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Full Version: Arceus: The Untold Story (abandoned)
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Man....i had been away for quite a while it seems...anyway i can't wait for the next chapter,i've gotten kinda obssesed with this fanfic Toungue
(20-08-2013 02:59 AM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]i've gotten kinda obssesed with this fanfic Toungue

I originally said that the main plot would occur after the sixth badge, I'm changing it to after the fifth badge to speed things up a bit.

Here's what you can expect in the future:

I'll try to get Chapter 11 out soon but take in mind that I'm back in College with courses like Calculus and Physics.
It might take some time to get the Chapters out.
Chapter 11


Referee: This battle shall consist of four Pokémon. Switching is allowed. Let the Gym Battle between Alcovich and Fantina begin!

Alcovich: Go Eevee!

Fantina: Go Gengar!

Alcovich: Eevee, use Bite!

Fantina: Dodge it and use Physic.

(Eevee Bites Gengar and latches onto it)(Physic misses)

Fantina: Physic again!

Alcovich: Eevee use Bite again!

(both attacks hit)(Eevee learns Shadow Ball)

Alcovich: Shadow Ball!

Fantina: Physic again!

(Shadow Ball knocks Gengar out)

Referee: Gengar is unable to battle, Eevee wins.

Fantina: Go Spiritomb! Use Sucker Punch.

Alcovich: Eevee, use Shadow Ball!

(Sucker Punch knocks Eevee out)

Referee: Eevee is unable to battle, Spiritomb wins.

Alcovich: Go Staravia! Use Aerial Ace!

Fantina: Spiritomb, use Hypnosis.

(Aerial Ace hits and Staravia is asleep)

Fantina: Spiritomb, use Curse!

(Spiritomb cut its HP and laid a Curse on Staravia)

Fantina: Spiritomb, use Dream Eater!

Alcovich: Wake up Staravia!

(Staravia’s Dream was eaten and it woke up)(Spiritomb regained health)

Alcovich: Staravia, use Aerial Ace followed by a Wing Attack followed by another Aerial Ace!

(Spiritomb fainted)

Referee: Spiritomb is unable to battle, Staravia wins!

Fantina: Go Mismagius. Use Physic.

(Staravia faints)

Referee: Staravia is unable to battle, Mismagius wins.

Alcovich: Go Squirtle! Use Water Gun followed by Bite!

Fantina: Use Shadow Ball!

(all attacks hit)

Alcovich: Squirtle, use Water Pulse!

Fantina: Physic!

(Water Pulse hits, Mismagius is confused, Mismagius hurts itself in its confusion)

Alcovich: Let’s finish this! Use Bite!

(Mismagius faints!)

Referee: Misgmagius is unable to battle, Squirtle wins!

Fantina: Go Rotom! Use Leaf Storm!

(Squirtle faints and Rotom’s Special Attack is lowered)

Alcovich: Go Prinplup! Use Water Pulse!

Fantina: Rotom, use Leaf Storm!

(Water Pulse Confuses Rotom and Rotom uses Leaf Storm on itself)

Alcovich: Prinplup, use Peck!

(Rotom Faints)

Referee: Rotom is unable to battle, Alcovich is the victor!

Fantina: That was a splendid battle! Here’s the badge.

(Aaron, Crystal, and Leo all win the Gym Battle)


No.412: All is going according to plan. (To walkie-talkie) Leo, it’s time.


Leo: Guys, there’s something I need to tell you.

Crystal: What Leo?

Leo: I’m not who you think I am.

Aaron: What do you mean?

Leo: I’m a Team Rocket Operative sent to assess your abilities. I work for Giovanni, the
rightfull leader of Team Rocket, not that Team GalacticRocket that his son Silver, Aaron and Alcovich’s dad, created.

Aaron: Whoa! Our dad died when we were infants. He is NOT this Silver guy.

Alcovich: Aaron, Silver is our father.

Aaron: What?! How do you know this Alcovich?

Alcovich: When I went down in those ruins below the Pokémon Statue I met No.412, he
explained everything to me. I know it sounds Farfetch’d but l believe it!

Aaron: I knew you were hiding something from me Alcovich! Why didn’t you tell me?

Alcovich: No.412 asked me not to. We’re part of Giovanni’s plan and a part of Silver’s plan. Of the two, I vote we take Giovanni’s side.

Crystal: Isn’t he in prison?

Leo: Yes, but we will break him out in two days.

Crystal: Why should we help you?

Leo: Because whatever Silver has planned, it will devastate the world. He is preparing to perform the “Awakening.”

Aaron: The “Awakening?”

Leo: The Elder in Celestic town is the only one, aside from Silver, who knows the entire myth. We must break Giovanni out and visit the Elder so we can learn Silver’s plan.

Aaron: Okay. Let’s go!

Leo: Wait, you’re going to help me just like that?

Aaron: Yep. Alcovich trusts you and No.412 and I trust Alcovich.

Crystal: So do I.

Leo: Thanks.


Silver: Dark Mewtwo, in two days we shall rule the world. Are you ready?

Dark Mewtwo: Yes Master.

Silver: GR, Activate the security perimeter, according to my sources, No.412’s Coup d'état starts in two days.
Hey do i become a good guy in the end? Btw my team will definitely have an absol,umbreon,luxray,blaziken and lucario just to be clear.
(29-08-2013 11:54 AM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]Hey do i become a good guy in the end? Btw my team will definitely have an absol,umbreon,luxray,blaziken and lucario just to be clear.

mine will have umbreon and luxray too Cool
(29-08-2013 11:54 AM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]Hey do i become a good guy in the end? Btw my team will definitely have an absol,umbreon,luxray,blaziken and lucario just to be clear.

You'll just have to wait and see. I've got big things planned for GR.
You'll get that team.
It's a Cool team.

The solid human effluence is going to collide with the rotational pneumonic recirculator in a few days.

Try not to keep us waiting!

P.S. "Hey guys I'm a member of the bad guy team and I want to overthrow Team Galacket because they're gonna get a big weapon and can you help me?"

Aaron: "Eh, why not."
(30-08-2013 02:04 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Whoa.

The solid human effluence is going to collide with the rotational pneumonic recirculator in a few days.

Try not to keep us waiting!
What the heck did you say?
Sh** gonna hit the fan.

I thought you were college educated? Toungue
(31-08-2013 04:21 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Sh** gonna hit the fan.

I thought you were college educated? Toungue

I am! The words you put into that sentence didn't make any sense.


(22-06-2013 02:44 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
Chapter 1
In the beginning, there was nothing but a black void. After eons of nothing an egg slowly develops. After 2 more years the egg develops a slight crack. Then without warning, another crack appears, then another, and another. Soon the egg completely shatters. A fully grown Arceus is born.

Arceus: What happened? One minute ago I was battling the evil clone Arceus in my homeworld and now I’m reborn in this black void. I must find out what happened. Unfortunately there is nothing in this world. I must create one in order to open a portal.

(Arceus uses Roar of Time, Spacial Rend, Shadow Force, and Judgment and thus the world was born)

Arceus: I shall fill this world with creatures called Pokémon. They will one day help me return to my world. I shall also create a new race. A race of creatures I shall call humans. They will be intelligent and capable of good or evil. They shall capture Pokémon via Pokeballs and train them to become stronger. I will also create a parallel world called the Distortion World so I can banish any Pokémon who act too violently.
Suddenly, without warning, a wave of tiredness overcomes Arceus.

Arceus: It appears I have too much power in this world. I must divide my power.

(Arceus uses Judgment and Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga are born)

(Giratina attacks Arceus.)

Arceus: YOU DARE ATTACK ME?!?!? I banish you to the DISTORTION WORLD. (Giratina vanishes) (To Dialga and Palkia) Would you like to challenge me as well? (No response) Very well, Dialga, you shall have control of Time and Palkia, you shall rule Space. You both shall not meet again until it’s time for me to return. (they both disappear)

Arceus: So tired, must use Rest. (Arceus falls asleep)
20,000 Years Later

(Aaron jumps out of bed)
Aaron: Yes! Today’s the day I get to choose my Starter Pokémon from Professors Oak and Rowan. Bulbasaur and Turtwig, HERE I COME!!!!

(Aaron runs downstairs so he can get to the Lab)

Aaron’s Mom: Stop right there young man! I know you’re excited but you must eat breakfast first. (Aaron sighs)

Aaron: Okay Mom. (Aaron eats as fast as he can and runs out the door)

(Aaron almost runs right into his friend/rival Crystal)

Crystal: Really Aaron. One should not run over your best friend.

Aaron: Sorry Crystal. Which starter Pokémon are you going to choose?

Crystal: Probably Charmander and Chimchar. (Gets excited) But I really want to catch a Shinx.

Aaron: Cool.

(Aaron’s twin brother Alcovich appears wearing a Mewtwo T-shirt)

Aaron (to Alcovich) What starters are you choosing?

Alcovich: Squirtle and Piplup.

Aaron: We all have to battle each other after we choose our Pokémon. Agreed?

Crystal and Alcovich: Agreed!

(Aaron, Crystal and Alcovich practically run toward the lab)

I will accept any suggestions/ideas via PM's.

Comments and Constructive Criticism are welcome.

I loved the story. cant wait for next part
(31-08-2013 04:36 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(31-08-2013 04:21 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Sh** gonna hit the fan.

I thought you were college educated? Toungue

I am! The words you put into that sentence didn't make any sense.

Whoops. I thought "pneumonic" meant having to do with air.

How about: The solid human excrement is going to collide with the ceiling-mounted rotational current recirculator in a few days.
Why is that going to happen?
You know all too well what's going to happen. I don't need to answer that question.
(01-09-2013 01:07 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]You know all too well what's going to happen. I don't need to answer that question.

I understand what you're saying is going to happen, I just don't understand WHY you say it's going to happen.
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