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(30-08-2013 02:04 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]P.S. "Hey guys I'm a member of the bad guy team and I want to overthrow Team Galacket because they're gonna get a big weapon and can you help me?"

Aaron: "Eh, why not."

OMG!3 lol's!5 WTF's and 15N^2!
(09-09-2013 05:45 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]15N^2!

What is that?

Chapter 12 will hopefully be out by the end of the week.
(09-09-2013 09:22 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-09-2013 05:45 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]15N^2!

What is that?

15 Newton squared (^x symbolizes Exponentiation)
(09-09-2013 09:36 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-09-2013 09:22 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-09-2013 05:45 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]15N^2!

What is that?

15 Newton squared (^x symbolizes Exponentiation)
Ahhh! I know about the exponentiation, I just didn't realize you were talking about Newtons.
(09-09-2013 09:43 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-09-2013 09:36 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-09-2013 09:22 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-09-2013 05:45 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]15N^2!

What is that?

15 Newton squared (^x symbolizes Exponentiation)
Ahhh! I know about the exponentiation, I just didn't realize you were talking about Newtons.

This is a phrase my cousin uses when he hears sth good/funny.
I'm talking about OMG 3 lol's and 15N^2.
I only edited the phrase a bit.Toungue
Okay, I posted Chapter Six!
Now you have to post Chapter Twelve!
I've got 300 words so far for Chapter 12. I'll probably get it posted later tonight.
Chapter 12

(Our trainers have departed Hearthome City)

Leo: Before we visit the Elder of Celestic Town, we should train our Pokémon even further at Veilstone City Gym.

Alcovich: Uh, Leo, we just left Hearthome City. How are we supposed to get to Veilstone City today?

Leo: By using the SSS (Super Speedy Subway).

Aaron: There’s a Subway in Sinnoh?

Leo: Yes and the entrance is right over this next hill.

(our trainers board the Subway and eat $5 foot-long sandwiches and before they know it, they are in Veilstone City)

Veilstone City

(Veilstone is carved out of steep and rocky mountains, giving the city rock walls that project a cold atmosphere. It is fairly isolated and has little contact with other cities. Team Galactic also constructed the Galactic Warehouse and their headquarters, the Galactic Veilstone Building there. This city is also home to the Sinnoh region's department store, much like Celadon City in Kanto, Goldenrod City in Johto, and Lilycove City in Hoenn. Veilstone is famous for its stone, including its meteorites. The population of Veilstone City is 82,000 people, making it the second largest city in Sinnoh.)

Crystal: Now it’s time for the Veilstone City Gym Battle.


Referee: This battle shall consist of four Pokémon. Switching is allowed. Let the Gym Battle
between Gym Leader Maylene and Aaron begin.

Aaron: Go Eevee! Use Quick Attack!

Maylene: Go Medicham! Use Meditate!

(Quick Attack hits and Medicham’s Attack is raised)

Maylene: Use High Jump Kick!

Aaron: Eevee, Dodge it and use Bite!

(Medicham misses and crashes damaging it. Quick Attack hits and knocks Medicham
out)(Eevee evolves into Espeon)(Espeon learned Psybeam)

Referee: Medicham is unable to battle, Espeon wins.

Aaron: YES!!!!

Maylene: Go Lucario! Use Dark Pulse!

Aaron: Espeon, use Psybeam!

(Lucario’s Dark Pulse shatters Espeon’s Psybeam before it can form)

Maylene: Lucario, use Blaze Kick!

Aaron: Espeon, dodge it and use Psybeam again!

(Lucario’s foot is set ablaze as Espeon powers up Psybeam)(Lucario sends a flying blaze
kick that connects with Espeon’s Psybeam, goes through it, and hits Espeon knocking it out)

Referee: Espeon is unable to battle, Lucario wins.

Aaron: Kadabra, come on out!

Maylene: Lucario, use Blaze Kick!

Aaron: Kadabra, use Physic!

(Lucario’s foot is set aflame just as Kadabra’s Physic causes Lucario to kick itself)(Lucario faints)

Aaron: Now that was cool!

Maylene: I have to admit using Blaze Kick against my Lucario was a rather ingenious idea!

Aaron: Thanks!

Maylene: Go Gallade! Use Leaf Blade!

Aaron: Kadabra, use Physic!

(Two razor sharp leaf blades are launched at Kadabra)(Physic misses the blades but hits
Gallade and Kadabra gets a permanent X carved into its chest)(Kadabra faints)

Referee: Kadabra is unable to battle, Gallade wins!

Aaron: What just happened?

Maylene: That, my friend was a Critical Hit!

Aaron: Oh. Go Gastly! Use Shadow Ball!

(Before Maylene can issue an attack, Gastly has launched a Shadow Ball and has knocked
Gallade out!)

Maylene: Go Heracross! Use Megahorn!

Aaron: Shadow Ball again!

(Heracross’s horn grows to twice its normal size and glows a vibrant blue)(Heracross is able to slice Gastly’s Shadow Ball in two; only to pass through Gastly as it disappears.)(Gastly reappears behind Heracross and fires a Shadow Ball into Heracross’s back)(Heracross falls forward)

Aaron: Gastly, Use Shadow Ball again to finish this!

Maylene: Megahorn, Heracross!

(Heracross and Gastly collide and cause dust to obscure the results of the battle)(when the dust clears, Heracross has fainted)

Referee: Heracross is unable to battle! Aaron is the winner!

Maylene: You are truly worthy of this badge!

Aaron: Thanks! That was some battle!

(Alcovich, Crystal, and Leo beat Maylene and earn the badge)

Leo: Now that we’re stronger, let’s head to Celestic Town to speak with the Elder.

(starts to get dark)

Crystal: Can we get hotel room first?

Alcovich: Yes, let's get one.

(The trainers get the room and as they are sleeping, a mysterious fog envelops Veilstone City)
Very nice , keep going Smile

(15-09-2013 06:12 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]What do y'all think of the more detailed Gym Battle?

i liked it
I'm awesome!
I know every means of transporting in the Sinnoh region!Toungue
What do y'all think of the more detailed Gym Battle?
it's very nice Smile

i was thinking of starting a fanfic myself in the unova region but i still don't know if it's good enough (i already have it planned until the fifth badge or so)
Grassdragon Wrote:(our trainers board the Subway and eat $5 foot-long sandwiches and before they know it, they are in Veilstone City)

Why... Why would you even write that? Toungue
Yes, I realize it's a pun on the Subway, but still... ._.

Grassdragon Wrote:What do y'all think of the more detailed Gym Battle?
I think I gave you the idea to go more in-depth with the battles. SmileWink
(15-09-2013 11:58 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]
Grassdragon Wrote:(our trainers board the Subway and eat $5 foot-long sandwiches and before they know it, they are in Veilstone City)

Why... Why would you even write that? Toungue
Yes, I realize it's a pun on the Subway, but still... ._.
I love really bad puns. Toungue

(15-09-2013 11:58 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]
Grassdragon Wrote:What do y'all think of the more detailed Gym Battle?
I think I gave you the idea to go more in-depth with the battles. SmileWink
I believe it was you that said that. Wink
Anyway, let's all guess what the Mysterious Fog is.

A Darkrai using Dark Void?
Silver's Dark Mewtwo?
An accident with a refrigerator?
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