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BLUE Wrote:The Mew is not in a cherish ball and does not have Classic Ribbon.
It is propably hacked, because I've heard that a hacked pokemon,cannot enter GTS
But there are so many hacked Pokemon in the GTS...
Thanks for reporting that.
Even though I understand nothing with the edits, I'll just say that Pokémon in a Cherish Ball can't enter the GTS.
And Aluado, maybe your Feebas has a nature that decreases its Beauty or increases its Toughness? Check it
hacked pokemon can enter GTS because i have been traded a hacked pokemon and i gave it back of course!
I don´t know about it, I have no wi-fi connector

About my Feebas... It has a Bold nature. I fed it with a bitter-dry poffin, made with a ganlon berry. I don´t know, maybe ganlons are not so good for dry poffins (what is odd, because it has the same level of dryness and bitterness)
That's normal. Bold nature makes Feebas like Sour (tough) poffins. So its toughness will go up more than its beauty.
And Arty2, I just noticed that in the natures page in the site, it says "Though" instead of "Tough".

@Ninjomewtwo: I said IT IS NOT IN A CHERISH BALL!That's why I am asking...
any1 knw what i do the rock at the end of road 224?
try chewing it,might work as food
If I´m not mistaken, a new path will open on that rock to the Flower Paradise if you have Oak´s Letter. There, you´ll find Shaymin. But... you can get the Oak´s Letter only by nintendo events...
Ninjomewtwo Wrote:That's normal. Bold nature makes Feebas like Sour (tough) poffins. So its toughness will go up more than its beauty.
I didn´t make Sour Poffins... I made bitter-dry ones!
see!!i told you!i were right...
Aluado Wrote:Help me, pleeease!!!
Don´t Ganlon berries have the same dryness and sourness?
That's what I saw. But whatever, I don't know. And Blue, idk too then.
Never mind me then, I guess I didn´t typed it rightly XP Ganlon berries are bitter and dry and not sour

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