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(27-09-2013 05:20 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]Well,I wonder who will catch the legendary Pokemons.Toungue
You know,4 people will try to catch 3 Pokemon.Who will stay without a legendary?Toungue

Actually, counting GR and his Mewtwo, there are 5 trainers and 5 legendary Pokemon.

So, what do y'all think of Silver's goal to send Team GalacticRocket and Giovanni to the Shadow World? (which would kill them)

(27-09-2013 05:21 PM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah i like my char, and the chapter was good Big Grin
I'm glad you liked your character and the Chapter. I've really put a lot of time into this story!

Warning!It may be a spoiler (Click to View)
(27-09-2013 05:45 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]@GD

Warning!It may be a spoiler (Click to View)

I don't get Arceus. I'm not saying who gets which one either! You just have to wait and see.
Why would everything go white if we got teleported to the Shadow World?
(27-09-2013 11:39 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Why would everything go white if we got teleported to the Shadow World?
Why, indeed?
This calls for speculation!!!
Does it have anything to do with the beginning part of Chapter 1?
So I'm 455 words into Chapter 15 and I've got writer's block. I know where I want to take the story, I'm just not sure how to get there.
Also, this Chapter has a title.
Chapter 15 ~ Arcedion
(Amidst the whiteness of the portal, our trainers hear a voice. It is Arceus)

Arceus: Aaron, Alcovich, Crystal, and Leo. Long before you were born, you were chosen to for this very purpose—to help me rid my Dimension of a Dark Arceus. On Earth, time is at a standstill so you will not lose years of your lives.

Aaron: Your Dimension? Why aren’t we in the Shadow World?

Arceus: When the Light Chain hit me, it destroyed the Dark Chain and I changed the destination of the portal at the last second. My Dimension consists of a world much like your own, except, it is inhabited only by the Arceus race. Each Arceus has its own name. I’m named after my race because I am the heir to the throne of Arcedion (pronounced Arc-eh-die-on). However, my twin brother, Arkeus became jealous and absorbed the power of the Midnight Plate. The Midnight Plate was created to channel the powers of the demon god, Scrion while the Rainbow Plate was created to channel the powers of the angelic goddess, Angicon. Scrion’s demonic energies corrupted Arkeus and he now goes by Darkeus. I was battling him when, somehow, I was born into a black void, in which I created your world.

Leo: What are we supposed to do?

Arceus: I shall link each of you with Dialga, Palkia, Giratina or myself. Since they are all part of me, I shall be able to draw upon your strength so I can absorb the power of the Rainbow Plate. It is the only way. Aaron, I shall link Giratina’s power to you. You shall gain the ability to control the Shadow Force. Crystal, I shall link Palkia’s power to you. You will be able to teleport. Leo, I shall link Dialga’s power to you. You will be able to control the speed of time. Finally, Alcovich, your strong heart and your love of taking care of the Pokémon make you worthy of being linked to my own power. You will be able to Purify Darkeus with Judgment after we absorb the power of the Rainbow Plate. If all of you focus, then you can use their moves too. (Breathes on the trainers and links them to the Legendary Pokémon) The Rainbow Plate will be guarded by the Grimdarks, the followers of Darkeus. (They emerge from the portal) We have arrived. I must depart and gather followers now. It is up to you four to get the Rainbow Plate. It should be at the Temple of the Rainbow which right over the next hill. The Temple of the Rainbow is where we worship the goddess, Angicon.


(Arcedion is in a parallel dimension to ours. It was once a peaceful planet very similar to Earth but now it is now a dark and dreary place due to the influence of Darkeus. The only visible life is the Arceions themselves. There are about two billion of them. All plants have died and all water has evaporated, leaving a barren wasteland. Most are loyal to Darkeus but a few have rebelled for the last 20,000 years. Arceions live for 2,000,000 years. One is born every 1,000 years.)

(Temple of the Rainbow)

(as our trainers approach the Temple of the Rainbow, four Grimdarks appear!)

Grimdarks: What are you and why have you come to the forbidden temple?

Alcovich: We are humans and we’ve come to dethrone Darkeus!

Grimdarks: THEN YOU SHALL DIE!!!! (all four use Dark Energy Pulse)

Crystal: NOO!!!! (teleports the trainers away from the blast)

Aaron: I’ll show them! (focuses his mind and summons the power of the
Shadow Force) (Aaron uses Shadow Wind) (All Grimdarks faint)

Alcovich: That was easy!

(the trainers ascend the stairs)

Crystal: There’s the Rainbow Plate! (She grabs it but the ground
starts shaking)

Leo: What’s happening?

(Darkeus descends)(Darkeus is about 3 times the size of a normal Arceion)

(Darkeus’s body is mostly black with some purplish-grey. Where a regular Arceus has a smooth golden wheel-like appendage, Darkeus has a ragged edged, purplish-grey wheel with streaks of blood red and white all across it that resemble veins.)

Darkeus: WHO DARES ENTER THE RAINBOW TEMPLE? I AM YOUR GOD!!!!!! (prepares to attack) (Crystal is able to teleport the trainers far away before Darkeus levels the ancient temple)

Alcovich: Dang!! THAT is what we have to fight?!?!?!?!?!?

Aaron: At least we got the Rainbow Plate. Now we just need to find Arceus again.

It will take me some time to fully understand this chapter.
I forgot to leave a reply. It gets better and better.
(01-10-2013 02:39 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]O.O

It will take me some time to fully understand this chapter.

What don't you understand?

What do y'all think of Darkeus?
If you could draw Darkeus it would cool. Toungue
(01-10-2013 08:34 PM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]If you could draw Darkeus it would cool. Toungue

I'll try but don't expect anything anytime soon.

Darkeus,Arcedion,Arceions and Grimdarks

Too many new names!
My brain will explode!
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