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(16-09-2013 12:07 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]An accident with a refrigerator?

I just died laughing XD. Yep, definitely going to have to meet you one day. Such an amazing sense of humor!
I write a lot different than I speak. I usually think of these^ things the day after. Big Grin

Nobody knows what's up with the Mysterious Fog? Really?
The mysterious fog is a big fary caused by a Snorlax we will encounter.Duh!Toungue

Btw,Alcovich,can you post a link of your fanfic,please?
Sure thing Bro.

No, the Mysterious Fog is caused when the temperature drops harshly, causing the water in the air to reach the lower saturation level and condense. Commonly referred to as "fog".
(16-09-2013 10:48 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Sure thing Bro.

No, the Mysterious Fog is caused when the temperature drops harshly, causing the water in the air to reach the lower saturation level and condense. Commonly referred to as "fog".

Thanks!I'll start reading it tomorrow!

Maybe the Mysterious Fog is the Fog in the routes near Celestic Town (Celestic Town can be accessed by the Staraptor Airlines,whose boss is Staraprtor,Crystal's/LuXray's brother Toungue)
(16-09-2013 10:53 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]the Staraptor Airlines,whose boss is Staraprtor,Crystal's/LuXray's brother Toungue)

That..... I might actually use that later in the story. I have something rather good planned for the mysterious fog.
It has to do with the aforementioned solid human excrement colliding with the ceiling-mounted rotational current recirculator, doesn't it?
(17-09-2013 03:00 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(16-09-2013 10:53 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]the Staraptor Airlines,whose boss is Staraprtor,Crystal's/LuXray's brother Toungue)

That..... I might actually use that later in the story.

See?I know every means of transport in Sinnoh region!
Except Snowpoint Cable Climbers Inc. Do you know that one?
(18-09-2013 02:43 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Except Snowpoint Cable Climbers Inc. Do you know that one?
I'll probably use that too.

(17-09-2013 10:08 AM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(17-09-2013 03:00 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(16-09-2013 10:53 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]the Staraptor Airlines,whose boss is Staraprtor,Crystal's/LuXray's brother Toungue)

That..... I might actually use that later in the story.

See?I know every means of transport in Sinnoh region!
You know all the means of transport except Snowpoint Cable Climbers Inc.
(18-09-2013 03:17 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(18-09-2013 02:43 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Except Snowpoint Cable Climbers Inc. Do you know that one?
I'll probably use that too.

(17-09-2013 10:08 AM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(17-09-2013 03:00 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(16-09-2013 10:53 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]the Staraptor Airlines,whose boss is Staraprtor,Crystal's/LuXray's brother Toungue)

That..... I might actually use that later in the story.

See?I know every means of transport in Sinnoh region!
You know all the means of transport except Snowpoint Cable Climbers Inc.

Actually,I used to borrow a Mamoswine from the ''Borrow a Pokemon Inc.'',but I caught a Swinub and evolved it.Now,I have a Mamoswine in my box.Toungue

Mamoswines are the best way to go to Snowpoint City,if you want to catch Pokemon.
Also,there's also a Sinnoh Post Office in every city.They use Delibird to carry letters from the other post offices to Snowpoint City.
(18-09-2013 12:33 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]Also, there's also a Sinnoh Post Office in every city. They use Delibird to carry letters from the other post offices to Snowpoint City.

No, they use Spearows and teams of Staraptor for heavy packages!

Land deliveries are done by Machamps (like if you want to deliver a jet engine).
Chapter 13

(later that night)

(A Gengar uses Haze again)

(One hour earlier)

Silver: Gengar, keep the trainers of Veilstone City trapped within its walls while DarkMewtwo retrieves the Adamant, Lustrous, and Griseous Orbs from the Hidden Lake to the South.

(Gengar continues to use Haze)

(Suddenly a Flamethrower hits Gengar knocking it out!)

(A trainer appears riding on the back of a very powerful Charizard)

???: I wonder why Gengar was using Haze on Veilstone City? I better check on the residents. (he walks into Veilstone City’s Police Headquarters)

Civilians: Fr3quency!!!!!!!!

Fr3quency: Quiet now. (to Officer Jenny): Is everyone okay? There was a suspicious Gengar using Haze on the city.

Officer Jenny: Everything is fine.

Fr3quency: Good, I’ll be off then. (he gets on his Charizard and flies away)

(the next morning)

(As Aaron arises from his bed in the hotel room, he notices that Alcovich and Crystal’s
hands are intertwined as they sleep in adjacent beds.)(Aaron smiles)

(Leo is already up and packing for the trip to Celestic City)
Aaron: Rise and shine!

(Crystal awakens to find her hand intertwined with Alcovich’s. She gently untwines her hand whilst her cheeks turn a rosy red as she gets up)

Crystal: (thinking) This is so embarrassing. I didn’t mean to fall asleep holding Alcovich’s hand. At least I know that he likes me.

(Alcovich awakens when he feels Crystal gently remove her hand from his)

Alcovich (thinking): Ahhhh. Crystal is so amazing. I had no idea that she liked me. (his heart smiles)

Leo: (oblivious to the budding romance) Let’s go.

(our trainers depart from Veilstone City and take the Subway to Celestic Town.

(Celestic Town)

(It is a tiny town that preserves the history of Sinnoh and the old ways of life. The center of town has a small shrine that dates back to ancient times. It is one of the smallest towns in the entire region. It is also one of the oldest, and some say the town was there since Sinnoh came to be created. It is the hometown of Cynthia's family. The population is 22,000.)

Aaron: According to this map the Elder’s house is the next one.

(Elder’s house)

Crystal: Elder, we were told you knew the Creation Myth.

Elder: Indeed I do child. Make yourselves at home, this will take some time.

Elder: Long ago, in the Sinnoh Region’s early years, it was governed by three Pokémon:
Palkia, ruler of space, Dialga, ruler of time, and Giratina, ruler of the Distortion World. I will start with Palkia. Palkia was given dominion over space. It lives between parallel dimensions and is known for its power, rumored to be able to warp space. It can use Spacial Rend to rip through the very space an enemy resides in, damaging the foe at the same time. Then there’s Dialga. Dialga was given dominion over time. It is talked about as a deity in fables passed down through generations in the Sinnoh region. Identifiable by the diamondlike crystal in the center of its chest, Dialga is said to have set time in motion at the moment of its birth. Its fearsome Roar of Time attack is powerful. Finally there’s Giratina. Giratina is the ruler of the Distortion World, a parallel dimension to ours. Giratina keeps the balance between the dimensions by controlling the Shadow Force. The Shadow Force is Dark Energy that would rip all Dimensions apart if left unchecked. That’s the Creation Trio, now it’s time for the creator of the Creation Trio. Its name is Arceus. Little is known about Arceus except that it created everything after it was born from another Dimension. It is also rumored that Arceus can control every Pokemon on Earth with a single thought. Shortly afterward Arceus fell into a deep sleep. It has spent the past 20,000 years asleep. There is a way to awaken it though. One must first gather the Creation Trio using their respective orbs at Spear Pillar, then the Scroll of Awakening must be read whilst the Resurgence Tablet is set on the Spear Altar. Arceus will then awaken and as the myth goes, will return to its home dimension.

Aaron: Thank you Elder. We must depart now.

Leo: Silver must be planning to control Arceus. We have to take Staraptor’s Airlines to Iron Island and free Giovanni immediately. Silver only has to get the orbs and he’ll have everything he needs. (to walkie-talkie) No.412, it’s time!

No.412: I’ll meet you there.
(23-09-2013 05:52 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ](Suddenly a Flamethrower hits Gengar knocking it out!)

(A trainer appears riding on the back of a very powerful Charizard)

???: I wonder why Gengar was using Haze on Veilstone City? I better check on the residents. (he walks into Veilstone City’s Police Headquarters)

Civilians: Fr3quency!!!!!!!!

Fr3quency: Quiet now. (to Officer Jenny): Is everyone okay? There was a suspicious Gengar using Haze on the city.

Officer Jenny: Everything is fine.

Fr3quency: Good, I’ll be off then. (he gets on his Charizard and flies away)

(the next morning)

(As Aaron arises from his bed in the hotel room, he notices that Alcovich and Crystal’s
hands are intertwined as they sleep in adjacent beds.)(Aaron smiles)

(Leo is already up and packing for the trip to Celestic City)
Aaron: Rise and shine!

(Crystal awakens to find her hand intertwined with Alcovich’s. She gently untwines her hand whilst her cheeks turn a rosy red as she gets up)

Crystal: (thinking) This is so embarrassing. I didn’t mean to fall asleep holding Alcovich’s hand. At least I know that he likes me.

(Alcovich awakens when he feels Crystal gently remove her hand from his)

Alcovich (thinking): Ahhhh. Crystal is so amazing. I had no idea that she liked me. (his heart smiles)

Leo: (oblivious to the budding romance) Let’s go.

(our trainers depart from Veilstone City and take the Subway to Celestic Town.


Leo: Silver must be planning to control Arceus. We have to take Staraptor’s Airlines to Iron Island and free Giovanni immediately. Silver only has to get the orbs and he’ll have everything he needs. (to walkie-talkie) No.412, it’s time!

No.412: I’ll meet you there.

I hope I will become Fr3quency's parthner in a double battle,since I'm his #1 fan.Toungue

Crystal with Alcovich? *grabs some popcorn*

Btw,No.412 looks awesome!An evil scientist,who wants to sabotage an evil guy!WOW!
Ok i did not see fr3quency coming, hmm i guess he works for/with the international police Toungue
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