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nice. you seem to be getting better at narration and , how should i say this , information/sentence compression , If you know what i mean. You know , fewer words , better explanation/description of what's happening.

looking good , keep it up
There are 2 evil teams GalacticRocket and PlasmaRocket?
(02-07-2013 10:48 AM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]There are 2 evil teams GalacticRocket and PlasmaRocket?

No, I just mistyped it. It's just GalacticRocket. Thanks for catching that!
(02-07-2013 06:43 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-07-2013 10:48 AM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]There are 2 evil teams GalacticRocket and PlasmaRocket?

No, I just mistyped it. It's just GalacticRocket. Thanks for catching that!

No problem, that's what online friends are for. Toungue
Chapter 5 3/4
Alcovich: Man, I really want an Eevee. They're so cute!

Alcovich (fighting Boss Galacket): Hold on a second... (completely heals entire team)
Boss Galacket: WHAT! That's not fair!

Team Galacket! Did Cyrus and Giovanni join forces to defend each other against any prodigal Trainers that may stand in their way? And what about Ghestis? I bet he's so lonely...

Did the Shuppet/Magnemite need training or something? Or was No. 412 a trainee earning his stripes?

And I see you use the move "Astonish" a lot in your battles... Astonish is a pretty weak move, at least imo.

I promise, I will not type one more post until I finish Chapter Four of G'KA.
(03-07-2013 12:11 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Team Galacket! Did Cyrus and Giovanni join forces to defend each other against any prodigal Trainers that may stand in their way? And what about Ghestis? I bet he's so lonely...
Nope. Who said anything about Cyrus and Giovanni? Team Rocket and Team Galactic joined forces for a completely different reason.
There's not going to be any Gen 5 characters or Pokemon in this Fanfic. aka no Ghestis.

(03-07-2013 12:11 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Did the Shuppet/Magnemite need training or something? Or was No. 412 a trainee earning his stripes?
Neither is correct. No.412 is a scientist who was sent to safeguard the Resurgence Tablet.

(03-07-2013 12:11 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]And I see you use the move "Astonish" a lot in your battles... Astonish is a pretty weak move, at least imo.
It's still early in the story. Weak moves are a necessity. I like Astonish.
Plus whenever I think of Astonish, I think of Zubats. No.412 = Kingnothing412.
Stronger moves will come into play later on in the story.

Chapter 6 is going to bring some rather exciting details. It'll be posted just as soon as I finish it. (probably in the next 1-3 days)
(03-07-2013 12:11 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Team Galacket! Did Cyrus and Giovanni join forces to defend each other against any prodigal Trainers that may stand in their way? And what about Ghestis? I bet he's so lonely...
Nope. Who said anything about Cyrus and Giovanni? Team Rocket and Team Galactic joined forces for a completely different reason.

Well, one would think that the main reason the two Teams joined forces was that both of them were oblitierated by a twelve-year-old. They probably joined to augment their power, as is the goal of their plan to Resurge the Tablet.
Aw, no Ghestis? :'(

(03-07-2013 07:07 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-07-2013 12:11 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Did the Shuppet/Magnemite need training or something? Or was No. 412 a trainee earning his stripes?
Neither is correct. No.412 is a scientist who was sent to safeguard the Resurgence Tablet.

GD, what did I tell you about giving a highly skilled Rocket operative low-level Pokemon? On another note, No. 412 should get a Crobat.

(03-07-2013 07:07 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-07-2013 12:11 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]And I see you use the move "Astonish" a lot in your battles... Astonish is a pretty weak move, at least imo.
It's still early in the story. Weak moves are a necessity. I like Astonish.
Plus whenever I think of Astonish, I think of Zubats. No.412 = Kingnothing412.
Stronger moves will come into play later on in the story.

Chapter 6 is going to bring some rather exciting details. It'll be posted just as soon as I finish it. (probably in the next 1-3 days)

Do I get a new Pokemon? Also, can I leave my Eevee as an Eevee for a little while?
(03-07-2013 12:11 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-07-2013 07:07 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-07-2013 12:11 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Did the Shuppet/Magnemite need training or something? Or was No. 412 a trainee earning his stripes?
Neither is correct. No.412 is a scientist who was sent to safeguard the Resurgence Tablet.

GD, what did I tell you about giving a highly skilled Rocket operative low-level Pokemon? On another note, No. 412 should get a Crobat.
It'll make more sense once Chapter 6 comes out. Don't worry No.412 is going to get a LOT stronger.
Also, the team he asked for didn't include Crobat.

(03-07-2013 07:07 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-07-2013 12:11 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]And I see you use the move "Astonish" a lot in your battles... Astonish is a pretty weak move, at least imo.
It's still early in the story. Weak moves are a necessity. I like Astonish.
Plus whenever I think of Astonish, I think of Zubats. No.412 = Kingnothing412.
Stronger moves will come into play later on in the story.

Chapter 6 is going to bring some rather exciting details. It'll be posted just as soon as I finish it. (probably in the next 1-3 days)
(03-07-2013 12:11 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Do I get a new Pokemon? Also, can I leave my Eevee as an Eevee for a little while?
Yes and Yes.
Quite good!
Can't wait for the rest.
I PMed you about ''le me'' in your fanfic.
Hope you add me!
you could always make not having my Crobat with me my excuse if i ever loose Toungue
Chapter 6

No.412: Boss, the Resurgance Tablet has been successfully secured.

Boss GR: Good, good. You handled my son with upmost skill.

No.412: Your son?

Boss GR: Yes. He looks to be a promising trainer.

No.412: So you knew he would be there?

Boss GR: Yes, I’ve been monitoring his whereabouts for the last few years. Why do you think I sent you to Oreburgh Mine with such weak Pokémon?

No.412: It was to test him.

Boss GR: Yes it was. In a few days, you will test Alcovich too. Since he and Aaron are twins I imagine that Alcovich will show promise as well. I hope to recruit both of them as well as their friend Crystal. The three of them have been inseparable for years. They will make for powerful allies one day. (to himself) It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since Giovanni was finally caught and put in prison, allowing for me, his son, to take over. (To No.412) From now on you shall refer to me by my name.

No.412: Yes, Silver.

(The next day)

(our trainers are about to set out for Eterna City)

Aaron: According to this map, we can reach Floaroma Town by the newly dug cave that’s just north of here. From there we just have to go through Eterna Forest and then we’re at Eterna City.

Alcovich: A cave? I must go and gather the necessary supplies we’ll need.

Crystal: I wonder what kind of Pokémon live in it?

Aaron: We’re about to find out. Let’s meet at the cave entrance in one hour.

(One hour later, the trainers have entered the cave)

(It’s a small dark and gloomy cave dug by trainers to give trainers a direct route to Floaroma Town)

Aaron: You ever get the feeling someone or something’s following you?

Alcovich: Yeah, like now.

Crystal: It’s probably just some Pokémon.

(something jumps on Alcovich)

Alcovich: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeow! Get it off me! Get it off me!

(Aaron shines a flashlight at Alcovich to see what is on him)

Crystal: It’s only a Zigzagoon. It appears to like you Alcovich.

Alcovich: I would like it better if it hadn’t jumped on me. I think I’ll try to catch it.
(go Pokeball) (Zigzagoon is caught) Maybe we can get through this cave without anything else jumping on me.

(Suddenly an Onix appears and he is angry)

Onix: ONIIIIIIIX!!!! (Onix uses Magnitude)

Aaron: Whoaaa! (ground is shaking) Whaat’s gooooing onnnn witttth Onnnnixxx? (shaking stops)

Crystal: It appears to be hurt.

Alcovich: Let me handle this. (looks in his bag and pulls out a salve)(to Onix) It’s okay. I can help.

(Onix calms down and lets Alcovich heal it)

(Onix motions for the trainers to follow)
Alcovich: I think it wants to show us the way out.

Aaron: I think you’re right.

(Onix leads them to the exit)

Crystal: Thanks Onix!

Onix: Onixxx! (it disappears back into the cave)

Aaron: Here we are, Floaroma Town.

Floaroma Town
(Floaroma Town is known for its honey and vividly scented flowers that grow everywhere. Notable landmarks include the Pick a Peck of Colors Flower Shop in the middle of town and the Floaroma Meadow found to the north. According to the townspeople, Floaroma Town was once a barren and desolate hill. People started planting flowers around it to cheer up the place, but nothing would grow. Then, someone expressed thanks for a blessing of nature, and the whole hill burst into bloom. It is theorized that Shaymin was the cause of the sudden burst of flowers, given it being the Gratitude Pokémon, and its ability to "instantly transform ruined land into a lush field of flowers," according to its Pokédex entry. The population is 30,000.)

Crystal: Doesn’t it smell lovely?

Aaron: It sure does. All those flowers sure are pretty.

Crystal: Let’s have a picnic and then train our Pokémon.

Alcovich: I second that idea!

(as the trainers sit down to a wonderful picnic prepared by Crystal a trainer approaches)

Aaron: Who are you?

Leo: My name is Leo. I am from Twinleaf Town. I started my journey awhile ago but I got sick. I’m finally healed and want to continue my journey. Can I accompany the three of you? I already have the first two badges.

Aaron: (to Alcovich and Crystal) Should we let him?

Alcovich and Crystal: Sure, the more the merrier.

Leo: Thanks!

(the trainers sit back down to their picnic and Leo joins them)
"Alcovich: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeow! Get it off me! Get it off me!"
Hey, you would do the same thing if something were clawing at your face!

"Boss Galacket, or Silver: Aaron, I am your father."
"Alcovich: Oh, that makes complete sense. Why wouldn't it?"
That could have been handled a little less bluntly... But oh well.

I wonder how Crystal carries all that food? Probably in the same way that one can carry a bicycle in one's backpack.

Does anyone else think Silver shares an uncanny resemblance to Commander Mars?
Do you think Mars could be Silver's mom? (O.o)

Keep it up! It's time to start delving into the major plotline!
(05-07-2013 04:51 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]"Alcovich: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeow! Get it off me! Get it off me!"
Hey, you would do the same thing if something were clawing at your face!

"Boss Galacket, or Silver: Aaron, I am your father."
"Alcovich: Oh, that makes complete sense. Why wouldn't it?"
That could have been handled a little less bluntly... But oh well.

I wonder how Crystal carries all that food? Probably in the same way that one can carry a bicycle in one's backpack.

Does anyone else think Silver shares an uncanny resemblance to Commander Mars?
Do you think Mars could be Silver's mom? (O.o)

Keep it up! It's time to start delving into the major plotline!
Don't forget Alcovich, Silver is your father too.
Things are going to get a little quiet as our trainers make their way to Eterna City. Of course, once they reach the city their will be some action.
As I've told you before, Alcovich, the majority of the MAJOR plotline will occur after the 6 Badge. I've got to build up to it.

I don't think Mars is Silver's mom.

How do you think a Pokemon bigger than a house fits in a Pokeball? It's magic.
That's how Crystal is able to carry a lot of food with her.

I'm glad I haven't bored anyone to death. Toungue I really didn't expect people to want me to continue.

I've never enjoyed writing as much as I have writing this story.
It's good but i thought only the towns and some of the Gym Leaders/Elite 4 would be characters from the anime/manga/games, so i don't really like Silver being the boss of an evil organization.
Next time,make Leo being son of Cyrus.Toungue (jokin'!)
Check this!
Leo:(to Silver) I'm your father!
Silver:(to Aaron) I'm your father!
Leo:(to Aaron) I'm your grandfather!
Aaron fainted because of confusion!
Alcovich fainted because of laughing!
Leo:Team fainting!YAY!
Leo fainted because he wants to copy Aaron and Alcovich.
Silver:(to Crystal) Sabbaton suck!
Crystal fainted because of anger.
(5 minutes later)
Silver:I'm bored!
Silver fainted because of boredom.
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