in a cherish ball and does not have Classic Ribbon.Do you no what happens.
If a pokemon has a classic ribbon, it cant be traded.
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