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Ouch... You beat me. I will go and write now.

Chapter Umpteen
Silver: Congratulations No. 412! You captured... wait! What are you-"
(Rocket Grunts appear out of nowhere and stab Silver 23 times)
Silver: Et tu, Brutus? (dies)

Right, of course I would be the guy who runs down the steps of an ancient passageway only to let them close behind me cutting off my supply of light and oxygen. Flashlight used Flash!

I didn't know you could win a Gym Battle with a coin toss!
(19-07-2013 11:54 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Ouch... You beat me. I will go and write now.

Chapter Umpteen
Silver: Congratulations No. 412! You captured... wait! What are you-"
(Rocket Grunts appear out of nowhere and stab Silver 23 times)
Silver: Et tu, Brutus? (dies)

(19-07-2013 11:54 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Right, of course I would be the guy who runs down the steps of an ancient passageway only to let them close behind me cutting off my supply of light and oxygen. Flashlight used Flash!
Would it help if I said that you're going to be a really important person?

(19-07-2013 11:54 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]I didn't know you could win a Gym Battle with a coin toss!
I ran out of ideas. I wanted something different than everybody just outright winning the battles but I'm not quite ready yet for anyone to lose to a Gym Leader either. (It will happen eventually)

Alcovich, do you approve of the stronger Pokemon GD Smile used in the gym battle?
(20-07-2013 12:22 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(19-07-2013 11:54 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Ouch... You beat me. I will go and write now.

Chapter Umpteen
Silver: Congratulations No. 412! You captured... wait! What are you-"
(Rocket Grunts appear out of nowhere and stab Silver 23 times)
Silver: Et tu, Brutus? (dies)

When I read that chapter, the idea just jumped out at me.

(20-07-2013 12:22 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(19-07-2013 11:54 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Right, of course I would be the guy who runs down the steps of an ancient passageway only to let them close behind me cutting off my supply of light and oxygen. Flashlight used Flash!
Would it help if I said that you're going to be a really important person?

As in, I fight off a Galacket operative with my newly evolved Wartortle? Smile

(20-07-2013 12:22 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Alcovich, do you approve of the stronger Pokemon GD Smile used in the gym battle?

GarDenia Wink
Anyway, yes. Nuzleaf is one of my favorite Grass-types!
(10-07-2013 10:14 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]You kind of make me sound like a nerd... :T

implying we're not all here , to some extent

Cooperating with Leo? awesome Smile Looking good so far
Chapter 9


Alcovich: Well, that was unexpected. While I’m down here I might as well see where this passage goes.

(The tunnel is long and dark. After walking for what seemed like forever, Alcovich sees a light at the end of the tunnel)

Alcovich: Maybe that’s a way out.

(He reaches the light source. It’s a huge underground chamber with strange drawings on the wall)

No.412: It’s amazing isn’t it?

Alcovich: Whoa! Where did you come from? Who are you?

No.412: I’m No.412.

Alcovich: You’re the one who beat Aaron!

No.412: Yes. I’m a scientist for Team GalacticRocket. I was waiting for you.

Alcovich: What do you mean?

No.412: Leo is one of us.

Alcovich: What!!!!!! That backstabbing traitor!

No.412: Listen. Silver, leader of Team GalacticRocket, also your father, is going to try to recruit
you, Aaron, and Crystal for Team GalacticRocket. I know not his purpose. I can assure you that it’s evil. Some of us are not loyal to Silver. We’re loyal to his father, Giovanni. Leo is assessing you, Aaron, and Crystal to see if you’ll be able to aid him in taking down Silver. Silver thinks Leo is gaining your trust so he can initiate Project X.

Alcovich: First off, Silver is NOT my father. Mine and Aaron’s father died when we were infants. Second, how do I know that you’re not lying?

No.412: Actually he is. Your mother created the story of his death so she could spare you from the evil person he actually is. You just have to trust me. I will tell you about Project X. Stage 1 is for Leo to implant a Tracking Chip in your scalp. Stage 2 involves activating the Control switch. This would destroy your free will and bind you to Silver in case you don’t willingly join him. He has a backup plan in case of a malfunction. He plans to use Leo to kidnap Crystal and attach a Dark Chain to her. Leo is on our side though. I told him not to complete either stage. I’m sure you have plenty of questions. They must wait. I was sent here to procure the Scroll of Awakening. I have it now. Therefore to keep up appearances, I must do as I was told and test your battling skills. Go Golbat!

(Meanwhile back up above)

Aaron: We must rescue Alcovich! I can’t stand here just doing nothing!

Leo: He should be fine. Let’s wait and see if he reappears soon.

Aaron (reluctantly) Okay fine! If he’s not out in 30 minutes, I’m breaking this statue down!

Crystal: Aaron. Listen. I agree that we should be trying to get Alcovich out but breaking the
statue isn’t going to help.

Aaron: Okay Crystal. What do you suggest?

Crystal: We do as Leo says.

(back underground)

Alcovich: Go Squirtle! Use Water Gun!

No.412: Golbat, use Wing Attack!

(both attacks hit)

Alcovich: Squirtle: Use Bite!

No.412: Counter with Confuse Ray!

(Squirtle latches onto Golbat and Confuse Ray misses)

Alcovich: Squirtle, Water Gun!

No.412: Knock it off and use Air Cutter.

(Golbat sends Squirtle flying just as Squirtle used Water Gun. This caused the Water Gun to
create a water vortex with Squirtle at the base)

Alcovich: Squirtle, throw the vortex at Golbat and finish this!

(Squirtle throws the Water Gun Vortex and knocks Golbat out.)

No.412: Go Magneton. Use Thunderbolt!

(Squirtle faints)

Alcovich: Go Staravia! Use Endeaver!

No.412: Magneton: Use Spark!

(Staravia barely endures the Spark and uses Endeaver on Magneton)

Alcovich: Staravia: Use Quick Attack!

(Magneton faints)

No.412: Go Banette! Use Will~o~Wisp!

Alcovich: Staravia, Use Aerial Ace!

(Staravia is burned and hits Banette.)(Staravia is hurt by its burn)

Alcovich: Staravia, use Aerial Ace again!

No.412: Faint Attack!

(Staravia faints)

Alcovich: Go Eevee! Use Shadow Ball!

No.412: Banette, use Faint Attack!

(Shadow Ball knocks Banette out)

No.412: I concede defeat. You earned it Alcovich. (presses a button) When you go back down the passage, the door will open. I had some equipment placed so it wouldn’t open after you came down. You’ll find it’ll open easily now. Tell no one of our discussion.(he then disappears in a cloud of smoke)

(Alcovich emerges from under the Pokémon statue)

Alcovich: Did ya miss me?

Crystal: Oh Alcovich! We were so worried. What happened?

Alcovich: Nothing much. I wandered down this tunnel and saw a room with strange drawings on the walls. Then I walked back and I was able to open it from the inside and here I am.

Aaron (not convinced but stays silent): It’s good to have you back brother.

Leo: Let’s catch a helicopter ride to Hearthome City.

(Our trainers depart via helicopter and arrive at Hearthome City at nightfall)(They camp just outside the city)
(21-07-2013 08:01 PM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ]Cooperating with Leo? awesome Smile Looking good so far

Leo:Prepare for trouble,in the name of the moon!
#412:Make it double.You'll be defeated before the noon.
Leo:OK!This was horrible!Toungue
#412:OK!Think of sth better!Toungue

(22-07-2013 01:44 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Alcovich: Did ya miss me?

Crystal: Oh Alcovich! We were so worried. What happened?

Alcovich: Nothing much. I wandered down this tunnel and saw a room with strange drawings on the walls. Then I walked back and I was able to open it from the inside and here I am.

Aaron (not convinced but stays silent): It’s good to have you back brother.

Leo: Let’s catch a helicopter ride to Hearthome City.

(Our trainers depart via helicopter and arrive at Hearthome City at nightfall)(They camp just outside the city)

I was actually thinking of a helicopter in my (future) fanfic!Toungue
Anyway,I was expecting for Alcovich to say ''Leo is a traitor!You've got to believe me!''.Toungue
Wait wait wait...
Why camp outside the city when there are perfectly good Pokemon Trainer-oriented hotels in the city? Were they out of money or something?

I have defeated the traitors! F.E.A.R. my Staravia! ToungueBig Grin
Say, when will you come out with Chapter Ten? It's been kind of a long time...

I, as well, will start working on Chapter Six of my fanfiction.
(06-08-2013 04:22 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Say, when will you come out with Chapter Ten? It's been kind of a long time...

Chapter 10 will come out soon. I think.

Here's what happened. Shortly after I posted Chapter 9, I got really sick. I was sick for like the whole week of my birthday. (I had a gall bladder flare up. The doctor said it was really unusual for someone my age)
(I started to feel better on my birthday) Then it took about another week for my body to fully recover. (last week) The past few days (when I started working on Chapter 10) are the first days I've felt like writing anything.

It will get done though. I'm throwing yet another plot twist into the story.
Is Alcovich kidnapped by Team Galacket?
(06-08-2013 04:42 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Is Alcovich kidnapped by Team Galacket?

No-one gets kidnapped
You'll be extremely happy with the plot twist. If you PM me, I might give you a hint.

I take that back, you're going to hate me.
Chapter 10

(That Night)

No.412: I got the scroll of awakening and I battled Alcovich. He is really powerful. He beat me.

Silver: Good, very good. Did you rendezvous with Leo?

No.412: Yes, Project X is a go.

Silver: Wonderful. Everything is going according to plan. Begin Phase 2.

No.412: Yes sir.

(No.412 exits)

Silver: No.412 is a fool. He doesn’t think I know about his little rebellious plot. (to cell phone) GR, prepare my ship. It’s time to recruit Operative X from Kanto. (To himself)
No.412 won’t know what hit him.

GR: Yes sir. Do you really think Operative X will cooperate? Operative X isn’t known for cooperation.

Silver: I have a Dark Chain to use if necessary.

Hearthome City

(Hearthome City started as a place where people and Pokémon gathered and grew into a center of commerce, and is consistently voted as the most desirable place to live in all of Sinnoh. Hearthome City is a child-friendly city; there are many families and young mothers living there, some of whom can be seen with prams. Most of the buildings use elevators instead of stairs so that small children and Pokémon can move through the houses. The citizens scrupulously keep their city clean. The population is 81,000.)

Leo: It’s the perfect morning for a Gym Battle. I hear Fantina’s really strong!

Aaron: I bet she’s not as strong as me.

Leo: Aaron, I’m stronger than you.

Aaron: How can you say that when we haven’t even battled?

Leo: Let’s have a warm up battle. Crystal, referee please.

Crystal: This is a three on three battle. Switching is not allowed. Let the battle between
Aaron and Leo begin.

Aaron: Go Ivysaur.

Leo: I knew you would start off with a Grass type. You’re so predictable. Go Vulpix. Use Ember.

Aaron: I am not predictable. Ivysaur, use Sleep Powder.

(Ember hits Ivysaur and Vulpix falls asleep.)(Vulpix Chesto Berry woke it)

Leo: Like I said, predictable.

Aaron: That’s it. Ivysaur, use Vine Whip.

Leo: Vulpix, use Ember again.

Aaron: Dodge it and use Vine Whip to throw Vulpix against that wall.

(Ivysaur dodges and throws Vulpix against the wall.)(Vulpix faints)

Crystal: Vulpix is unable to battle, Ivysaur wins.

Leo: Go Riolu. Use Force Palm.

Aaron: Ivysaur, use Vine Whip.

(Ivysaur faints before attacking Riolu)

Crystal: Ivysaur is unable to battle. Riolu wins.

Aaron: Go Gastly! Use Shadow Ball.

Leo: Riolu, use Foresight.

(Shadow Ball hits.)

Aaron: Use Shadow Ball again.

Leo: Riolu, use Force Palm.

(both attacks hit)

Aaron: I thought Fighting had no affect on Ghost types.

Leo: Hmph. Shows how much you know. Foresight allows Fighting and Normal moves to hit Ghost types.

Aaron: Oh. Gastly, use Sucker Punch.

Leo: Riolu, use Force Palm again.

(Shadow Ball knocks Riolu out)(Gastly evolves into Haunter)

Aaron: Yes!

Leo: Go Bagon. Use Dragonbreath.

(Haunter faints)

Aaron: What! Go Kadabra, use Physic.

Leo: Bagon, use Dragonbreath

(both attacks hit)

(Bagon evolves into Shelgon)

Aaron: Kadabra, Use Physic while Leo is distracted.

(Physic hits and Shelgon faints)

Crystal: Shelgon is unable to battle. Aaron is the victor.

Aaron: Good battle Leo.

Leo: You got lucky. All that matters is that Bagon evolved into Shelgon.

Alcovich: That was some battle. Now it’s time to face Fantina.

(while our trainers head to the gym, Silver has arrived in Kanto)

Silver: Ah Kanto Region, home to Operative X. (to GR) Where is Operative X’s last known whereabouts?

GR: Operative X was last sighted in the nearby cave.

Silver: Excellent. Operative X will be in my control by sunset.

(outside the cave)

GR: Should I activate M-mode on the radar?

Silver: Yes, if it detects us, it shall attack. We must not be caught off guard.

GR: Sir, M-mode is showing Operative X is nearing our location now.

Silver: Excellent, prepare the Dark Chain.

(Operative X appears)

Silver: Mewtwo, it’s been a long time.

Mewtwo (using Telekinesis): Silver, give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now?

Silver: (throws the Dark Chain at Mewtwo)

(Mewtwo uses Physic to stop the Dark Chain in front of him)

Mewtwo: Did you really think you could capture me with that chain?

Silver: (smiles) Why of course.

Mewtwo: What?

Silver: GR, activate the Dark Chain.

GR: Activating.

(Dark Chain expands and attaches itself to Mewtwo)

Dark Mewtwo: Silver, what must I do to serve you?
Aaron:Gastly, use Sucker Punch.

Leo: Riolu, use Force Palm again.

(Shadow Ball knocks Riolu out)


Nice plot twist! How did Silver get a Dark Chain? What exactly is a Dark Chain?

After the fifth Badge, can I get a legendary? Big Grin

When I heard the words "In the nearby cave", I knew you were referring to Mewtwo. Smile

GR=Grim Ripper? Toungue Maybe GR will be like Operative One in Continue This Story.
(11-08-2013 08:16 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Nice plot twist! How did Silver get a Dark Chain? What exactly is a Dark Chain?
Here's what I can reveal: A Dark Chain allows one to take total control over the Pokemon or Human it's attached to.

(11-08-2013 08:16 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]GR=Grim Ripper? Toungue

(11-08-2013 08:16 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe GR will be like Operative One in Continue This Story.

So Alcovich, does this mean you're not going to try to kill me for what I did to Mewtwo?
(12-08-2013 02:27 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]So Alcovich, does this mean you're not going to try to kill me for what I did to Mewtwo?

Whatever do you mean? If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead already.
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