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Well, I guess this was expectable because there are so many other people who played Diamond or Pearl before me and they could imagine this combination.Your Arcanine wasn't burnt though, was he?
no, he wasnt. i wonder if poison types can be poisoned with the toxic orb. i'll try it.
I think that neither the poison type nor the steel type can be poisoned.We can use this, as well as Lopunny's ability with trick, in order to give the item to the enemy.
Hey, where do we revive the fossils? I just can´t remember...

Go to the Mining Museum in Oreburgh City

Really? I´ll go there later,then. I´m stuck at Stark Mountain right now.

I want someone to explain me about the Pokeradar.They say, that when the grass that moves, shines,it is a shiny Pokemon.What do they mean by saying "shines" ?I am asking that, because I have seen many times a "shiny grass" , but no shining Pokemon!
Quoting PMJ's walkthrough: You'll see tiles with a yellow sparkle on it; these are not shiny. Shiny tiles have four white dots that flash. You'll know it when you see it.
Well, I have the same problem. I have found one shiny and that was without the help of the PokéRadar.
It doesn´t mean that it´s only possible to find a shiny one with the radar. It´s just "easier" to find with the pokeradar.
it doesnt make it easier. it just shows if there is a shiny about.
And it shows the exact tile where the shiny is. Just be sure to use Max Repels and step only on tiles that move in the same way as the first one to prevent your Pokémon chaining from being ruined.
How much do Wide/Zoom Lens increase my moves´ accuracy?
Ninjomewtwo Wrote:And it shows the exact tile where the shiny is. Just be sure to use Max Repels and step only on tiles that move in the same way as the first one to prevent your Pokémon chaining from being ruined.
Or just "CUT" the surrounding tiles
Ok...I'm finished with the Stark Mountain,caught the pokemon what?
edit: Somebody remind me where is that @@@@ battle tower!
I can't seem to remember and wasted a LOT of time trying to find it but with no luck at all!
go at valor lakefrond: the fat man who wasn't allowing you to go to the next sity has disapeared! then go to the next sity and...take your last gim badge!
Eh? What gum badge?
I've benn through the Elite Four ( 5 ) twice...I've been in both Iron Island and the island where you meet
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