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Characters in Chapter 15 (Click to View)
It sounds good,though.
It was a bit sudden for me.Too much plot for one chapter,imo,except if we're heading towards to the end.
(01-10-2013 09:02 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]It sounds good,though.
It was a bit sudden for me.Too much plot for one chapter,imo,except if we're heading towards to the end.

We are heading toward the end. There's probably going to be 4 more (probably long) Chapters in this story. After I play X and Y, I'll start a Kalos Region story where our trainers from this story will travel through the Kalos Region.
(01-10-2013 08:34 PM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]If you could draw Darkeus it would cool. Toungue

Due to my horrible drawing ability, I just edited a picture of Arceus on MS Paint.
I think it turned out pretty good. It's how I envision it anyway.

(08-10-2013 06:25 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-10-2013 08:34 PM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]If you could draw Darkeus it would cool. Toungue

Due to my horrible drawing ability, I just edited a picture of Arceus on MS Paint.
I think it turned out pretty good. It's how I envision it anyway.

Thnx man, that's awesome. It looks badass Toungue
Are the red marks battle scars, or veins, or what? Smile
Veins. Like it says in the description in Chapter 15.
Chapter 16 will be out soon. I've beaten Y and I'm about halfway through X. ~ Awesome games!!
The Kalos Region will make a great next story! (which will be very detailed due to the fact that the Kalos Region is so beautiful)
You know what would be cool? An Arceus/Grey's Adventure crossover.

First, though, Chapter 16 must be finished.
I'll get Chapter 16 out eventually.

Chapter 16 has about 250 words so far. Creating an alternate dimension is HARD, let alone making up a storyline to go with it. Also, it's nowhere as detailed as it should be :/ I'll try to do better with my next story.

My life has been like a Magikarp Splashing on land trying to flop away from a Mega Garchomp's Draco Meteor in the Desert. In other words, it's been stressful and chaotic. The only respite I get is when I'm on the forums, playing X and Y, listening to music, reading a book, or asleep.

The crossover is a good idea.
I'm not sure how it will work though.
You'll need to PM me your ideas Alcovich.
(29-10-2013 06:31 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Mega Garchomp's Draco Meteor

Garchomp is an attacker.Not a special attacker.
So,Outrage.Not Draco Meteor.
(29-10-2013 04:25 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(29-10-2013 06:31 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Mega Garchomp's Draco Meteor

Garchomp is an attacker.Not a special attacker.
So,Outrage.Not Draco Meteor.

I prefer Special Attacks over Attacks.
very good fanfic, congratulations
Thanks! I'm glad you like it!
I was kidding about the crossover. It would probably amount to no more than a reference to one fanfiction in another.

I know that feels bro. (Click to View)
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