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Oh. No crossover then. Maybe next story.

Chapter 16
(The trainers have wandered toward a pale green meadow with a grey sky with a rather large mountain in the distance.)

Crystal: Arcedion is so dreary. It looks like Earth except for all the color is drained.

Alcovich: I think Arceus modeled Earth after Arcedion.

Leo: That makes sense. Arceus was probably rather homesick when he was born into the black void.

Aaron: (concerned, while scanning the horizon) Where is Arceus?

Leo: He’s probably chillin’ with his loyalists.

Crystal: Get serious Leo. Arceus wouldn’t be procrastinating. He has to save his world!

Alcovich: Crystal’s right! Let me focus for a minute (mentally contacts Arceus through the link that Arceus created) Arceus says that he’s gathered one thousand Arceions that are still loyal to him. They are at the mountain that we can see in the distance.

Aaron: Only one thousand? According to Arceus, there are about two billion Arceions on Arcedion. That means Darkeus has two million Grimdarks for every one Arceion we have. That’s not good.

Crystal: At least we have the Rainbow Plate so we can channel the powers of the Angelic god, Angicon. It should be more than enough to reverse the evil effects of the Midnight Plate. Good always triumphs over evil!

Aaron: That is, if we don’t die first.

Alcovich: Thank you for that, Mr. Sunshine. Thinking like that will get us killed for sure.

Aaron: You’re right. We’re going to free Arcedion from Darkeus no matter what!


Arceus: Fellow Arceions, thank you for enduring the past 20,000 years without me and remaining loyal. Now is the time for us to rise up and take back Arcedion. While I was away, I created another universe filled with creatures called humans and Pokémon. I’ve recruited four such humans and they are the key to defeating Darkeus. (sees the trainers coming around the mountain) Ah, there they are now!

(Arceions cheer)

Arceus: These four youngsters have bonded with me and the first three Pokémon I created. They can channel their powers and provide a powerful resistance to Darkeus. They have even procured the Rainbow Plate.

(Arceions continue cheering)

Arceion: (to the trainers) It is time to commence the Absorbing of the Rainbow Plate. (to the trainers) Alcovich, Aaron, Crystal, and Leo, it is time. Join hands and help me absorb the Rainbow Plate.

(Just as they join hands, Darkeus appears)

Darkeus: STOP!!! You don’t know what you’re doing!

(Arceus fully absorbs the Rainbow Plate and a flash of lightening and a boom of thunder fill the sky) (Arceus is transformed into Scrion)

Darkeus: Oh no! You’ve done it now.

Aaron: What are you talking about?

Darkeus: You really have no idea, do you? I’ll bet he told you he is the rightful heir to the throne of Arcedion and that I, his evil twin, is the one who drained this world. Am I right?

Crystal: Wait. You didn’t do all that?

Darkeus: No. I have no twin brother. In fact, I’ve spent the past 20,000 years trying to revive the planet from the rule of Scrion, the Demon god.

(Scrion is repulsive. He has the body of Hellhound with three Scorpion tails, all with poisoned razor sharp points that can stretch four times its body length. He is about five hundred times bigger than Darkeus)

Aaron: *faints from fear*

Crystal: Aaron, wake up! (Crystal teleports herself, Aaron, Leo, Alcovich, and Darkeus far away)(Aaron wakes up)

Aaron: What was that thing?

Darkeus: That was Scrion.

Alcovich: So Arceus is Scrion? Why are you named Darkeus then? Why did the Grimdarks attack us?

Darkeus: I was able to trap Scrion in the embodiment of an Arceion, which would limit his power unless he was able to absorb the power of the Rainbow Plate. By absorbing the powers of the Angelic goddess, Angicon, he was able to free himself from the body I created for him because the angelic powers negate the malice I poured into the binding. My name is Darkeus because I am black because the effort to restore this world to its former glory has drained me of all color except for black and my red/white veins. No doubt Scrion used that knowledge of me to portray me as evil. My Grimdarks, named because they lend me their energy to help restore the world, attacked you because the Temple of the Rainbow is off limits to everyone but me just because of what just happened. Once you had taken the Rainbow Plate, my Outrage went off uncontrolled because I knew Scrion had somehow returned here. I’m sorry for frightening you. The only way we can defeat Scrion is to summon Angicon, the Angelic goddess.
OOhh nice twist i like it, i did thought that maybe something like that would happen, Arceus turned evil and stuff,

Keep up the good work, GD.
I'm glad you like it! I was a little worried about the reaction for this plot twist.
(04-11-2013 08:18 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Scrion is repulsive.

Why do all the bad guys have to be ugly? My bad guys will be quite handsome, being [SPOILER DEFENSE ONLINE] and all.

In any case, I was not expecting that at all. I'll try to throw something like that into my fanfiction (if I ever get it done).
(04-11-2013 11:51 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-11-2013 08:18 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Scrion is repulsive.

Why do all the bad guys have to be ugly? My bad guys will be quite handsome, being [SPOILER DEFENSE ONLINE] and all.
Scrion is a demon god that looks like a hellhound with three scorpion tails. I don't think that could possibly look handsome.
I could make it a Handsome Devil German Shepherd with elegantly groomed scorpion tails. Would that be handsome? ToungueBig Grin

And isn't Arceus supposed to be equestrian (horse-based)?
(05-11-2013 01:23 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]I could make it a Handsome Devil German Shepherd with elegantly groomed scorpion tails. Would that be handsome? ToungueBig Grin

(05-11-2013 01:23 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]And isn't Arceus supposed to be equestrian (horse-based)?
Just because Arceus is based on an equestrian doesn't mean Arceus's god is based on an equestrian.
Take Egyptian Mythology for example. You've got Anubis (the jackal-headed god) and Horus (Falcon headed god). I don't know about you but I haven't seen any jackal-headed or falcon-headed people running around.

(04-11-2013 11:51 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Why do all the bad guys have to be ugly?
Not all bad guys are ugly. I've seen some really handsome/attractive villains.
Loki was a handsome villain in the movie, Thor.
The Evil Queen was beautiful in the movie, Snow White and the Huntsman.

Besides, in X and Y, the Female Team Flare Scientists are really pretty.

Did anybody see the Grey's Kanto Adventure reference? (It's super-easy to spot)
Does it have to do with me never getting any chapters out?
No. It's at the very beginning of Chapter 16.
(04-11-2013 08:18 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
Chapter 16
(The trainers have wandered toward a pale green meadow with a grey sky with a rather large mountain in the distance.)

Found it.
Who in my fanfiction is named Mountain, though? Toungue
(06-11-2013 04:39 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Who in my fanfiction is named Mountain, though? Toungue
Don't you recognize a Grey's Kanto Adventure Spoiler when you see it! Toungue
Only persons with official sanctions by Alcovich Publishers Inc. can grant GKA spoilers. Please apply for an official sanction at your nearest branch office.
Chapter 17

Darkeus: To summon Angicon, I must first purge you of Scrion’s bonds and create bonds with me. Then we must play the Azure Flute to open the staircase to the heavens.

Leo: Do we even have the Azure Flute?

Darkeus: Yes. It’s attached to my wheel-like appendage.

Alcovich: Oh. Okay.

Darkeus: It’s on left part of my wheel-like appendage. All you have to do is get it and blow through it will play the melody that will summon Angicon.
Aaron: Let’s do it then! (blows through the Azure Flute)

(The ground shakes and an ancient stairway appears that leads to the heavens)(they ascend)

(The goddess Angicon is beautiful. She is about the same size as Scrion. She looks like an Angel
combined with a Gardevoir) She has translucent wings and golden hair. Her very voice is like a beautiful song.)

Angicon: I know why you have come. Unfortunately I cannot take on Scrion myself. However, I can grant you access to my power so you can defeat him. (She breathes on them and with flash she is gone)

Aaron: Well that was quick.

Darkeus: Yes. Angicon and Scrion cannot fight each other because it would set off a chain reaction that would destroy all life in all Universes.

Leo: Well. We cannot have that.

Crystal: We should be able to take on Scrion now.

(Scrion appears)

Scrion: Oh really? Let’s see how you puny creatures fare against me.

(Scrion uses Midnight Dark Pulse and aims his scorpion tales at Alcovich)

Aaron: Nooooo!!! (Aaron knocks Alcovich out of the way and gets stabbed by the Scrion.

Alcovich and Crystal: AARON!!!! (to Scrion) You’ve done it now demon. (to Leo) Leo, use Light Pulse on
Scrion. (to Darkeus) Use Heal Pulse on Aaron!

(Leo uses Light Pulse and momentarily blinds Scrion)

Alcovich: Are you ready Crystal?

Crystal: Yes. Let’s do this for Aaron.

Alcovich: I love you Crystal.

Crystal (blushes): I love you too. Now let’s do this!


(Alcovich and Crystal join hands and slowly rise up into the air. A blinding rainbow light is created and thrown at Scrion)

(Scrion counters with ULTRA CORRUPTED JUDGMENT!!!)(A Dark Shadow Judgement appears and is thrown at Alcovich, Crystal, and Leo)(Aaron is still unconscious and Darkeus is doing his best to heal him)

(The two attacks collide and the Purification Judgment starts to gain ground on the Corrupted Judgment until the Purification Judgment breaks the Corrupted Judgment and hits Scrion.)

Scrion: NOOO!!! (Scrion has been completely purified. His appearance has changed drastically. He now looks like Blue Rapidash combined with the wings of an Angel)

Scrion: Thank you for freeing me. At the beginning of this Universe, I was arrogant and selfish until it allowed the Shadow Demon, the creator of the Shadow Force, to consume me turning me into that hideous creature. It has now been completely purified. Thank you.

Aaron: (coughing uncontrollably and starting to spasm)

Darkeus: I’m sorry. Scrion’s poison has spread too far. There’s nothing more that I can do.

Crystal: (crying) No!

Alcovich: Brother…….no…….

Leo: (determined) NO. There must be a way to heal Aaron. He is too good of a person to just die like
this. (to Scrion) Is there anything you can do?

Scrion: Unfortunately no. The poison he was infected with has no known antidote. I can however put his body into a comatose state while you search for an antidote.

Crystal: I have an idea. I was saving this for an upcoming battle but I think it might help Aaron.

(She walks over to the dying Aaron and pours a liquid down his throat. Aaron coughs some more and slowly starts to recover)

Alcovich: Brother! Thank goodness!

Scrion and Darkeus: What was that?!?!

Crystal: It was a special Elixir. The recipe has been handed down in my family for generations. It's a healing Elixir.

Aaron: (slurring stutter) Whhhaaat happpppenned? Diiiiidddd weee wiiinn?

Leo: You almost died. Crystal saved you. We purified Scrion.

Aaron: (just stuttering) Thannnks Cryystal! (almost fully healed now) You're the best best-friend a guy could have!

Crystal: You are more than welcome Aaron and Thanks!

Alcovich: Brother. It's good to have you back.

Aaron: It's good to be back Alcovich.

Darkeus: Thank you all for everything! Scrion and I can begin work on restoring Arcedion back to its former glory. Now I will send you back to Earth.

(with a flash, our trainers have been returned to Spear Pillar)(Everything is just as they left it and Time is no longer frozen.)
Nice chapter, was great. So now they'll continue in Sinnoh battling gyms and go to E4 ?
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