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Leo: *gets up in middle of night and puts Alcovich's and Crystal's hands together*

I kind of thought Leo would be the one to fall in love with Crystal...

Grassdragon Wrote:Spacial Rend
Spatial Rend.

And while I'm at it:
Grassdragon Wrote:Physic

Grassdragon Wrote:One must first gather the Creation Trio using their respective orbs at Spear Pillar, then the Scroll of Awakening must be read whilst the Resurgence Tablet is set on the Spear Altar. Arceus will then awaken.
I thought all you had to do was play the title music on an oddly shaped ocarina?

Anyway, nice work! Do I get the Pokemon I requested soon? Do my Pokemon evolve soon? (WinkWink)
(23-09-2013 05:23 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Leo: *gets up in middle of night and puts Alcovich's and Crystal's hands together*

I kind of thought Leo would be the one to fall in love with Crystal...
That would've been expected.
Plus I hinted at it after you returned above ground after meeting No.412.

(23-09-2013 05:23 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]
Grassdragon Wrote:Spacial Rend
Spatial Rend.

And while I'm at it:
Grassdragon Wrote:Physic
According to Serebii, it's Spacial Rend.

Thank you for catching the Physic instead of Psychic. Apparently I've been putting Physic throughout the entire story. That's what I get for being horrible at spelling.

(23-09-2013 05:23 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Anyway, nice work! Do I get the Pokemon I requested soon? Do my Pokemon evolve soon? (WinkWink)

(23-09-2013 10:54 AM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]Ok i did not see fr3quency coming, hmm i guess he works for/with the international police Toungue
Don't you just love it when random characters just appear? Of course, Fr3quency is more than a random trainer.
That's a good guess. Try again.
Alcovich Wrote:Spatial Rend
Oh, my bad. The word is spelled "Spatial" as in "of or relating to space", but Nintendo spells it "Spacial". Sorry.

(23-09-2013 05:23 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Do my Pokemon evolve soon?

Sorry about that, I just realized that my Pokemon have evolved.
Anyway, do I get my Eeveelution soon?
(23-09-2013 09:58 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Anyway, do I get my Eeveelution soon?

You did say you wanted to keep it as an Eevee for a while.
I'll see what I can do.
[Image: ZNWUoDO.png]
I swear, if they call this a Dark Chain, I'm going to freak out!
This is how I envisioned it.
Since I know y'all are dying to find out why Crystal and Alcovich were holding hands, the first part of Chapter 14 will be a flashback of what happened that night.
Get the popcorn ready!
The awesomeness is about to begin!

Chapter 14 should be posted by the end of the week.

Is that amount of popcorn enough?Toungue

I only hope I'm a troll and as Alcovich said

(23-09-2013 05:23 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Leo: *gets up in middle of night and puts Alcovich's and Crystal's hands together*

(26-09-2013 09:38 AM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]@GD

Is that amount of popcorn enough?Toungue

I only hope I'm a troll and as Alcovich said

(23-09-2013 05:23 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Leo: *gets up in middle of night and puts Alcovich's and Crystal's hands together*


That should be enough Popcorn and no you have nothing to do with Alcovich and Crystal's hand holding.

Darn!That means I didn't troll them!Toungue

At least I hope this doesn't involve Leo being heartbroken.Toungue
(26-09-2013 05:15 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]@GD

Darn!That means I didn't troll them!Toungue

At least I hope this doesn't involve Leo being heartbroken.Toungue

Nope. Leo won't be heartbroken. He doesn't know Crystal well enough.

Chapter 14

(As our trainers head toward Staraptor Airlines, Crystal smiles as her mind wanders back to the night before)

(Aaron and Leo have fallen fast asleep)(Alcovich and Crytsal, although tired from the day’s adventures, are still awake)

Crystal: Alcovich…..there’s….there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you ever since the Pokémon statue incident.

Alcovich: What’s that Crystal?

Crystal: While you were down there, I was so worried that you wouldn’t make it out alive.

Alcovich: You have that little confidence in me?

Crystal: (slaps face) No, that’s not it. I’m making a mess of this. It’s just that I…I……l like
you Alcovich….a lot. (Crystal blushes)

Alcovich: (breathes a sigh of relief): I like you too! I was just afraid that you liked Aaron more than me. You were always so close to him growing up.

Crystal: I love Aaron like he’s my brother. It would be too awkward for me and him to date. My heart belongs to you Alcovich.

Alcovich (smiles): I’m glad to hear that. (silence for a moment) We should get some sleep
now. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. (gets up and kisses Crystal on her cheek) Goodnight.

Crystal: (blushes immensely) Goodnight Alcovich…..sighs….(to herself) That was wonderful.

(They return to their adjacent beds and reach out so they can hold hands. They fall asleep)

(Crystal is brought back to reality when the trainers arrive at Staraptor’s Airlines.

Staraptor: Welcome to Staraptor’s Airlines! Where might I take you?

Aaron: Iron Island please.

Staraptor: No problem.

(the trainers fly to Iron Island where No.412 is waiting)

(Iron Island)

No.412: The jail is guarded by an Onix. We must do something about it.

Aaron: Leave it to me!

(Aaron approaches Onix and realizes that it was the same Onix as before)

Aaron: Onix, Remember me?

Onix: Oniiiiiiiiix!!!!

Aaron: I’ll take that as a yes. Go Pokeball! (Onix is caught)

No.412: That’s one way to handle it. Now for the cell door.

Leo: Go Riolu! Use Brick Break!

(the door breaks and Giovanni walks out)

Giovanni: Took you long enough. Silver’s probably at Spear Pillar already with the Orbs.

Crystal: How do you know that?

Giovanni: That was my plan. Child.

Crystal: Oh.

Giovanni: We mustn’t waste any time. Fortunately, I have the Light Chain with me so all we
have to do is go to Spear Pillar.

Alcovich: What’s the Light Chain do?

Giovanni: It counteracts the Dark Chain. It was made as a safety measure in case the Dark Chain was overpowered the Pokémon and tried to destroy it.

(A swirling vortex of Dark Energy appears over Mount Coronet.)

Giovanni: Quickly, we must go, for all our sakes.

No.412: Alakazam use Teleport!

(the trainers are Teleported to Spear Pillar)

(Silver is at the front and has place the Orbs in their respective position and is chanting
the text from the Scroll of Awakening)(Space is distorted as Palkia rips through Dimensions to come to Spear Pillar)(Dialga tears through Time to travel to Spear Pillar)(Giratina (Highly irritated) roars and enters Spear Pillar) (Silver has gathered all of Team Galactic Rocket on Spear Pillar)

Giovanni: Silver, stop this madness!

(Silver holds up one hand and continues chanting)

(Dark Mewtwo descends)

Giovanni: What? Mewtwo, Obey me!

Dark Mewtwo: You? Ha! You are pitiful. You will die here Giovanni.

(Dark Mewtwo lifts Giovanni up via Psychic but drops him when he is hit by an Absol’s Dark

GR: That’s enough Mewtwo! Two long have I served Silver. Too long have I submitted to his will. Enough is enough. Go Master Ball! (Mewtwo is caught) (to Aaron, Leo, Alcovich, and Crystal) Here, take these Master Balls. You must capture these Legendary Pokémon before Silver completes the Summoning of Arceus.

Silver: It’s too late! Wahahahaha! Arceus will send all of you to the Shadow World so you will finally be out of my life forever!

Giovanni: This is madness son. Destroying all these people is wrong!

Silver: Hmmph.

(Arceus descends)

Silver: Go Dark Chain! (Arceus turns black)

Giovanni: Aaron, you must throw this Light Chain at Arceus.

Aaron: Okay.

Silver: Arceus, send Team Galactic Rocket, those idiots over there (points to the Grunts) and Giovanni to the Shadow World!

(Aaron throws the Light Chain at Arceus)

(Arceus opens a Portal and everything goes white)
Great i have an absol and now a dark mewtwo, awesome.
(27-09-2013 10:35 AM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]Great i have an absol and now a dark mewtwo, awesome.

So I take it you like the direction GR has taken?

How was Chapter 14? I know it's fast. It was hard to write in that so much has to come together. Did I do a good job?
Well,I wonder who will catch the legendary Pokemons.Toungue
You know,4 people will try to catch 3 Pokemon.Who will stay without a legendary?Toungue
Yeah i like my char, and the chapter was good Big Grin
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