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HP - Shellos/Bidoof - Valley Windworks
Attack - Machoke/Bibarel - Route 211 East
Defense - Graveler/Onix - Iron Mountain
Special Attack - Gastly/Haunter - Old Chateau
Special Defense - Tentacool/Tentacruel - Route 220 or anywhere you surf
Speed - Staravia/Pikachu - Trophy Garden
Here I come again...
How does Unburden works? Like, how much higher will become Drifblim´s speed? 1,5 times, like Guts/Quick Feet or 2 times, like Swift Swim?
And which stats are powered up by Cherrim´s Flower Gift?
Here is what I found in Smogon's forums:
Unburden - This only activates when the Ghost Balloon loses/uses its currently held item. Ergo, currently the previous thought, that means it will never activate if the Ghost Balloon has no item to begin with. When Unburden does active, it becomes an auto-Agility, meaning that the Ghost Balloon's Speed doubles. Of course, like most everything, additional confirmation is encouraged.
As you can see, they are not sure either. That was all I could find.
yeah, i like unburden. it works well with a moveset for drifblim i made. better than aftermath.
an i think sp.atk is powered up for flower gift, aluado.
Does the flame orb works with a Pokemon that has flash fire?
Nice idea... I never thought about this possibility with flame orb. I´ll try it later!

aluado, flower gift increases attack and sp.atk. i dont know how much though. it was on serebii.
Yeah, I found it on serebii yesterday too.

Well, I´ve no time to get a Flame Orb... I still didn´t even battled on the battle tower.

Sorry, Blue! Hey, won´t anybody test that???
I will try it after I beat the Elite Four.If it works you should say to anyone who uses it that it was my idea!!! (Just kidding, although I would like to have the copyright

i have one, i will try it, later today. i will update, so have no fear, treecko is here!!!!!
BLUE Wrote:I will try it after I beat the Elite Four.If it works you should say to anyone who uses it that it was my idea!!! (Just kidding, although I would like to have the copyright
Well, using Gyro Ball on Bronzong and Aerial Ace, Encore, Leech Seed and Sleep Powder on Jumpluff were my ideas too, but who cares???

i though abouth using gyro ball first, but you did with trick room.^^
But there is a Bronzong in game which uses Gyro Ball.It is quite obvious.I didn't talk about a moveset but about a combination of an item and an ability.And after all, I was just joking!
BLUE Wrote:I was just joking!
Me too!

I guess I was too convincent, don´t? I should be an actor... xD
no, dont be an actor. DONT ba an actor. and i am well aware of lucians bronzong. i've beaten the e4 more than 75 times, ithink. lol. think.
oh i forgot, i tried the flash fire/flame orb. it doesnt arcanine almost fainted fighting a lv 45 gyarados! my arcanine was only at lv 53, though.
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