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Pokemon X and Y E3 Presentation

by pekinoua

Electronics Entertainment Expo 2013 is just around the corner and for the first time Pokémon will have the biggest presence there ever. GameXplain revealed on Twitter that The Pokémon Company is planning a 90 minutes long presentation on June 11th. The panel will include Junichi Masuda, director of GameFreak and Tsunekazu Ishihara, President & CEO of The Pokémon Company and there will also be a Q&A session.

The presentation starts at 6PM Pacific Time. On a sidenote, Nintendo just announced that on the same day an E3 Nintendo Direct will air at 7AM Pacific Time detailing their latest games.

Update: The official Japanese site’s updated to say that there will be news about Pokémon X&Y this Wednesday. This will probably be at the same time with the E3 Pokémon Presentation. Also, Pokémon Smash will feature at least one new Pokémon this week, most likely something that will be revealed this Wednesday.