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(05-07-2013 05:07 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]I've never enjoyed writing as much as I have writing this story.
That's nice to know Smile

anyway , this is a bit of a twist , with silver being the boss and all. i like how you add up to the storyline like that even in chapters where not much happens.
(05-07-2013 05:26 PM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ]i like how you add up to the storyline like that even in chapters where not much happens.

In Chapter 7, this will be the case as well. Not much is going to happen but I'm going to throw another plot twist into the story. I think y'all will enjoy it. Chapter 7 will be finished soon.

Silver's goal is unlike any previous team's.

I have a LOT planned for the Team GalacticRocket part of the story. That's not counting the Arceus plot.
Chapter 7
(Later that day)

Iron Island

(It was once a prosperous ore mine, but was shut down after the ore reserves dried up. Since then, it was kept open as a training area and habitat for wild Pokémon. Byron, Riley, and the members of the Canalave Gym come here to train, as did Roark in his childhood. That is, until the notorious Giovanni was captured a year ago. Iron Island was then turned into a prison for him.)

Giovanni: (thinking to himself) I can’t believe it’s been a year already since Silver betrayed me. Me, his own father! I thought I had finally convinced him that his hate of Team Rocket was irrational and that he was finally joining me when he said he would accompany me to Sinnoh. Instead he handed me over to the police. To make matters worse, he even combined Team Rocket with the pathetic remains of Team Galactic. Oh well, it’s only a matter of time before I return and take back what’s mine. According to my Loyalists in Team GalacticRocket, (I really hate that name) Leo has gained Aaron, Alcovich, and Crystal’s trust. All is going according to plan.

Edge of Floaroma Town

Leo: To get to Eterna City, we must first get through Eterna Forest.

Aaron: Eterna Forest is to the north. Let’s go.

(Night has fallen when our trainers reach Eterna Forest)

Alcovich: Are we sure we want to head into the forest now?

Crystal: Don’t tell me you’re afraid, Alcovich.

Alcovich: I’m not! Alright let’s go!

(In the Forest)

Leo: They say this forest is haunted by a girl who got lost when she followed a Gastly deep into the woods. She was never seen again.

Alcovich: Haunted? Ha!

Aaron: I don’t know Alcovich, I’m feeling something strange right now. (something Licks Aaron) Whoaa! (Gastly appears and licks Aaron again) (Alcovich turns white)

Crystal: I think it likes you!

Aaron: (sarcastically) You think? (to Alcovich) You look like you’ve seen a ghost.

Alcovich: You just heard Leo talk about a girl getting lost in this forest by following a Gastly and then a Gastly just appears. Freaky.

(Gastly starts to float away)

Aaron: (runs after it) I think I’ll catch it. (throws a Pokeball) (It fails to capture Gastly) Go Eevee. Use Sand Attack! (Gastly gets blinded by sand) (Aaron throws another Pokeball) (Gastly is captured) Yes! (realizes that he can’t see Alcovich, Crystal or Leo) Uh, where am I?

(an unfamiliar girl walks toward him and motions for Aaron to follow)

Aaron: Who are you?

Girl: …..

(Meanwhile back with Alcovich, Crystal, and Leo)

Alcovich: (freaking out) I’ll never see my brother again! He followed that Gastly and will never return.

Crystal: Good grief Alcovich. He’s probably fine.

Leo: Yeah. It’s just a legend.

(Meanwhile back with Aaron)(He has started following the girl)

Aaron: Why are you here at night?

Girl: …… (uses psychic ability to show Aaron images of her running through Eterna Forest after a Gastly)

Aaron: You you are the girl who got lost following the Gastly aren’t you?

(girl nods)

Aaron: What happened?

(more images are shown to Aaron)

Aaron: You were following Gastly when you tripped over a rock and fell. When you got up there was this door in the tree. When you entered, you went to the spirit world. Your soul ended up getting tied to Eterna Forest. Is there anything I can do to help?

(girl nods and shows Aaron more images)

Aaron: I must help you find that door again?

(Girl nods and points to Aaron’s Gastly)

Aaron: This is that Gastly?!?!

(girl nods)

Aaron: Gastly show us the way to this door.

Gastly: Gaaaastly. (a door appears on a nearby tree)

(the girl runs to the door)

Girl: Thank you. (she goes through)

Aaron: That was weird. She’s free now. (Aaron then realizes that he can hear Alcovich nearby)

Aaron: Hey Alcovich!

Alcovich: Thank goodness. After that tale Leo just told us, I was afraid I
would never see you again brother.

Aaron: The girl from the legend helped me.

Crystal: You mean the legend was true?!?

Aaron: Yes and this Gastly is THE Gastly from the legend.

Leo: Wow!

Aaron: Let’s get out of here!

(the trainers emerge from the forest and make camp)
Hnn nice twist with Leo Smile
Keep it up my friend.
I really like how the story is progressing.....BUT keep in mind i hate traitors so if Leo betrays us I'll punch him in the face Toungue
(10-07-2013 12:03 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]I really like how the story is progressing.....BUT keep in mind i hate traitors so if Leo betrays us I'll punch him in the face Toungue

I won't!
(I won't punch you back I mean.Toungue What?I'm a gentleman!)
You kind of make me sound like a nerd... :T
(10-07-2013 10:14 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]You kind of make me sound like a nerd... :T

So, I take it you don't like nerds. Too bad, because I'm considered to be a nerd.

You SAID you wanted to be a medic in my FanFic. You can't be a medic if you're not smart.

(10-07-2013 12:03 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]I really like how the story is progressing.....BUT keep in mind i hate traitors so if Leo betrays us I'll punch him in the face Toungue
I don't think you'll want to punch Leo in the face even if he does betray us.

In the meantime, does anybody want to speculate Team GalacticRocket's final goal?
(11-07-2013 03:07 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-07-2013 10:14 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]You kind of make me sound like a nerd... :T

So, I take it you don't like nerds. Too bad, because I'm considered to be a nerd.

You SAID you wanted to be a medic in my FanFic. You can't be a medic if you're not smart.

It's not that I'm really smart, it's that I sound like a nerd. I'm really smart, but I'm not a nerd. There's a difference...
A smart person knows a lot of stuff and remembers things easily. A nerd is, in a word, antisocial. That's my definition. What's yours?

(11-07-2013 03:07 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-07-2013 12:03 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]I really like how the story is progressing.....BUT keep in mind i hate traitors so if Leo betrays us I'll punch him in the face Toungue
I don't think you'll want to punch Leo in the face even if he does betray us.

I think I see where you're going with that! ;D

(11-07-2013 03:07 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]In the meantime, does anybody want to speculate Team Galacket's final goal?

To awaken Arceus and obtain his power to unite the Regions and rule the world, of course!
Anyone else?
(11-07-2013 03:07 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]In the meantime, does anybody want to speculate Team GalacticRocket's final goal?

To kill Giovanni and his friend/son/grandson/nephew/wtf I'm talking about?/Mew clone (?) named Leo,of course!Toungue Which actually has some logic.If Giovanni's plan has to do with Leo,Giovanni's son is Silver and Giovanni has a plan (probably to make Team Rocket again),Silver might want to kill Giovanni and Leo,so no one can ruin his plans.

I would say to kill Arceus so they become Gods or sth like that,or what Alcovich said.
(11-07-2013 05:00 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2013 03:07 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-07-2013 10:14 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]You kind of make me sound like a nerd... :T

So, I take it you don't like nerds. Too bad, because I'm considered to be a nerd.

You SAID you wanted to be a medic in my FanFic. You can't be a medic if you're not smart.
It's not that I'm really smart, it's that I sound like a nerd. I'm really smart, but I'm not a nerd. There's a difference...
A smart person knows a lot of stuff and remembers things easily. A nerd is, in a word, antisocial. That's my definition. What's yours?
A nerd is someone who is excessively interested in a subject that is regarded as too technical or scientific. PERIOD.

(11-07-2013 05:00 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2013 03:07 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-07-2013 12:03 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]I really like how the story is progressing.....BUT keep in mind i hate traitors so if Leo betrays us I'll punch him in the face Toungue
I don't think you'll want to punch Leo in the face even if he does betray us.

I think I see where you're going with that! ;D
I would be very surprised if you know where I'm going with this.
(11-07-2013 07:33 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]A nerd is someone who is excessively interested in a subject that is regarded as too technical or scientific. PERIOD.

Well, forget the nerd thing entirely. Let's just say you make me sound weird.

(11-07-2013 07:33 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]I would be very surprised if you know where I'm going with this.

Well, that hint was a little blunt...
(11-07-2013 09:25 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2013 07:33 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]A nerd is someone who is excessively interested in a subject that is regarded as too technical or scientific. PERIOD.

Well, forget the nerd thing entirely. Let's just say you make me sound weird.
That was a weird chapter now wasn't it. You won't sound weird in the next few chapters.

(11-07-2013 07:33 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]I would be very surprised if you know where I'm going with this.

Well, that hint was a little blunt...
Is it?
(11-07-2013 11:16 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2013 09:25 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2013 07:33 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]A nerd is someone who is excessively interested in a subject that is regarded as too technical or scientific. PERIOD.

Well, forget the nerd thing entirely. Let's just say you make me sound weird.
That was a weird chapter now wasn't it. You won't sound weird in the next few chapters.

Thanks! I'll try not to make you sound weird in my fanfic, either.

(11-07-2013 11:16 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2013 09:25 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2013 07:33 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]I would be very surprised if you know where I'm going with this.
Well, that hint was a little blunt...
Is it?

I have a very acute sense of hints. I may be jumping the gun, however.
Chapter 8

That Night

Silver: No.412, I’m sending you to the Pokémon Statue in Eterna City tomorrow. It is the hiding place of the ancient scroll of awakening. Aaron and the others will be there shortly. Rendezvous with Leo and tell him Project X is a go.
No.412: Yes sir. (he exits HQ) (talks through walkie-talkie) All GL grunts come for a meeting at the usual place.

(the usual place)

No.412: Galactic and Rocket Grunts, Silver is up to something. He’s sending me to find these artifacts throughout Sinnoh. When the time is right, we shall show Silver where our true loyalties lie. Galactic Grunts, I know Cyrus abandoned you and Silver took you under your wing, but he is not to be trusted.

GiovanniLoyalists (GL) Grunts: Long live Giovanni!

No.412: Meeting adjourned. (to walkie talkie) Giovanni come in.

Giovanni: ( to walkie talkie watch) This is Giovanni.

No.412: Three days.

Giovanni: Good. Don’t screw this up.

No.412: Silver will never know what hit him.

(the next morning)

Eterna City

(It is an older city, showing the signs of history. There is a rather large statue of an ancient Pokémon on the east side of town. The statue was once the main center of festivals in the town, although signs of the town's culture and rituals have started to slip away. The Population is 50,000)

Crystal: This looks like the perfect day for a Gym Battle. (runs to the Gym)

(outside Gym)

Aaron: Good luck!

Crystal: Thanks.

Leo: I’ll catch up to you guys later. I have something I have to do.

Aaron: See you later Leo. (Leo departs)

Referee: This battle shall consist of three Pokémon. Switching is allowed. Let the battle between

Gym Leader GD and Crystal commence.

GD: Go Grotle!

Crystal: Go Serafina! Use Bite!

GD: Grotle, Use Bite!

(Grotle and Serafina both Bite each other)

GD: Grotle, use Mega Drain.

Crystal: Serafina, use Spark!

(Spark paralyzes Grotle. Mega Drain drains Serafina’s energy)

Crystal: Spark again!

(Grotle faints)(Shinx evolves into Luxio)

Referee: Grotle is unable to battle! Luxio wins!

GD: Go Roserade! Use Sludge Bomb!

Crystal: Serafina, Use Spark.

(Sludge Bomb takes Luxio out)

Referee: Luxio is unable to battle, Roserade wins!

Crystal: Go Luna! Use Sand Tomb!

GD: Roserade, Use Sludge Bomb.

(Roserade is trapped in a swirling vortex of sand)(Sludge Bomb misses)

GD: Roserade: Use Mega Drain!

Crystal: Luna, Use Faint Attack!

(Roserade faints)

Referee: Roserade is unable to battle, Luna wins.

GD: Go Seedot! Use Bide!

Crystal: Luna, use Bite!

(Bite hits)(Seedot bides)

Crystal: Use Bite!

GD: Seedot, Release the energy!

(Bide takes Luna out)

Referee: Luna is unable to battle, Seedot wins.

Crystal: Go Kai. Use Ember.

GD: Seedot, Use Growth.

(Ember hits and Seedot evolves into Nuzleaf)

Crystal: WHAT!!!! I thought I had it!

GD: Always expect the unexpected. Nuzleaf, Use Razor Leaf.

Crystal: Kai, Use Ember again.

(Both attacks hit)

GD: Razor Leaf again!

Crystal: Ember again!

(Both Pokémon Faint)

Referee: Both Pokémon are unable to battle. A coin toss will decide the winner.

Crystal: Heads

(the referee flips the coin. It lands on heads)

Referee: Crystal is the winner of the Eterna City Gym Badge.

GD: You battle well. Here’s the badge.

Crystal: Thanks!

(Aaron barely manages to beat GD and his Turtwig evolves into Grotle)(Alcovich beats GD and
his Starly evolves into Staravia)

(meanwhile at the Pokémon Statue)

No.412: Leo, Project X is a go. Remember you must not complete Project X though. Otherwise Silver will overpower us.

Leo: No problem. What about Alcovich, Aaron, and Crystal? Do you think they’ll go along with it?

No.412: I think so.

(outside the gym)

Aaron: Next stop is Hearthome City! From what I’ve heard, just past the Pokémon statue, is a newly opened helicopter service. We can take it to Hearthome.

Alcovich: Let’s find Leo and get to Hearthome!

Aaron: The last time I saw him, he was heading toward the Pokémon Statue.

Crystal: Let’s go then!

(Pokémon Statue)

(Leo is examining it. No.412 is nowhere to be seen)

Aaron: What are you looking at Leo?

Leo: There are two plates on this statue. Below them, there is the faint outline of a spot where it
seems a third plate once was.

(Leo notices a slight concavity near the base of the Pokémon Statue. He presses his palm into it.
The statue groans and slowly moves revealing an ancient looking set of stairs)

Crystal: Whoa!

Aaron: Dude, you just discovered an ancient passage.

(Alcovich runs down the steps and the statue closes)

Crystal: Alcovich!!!

Leo: It’s okay. All I have to do is press the statue again. (he tries and it doesn’t move)

Aaron: Brother… We’ll get you out.
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