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Well, who else would go insane over a Shinx?
yeah you're right Toungue
Which reminds me: I want to catch Latios in the future. Pretty please with a Meadow Plate on top?
Chapter 3

Jubilife City

(The entire city is built on land carved out of a mountain by the residents of neighboring Oreburgh City. Jubilife is the most modernized city in the region. There are many distinctive buildings in Jubilife City, including the TV station, the Pokétch Company, the Trainers' School, and a hotel. The population is 124, making it fourth largest city in the Pokémon world and the biggest in Sinnoh. The Oreburgh Gym has become the second Gym due to a cave-in at Oreburgh Gate.)

Aaron: Let’s go to the Pokémon Center to heal our Pokémon.

Pokémon Center

Nurse Joy: Your Pokémon have been completely healed. We hope to see you again soon.

(as the trainers prepare to leave the Pokémon Center, a random trainer announces a trade offer)

Random Trainer: I’m looking for someone who will trade a Chimchar for my Female Trapinch.

Crystal: Ooooh! I’ll trade you!

Random Trainer: Let’s trade!

Crystal: This is my Chimchar. He knows Scratch, Leer, and Ember.

Random Trainer: This is Luna. She knows Bite, Sand Attack, and Faint Attack.

(The trainers traded their Pokémon)

Crystal: I think I’ll give my Pokémon nicknames. Charmander, you shall be known as Kai and Shinx shall be known as Serafina.

Alcovich: I just read a sign that said the first Gym has been moved here to Jubilife City recently do to a cave-in at Oreburgh Gate. It also says that the rubble shall be cleared soon. In the mean time, let’s go challenge the Gym Leader here in Jubilife City.


Alcovich: We’re here to challenge you leader!

Dawn: Is that so. Who shall I battle first?

Aaron, Crystal, and Alcovich: ME!

Aaron: (to Alcovich) Ladies first, don’t you agree?

Alcovich: I guess so.

Referee: This battle shall consist of two Pokémon. Switching is allowed. Let the battle of Leader Dawn and Crystal begin.

Dawn: Go Buneary!

Crystal: Go Kai!

Dawn: Buneary, Use Pound!

Crystal: Kai, dodge it and use Ember!

(Kai is able to dodge the attack and hit Buneary directly.)

Dawn: Buneary, don’t give up! Use Pound again!

Crystal: Ember again!

(Buneary’s Pound hits and Kai’s Ember hits)(Buneary Faints)

Referee: Buneary is unable to battle. Charmander Wins.

(Kai Learns Dragon Rage and evolves into Charmeleon)

Crystal: Oooh!

Dawn: Go Piplup! Use Bubble!

Crystal: Kai, Come back. Go Serafina! Use Bite!

(Bubble misses and Bite hits)(Piplup flinches)

Dawn: Piplup! Use Bubble again!

Crystal: Serafina, use Bite again!

(Piplup is still Flinching, it can’t move. Bite hits and Piplup faints)

Referee: Piplup is unable to battle. Crystal wins!

Dawn: Congratulations Crystal. You are worthy of this Gym’s Badge.

Crystal: Yay!

Alcovich: All right! I’m next!

Referee: This battle shall consist of two Pokémon. Switching is allowed. Let the battle between Leader Dawn and Alcovich begin!

Dawn: Go Swinub!

Alcovich: Go Starly!

Dawn: Swinub, use Powder Snow!

Alcovich: Starly, dodge it and use Quick Attack!

(Quick Attack hits but so does Powder snow and knocks Starly out)

Referee: Starly is unable to battle, Swinub wins.

Alcovich: Go Piplup! Use Bubble!

Dawn: Use Powder Snow again Swinub.

(Powder Snow hits but doesn’t do much damage. Bubble hits and knocks Swinub out)

Referee: Swinub is unable to battle, Piplup wins!

Dawn: Go Cyndaquil! Use Ember!

Alcovich: Piplup, Dodge it and use Bubble!

(Ember misses and Bubble hits)

Dawn: Cyndaquil, use Ember again!

Alcovich: Piplup use Bubble again!

(Bubble hits and knocks Cyndaquil out)(Piplup learns Peck and evolves into Prinplup)

Alcovich: Nice!

Referee: Cyndaquil is unable to battle! Alcovich is the victor!

Dawn: You battled well. Here is the Gym Badge.

Aaron: Now, it’s my turn! Go Bulbasaur!

Dawn: Go Pachirisu!

Aaron: Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip!

Dawn: Pachirisu, use Quick Attack!

(Vine Whip intercepts Quick Attack and throws Pachirisu against the wall)

(Pachirisu faints)

Referee: Pachirisu is unable to battle, Bulbasaur wins!

Aaron: Bulbasaur, come back! Go Abra!

Dawn: Go Aipom!

Aaron: Abra, Use Teleport!

Dawn: Aipom, use Astonish!

(Abra teleports back inside its Pokeball so Astonish misses)

Aaron: Go Bulbasaur! Use Vine Whip!

Dawn: Aipom, Use Astonish!

(Both attacks hit)

Aaron: Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip again!

Dawn: Astonish again Aipom!

(Astonish hits and Bulbasaur faints)

Aaron: Go Abra!

Dawn: Aipom, Use Scratch)

Aaron: Abra, use Teleport.

(Aipom scratches Abra)(Abra evolves into Kadabra and learns Confusion)

Aaron:YES!!!! Kadabra, Use Confusion.

Dawn: Aipom, use Astonish.

(Confusion knocks Aipom out)

Referee: Aipom is unable to battle, Aaron is the victor!

Dawn: I thought I had you after I took out your Bulbasaur. I never thought Abra would evolve. Here’s the badge.

Aaron: Thanks!

(When the trainers exit the Gym, it’s Dusk and so they decide to book a room at the nearest hotel.)

Aaron: It’s been an exhausting day! We got our new Pokémon, first badge, and even evolved one of our Pokémon!

Crystal: I love my Kai, Serafina, and Luna!

Alcovich: Prinplup is so cool! Starly is getting stronger and Squirtle is adorable.

(The trainers fall fast asleep due to being completely exhausted from the day’s excitement)
Some comments and constructive criticism:

You know what would be a good idea? Taking the population of a city (say, Jubilife) and multiplying it by 1,000, so it sounds more like a real city. This is based in the anime world, no? Or is it a crossover between anime world and game world? A huge city of 124 people sounds a little post-apocalyptic.
So, under this formula, Jubilife City's population would be 124,000. Does this make more sense?

You evolved the Pokemon a little early, I think. Anecdote time: I was reading a fanfic based in the Kanto region where the protagonist had 3 evolved starters before Mount Moon. I would refrain from evolving Pokemon until the second badge or later. Pokemon like Weedle can be evolved whenever, as they evolve fast.

So, what type leader is Dawn? Various? Sounds good! Sort of like Blue in the Kanto Region...

Can you do a scene where the heroes are getting lunch (even Pokemon trainers have to eat sometime, right?), and they run into a Team Rocket trainee, who fights them 3-on-1? It would be pretty cool if you did.

Speaking of Team Rocket/Galactic: Don't do as the games did and make these really powerful Grunts with level 9 Pokemon. If possible, never give a full-fledged grunt a Pokemon under level 30.

Should I give you comments like these in PM form? I want the other forum members to see my ideas.

Keep it up! The story is starting to get exciting!
(25-06-2013 09:35 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Some comments and constructive criticism:

You know what would be a good idea? Taking the population of a city (say, Jubilife) and multiplying it by 1,000, so it sounds more like a real city. This is based in the anime world, no? Or is it a crossover between anime world and game world? A huge city of 124 people sounds a little post-apocalyptic.
So, under this formula, Jubilife City's population would be 124,000. Does this make more sense?
I got that info from Bulbapedia.
I'll probably change it to 124,000.

(25-06-2013 09:35 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]You evolved the Pokemon a little early, I think. Anecdote time: I was reading a fanfic based in the Kanto region where the protagonist had 3 evolved starters before Mount Moon. I would refrain from evolving Pokemon until the second badge or later. Pokemon like Weedle can be evolved whenever, as they evolve fast.
In the games, by the time I get my first badge, I have usually evolved at least one of my Pokemon. It's usually my starter.
(25-06-2013 09:35 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Can you do a scene where the heroes are getting lunch (even Pokemon trainers have to eat sometime, right?), and they run into a Team Rocket trainee, who fights them 3-on-1? It would be pretty cool if you did.
You'll just have to wait and see.

(25-06-2013 09:35 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Speaking of Team Rocket/Galactic: Don't do as the games did and make these really powerful Grunts with level 9 Pokemon. If possible, never give a full-fledged grunt a Pokemon under level 30.
In the beginning, they will have lower leveled Pokemon but as the story progresses, they will get MUCH stronger than they do in the games.
(25-06-2013 09:35 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Keep it up! The story is starting to get exciting!
I haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet!
#1: When recruiting grunts, each grunt must have at least 7 badges, preferably more. Commanders must have at least 14 badges, preferably more, and must place in at least the Top 16 Trainers in a certain region.

Excerpt from my Evil Boss list.
(25-06-2013 10:36 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]In the games, by the time I get my first badge, I have usually evolved at least one of my Pokemon. It's usually my starter.

same here.

(25-06-2013 09:35 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]So, what type leader is Dawn? Various? Sounds good! Sort of like Blue in the Kanto Region...

actually , that's something i thought was odd as well.

(25-06-2013 09:35 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Should I give you comments like these in PM form? I want the other forum members to see my ideas.

nah , it's nice looking for things i might have missed/not payed enough attention to when i was reading

anyway , it's good
So....i was away for a few days and i just fead the new chapter......keep it up it's very nice Smile
By the way, when will the next chapter come out?
Oh and by the way I've almost finished Chapter Four of Grey's Kanto Adventure.
Chapter 4
That night:

No.412: (to the boss of Team GalacticRocket) Those Grunts at Oreburgh Mine think they’re simply mining the ore. They have no idea about the Resurgence Tablet.

Boss GR: Good, the less they know the better it is for us. Speaking of which, you should go there yourself so those bumbling idiots don’t accidently discover it and destroy it. They’re bound to be close to unearthing it. The ore is a necessity but the Resurgence Tablet is vital to our plans No.412.

No.412: I’m on my way there now.

(The next day)

It is a bright and sunny morning as our trainers leave the hotel.

Aaron: Which city should we travel to next?

Alcovich: Oreburgh is the next city but Oreburgh Gate is still caved-in.

(Crystal notices a nearby sign)

Crystal: It says: Tired of waiting for Oreburgh Gate to reopen? Travel to Oreburgh City via my Abra’s Teleport! For more information visit the Pokémon Center.

Aaron: All right, let’s go!

(Pokémon Center)

AbraMan: I’m AbraMan. Do you trainers want to travel to Oreburgh City?

Aaron: We sure do!

AbraMan: Hold hands and touch my Abra. Abra use Teleport.

(Suddenly the trainers disappear and reappear in front of Oreburgh City’s Pokémon Center. AbraMan has disappeared)

Oreburgh City
(Oreburgh is a mining town blessed with significant natural resources. Prominent vents throughout the city exchange the stale air from the mines below with fresh, above-ground air. In the city's south is the Oreburgh Mines. Other points of interest include the Oreburgh Mining Museum. The miners often take breaks in the Gym between the work shifts and, similarly, Roark allows the citizens of the town train their Pokémon in the mines. The population of Oreburgh City is 75,000, although when the trainers appear, the city seems deserted.)

Crystal: Where is everybody?

(Gym Leader Roark appears)

Roark: Most of the town is either helping clear the cave-in or they’re hiding in their houses. I was recently recalled to the city because one of the Mine worker’s came to me and told me that Oreburgh Mine had been taken over by some foul people.

Aaron: Let’s go stop them!

Roark: Are you sure? You three appear to be new trainers.

Alcovich: What makes you say that?

Roark: You don’t recognize that I’m the Gym Leader for this town.

Alcovich: Oh.

Crystal: We’re more than capable! We already have our first Gym Badge!

Roark: Oh really! I suppose you will want to battle me too.

Aaron: Yes, but first let’s go stop those villains.

Roark: Okay.

Oreburgh Mine

(It is the livelihood of the town. Vents in the town allow steam to escape and fresh air to enter the mine, likely also clearing the mine of any poison gas (which is historically the bane of coal miners). The mine is operated with the utmost care to avoid causing damage to the natural habitats of wild Pokémon. The system of taking coal out of the mine is automated. The mine itself extends not only under the town, but the seafloor as well.)

Roark: What happened? All the Ore is gone!

(At Roark’s outburst, 10 Grunts look up and charge the trainers)

Roark: Go Rampardos, Golem, and Bastiodon. Use Stealth Rock to create a wall around those Grunts. (to the trainers) Go ahead while I hold these villains.

Crystal and Alcovich: Aaron, you go ahead. We’re going to stay and help Roark.

(Aaron heads deeper into the mine)

No.412 (unaware of the approaching trainers): I found it at last, the Resurgence Tablet!

Aaron: The Resurgence what?

No.412: Who are you?

Aaron: I'm Aaron and I've come to defeat you. Who are you?

No.412: I'm scientist No.412 for Team GalacticRocket! I’ll defeat you now! Go Magnemite! Use Spark!

Aaron: I don’t think so! Go Kadabra! Use Confusion!

(Both attacks hit)

No.412: Magnemite, use Sonicboom!

Aaron: Dodge it and use Confusion!

(Kadabra avoids the attack and hits Magnemite) (Magnemite faints)

No.412: Go Shuppet! Use Astonish

Aaron: Confusion again!

(Astonish knocks Kadabra out)

Aaron: Go Bulbasaur! Use Vine Whip!

No.412: Astonish again!

(Both attacks hit)

Aaron: Vine Whip again!

No.412: Astonish again!

(Both Pokémon faint)

Aaron: Go Turtwig! Use Bite!

No.412: Shuppet, use Astonish!

(bite knocks Shuppet out)

No.412: Go Castform. Use Sunny Day.

Aaron: Turtwig, Use Bite!

No.412: Castform, Use Weatherball!

(Turtwig faints)

Aaron: I lost!?!?!? I was so sure I could win.

No.412: I knew I could beat you! You'll never stop Team GalacticRocket like that!

(Aaron faints and No.412 disappears with the Resurgence Tablet)
it's getting better and better :3 by the way,i was wondering,since we battled dawn for our first gym badge we will have to skip one of the 8 that exist in the game,right?can we pleeeease NOT skip the last one???volkner is like the coolest gym leader ever =^=
Quote:Oreburgh City
(Oreburgh is a mining town blessed with significant natural resources. Prominent vents throughout the city exchange the stale air from the mines below with fresh, above-ground air. In the city's south is the Oreburgh Mines. Other points of interest include the Oreburgh Mining Museum. The miners often take breaks in the Gym between the work shifts and, similarly, Roark allows the citizens of the town train their Pokémon in the mines. The population of Oreburgh City is 75,000, although when the trainers appear, the city seems deserted.)
Crystal: Where is everybody?
(Gym Leader Roark appears)
Roark: Most of the town is either helping clear the cave-in or they’re hiding in their houses. I was recently recalled to the city because one of the Mine worker’s came to me and told me that Oreburgh Mine had been taken over by some foul people.

You forgot some space between the dialogues and the Oreburgh City description, everything else is fine, continue the story it looks awesome. Smile
Well that was quick.(then again , everything in general here has been moving fast from the start.) Kinda weird that Aaron was on his own at the end , but still , it was good. It's seems to be getting somewhere now Smile
Chapter 5
(Hours later at Pokémon Center)

Crystal: Do you think Aaron’s ever going to wake up?

Alcovich: I don’t know. He appears to have fainted from shock.

Crystal: How do you know that?

Alcovich: He has the following symptoms: weak pulse, coldness, sweating, and irregular breathing. He should recover soon.

Crystal: Like I said, how do you know that?

Alcovich: I’ve read up on a few Medical books before we started our journey. I’m considering becoming a Medic.

Crystal: That was smart.

(Aaron moans)

Aaron: What happened?

Alcovich: You fainted.

Aaron: (remembers): I lost to scientist No.412. I’m weak.

Crystal: No, you were overconfident. There’s a difference.

Aaron: You weren’t there so how would you know.

Alcovich: We caught up to you when you sent out Bulbasaur. You were battling recklessly by taking attacks directly instead of dodging. You were so confident in winning the battle that your better judgment was clouded enough for you to lose.
Aaron: Never again! I swear from this day forward I will go into a battle overconfident in my ability. So tell me what happened after I left.

Crystal: Roark had Golem, Rampardos, and Bastiodon use Stealth Rock to create a stone prison around the Grunts. Unfortunately they broke through. Roark took most of them out until he was surrounded while me and Alcovich were busy fighting two Grunts. They had him tied down until I had Luna use Bite on the ropes. After he was freed the Grunts retreated and we came to find you.

Aaron: Where’s Roark?

Alcovich: He went back to his Gym to prepare for our Gym Challenge. He did visit while you were still unconscious though.

Aaron: Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go challenge him! (Aaron jumps out of the bed and runs out the door)

Crystal: You weren’t kidding when you said he’d recover fast. Let’s go!

(Oreburgh Gym)

Roark: I see you recovered Aaron.

Aaron: Yeah, let’s battle!

Referee: This battle shall consist of two Pokémon. Switching is allowed. Let the battle between Leader Roark and Aaron begin!

Aaron: Go Bulbasaur! Use Vine Whip!

Roark: Go Onix! Use Rock Tomb!

(Both attacks hit and Bulbasaur’s Speed is lowered)

Roark: Onix, use Rock Tomb again!

Aaron: Dodge it and use Vine Whip again!

(Bulbasaur attempts to dodge it but fails. Vine Whip knocks Onix out) (Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur)

Referee: Onix is unable to battle. Ivysaur wins.

Roark: Go Cranidos! Use Headbutt!

Aaron: Ivysaur, Use Vine Whip to Dodge it!

(Ivysaur uses Vine Whip to launch itself into the air)(Cranidos hits the wall)

Roark: Cranidos, Use Headbutt again!

Aaron: Ivysaur, use Vine Whip on Cranidos!

(Cranidos faints)

Referee: Cranidos is unable to battle. The victor is Aaron!

Roark: Congratulations! You are worthy of this Gym’s Badge!

Aaron: Yes! I got the Gym Badge without losing a single Pokémon!

(Both Alcovich and Crystal win Oreburgh City’s Gym Badge)


Roark: What did Team GalacticRocket want with Oreburgh Mine?

Aaron: There was a scientist who called himself No.412 who said something about a Resurgence Tablet.

Roark: Resurgence Tablet?!?! I thought that was only a myth.

Aaron: He surely had it.

Roark: I’m not sure about the details but the myth concerns the creation of the Pokémon world. Seek the elder in Celestic town. She knows the whole myth. The next Gym is in Eterna City.

Aaron: Thanks.

(The trainers head to the Pokémon Center to heal their Pokémon)

Alcovich: That was fun! Next stop Floaroma Town and then Eterna City!

(a guy walks up)

Bill: Hey! My name is Bill. I’m a Pokémon Researcher. I heard about your encounter with Team GalacticRocket and decided you were worthy of a gift. (hands the trainers Shiny Eevees)
I know you’ll take good care of them!

Aaron, Alcovich, and Crystal: THANKS!!!

(Bill departs)

Alcovich: I need a Thunderstone so I can evolve Eevee into Jolteon!

Crystal: I sooooooooooo want Eevee to evolve into Umbreon. Shiny Umbreon is soooooooo cool!

Aaron: Shiny Espeon. That’s all I want.

(nighttime has fallen as the trainers fall asleep in the nearby hotel)

Sidenote: I'm only going to narrate one Gym Battle per Badge. I'll alternate between the three trainers to save time.

(02-07-2013 06:51 AM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ]Well that was quick.(then again , everything in general here has been moving fast from the start.) Kinda weird that Aaron was on his own at the end , but still , it was good. It's seems to be getting somewhere now Smile

Yeah, I'm ready to get to the good stuff.
Aaron ends up on his own because I wanted you to be alone and I wasn't sure how I could make the story work with three against 1. Plus I wanted to lose to No.412.
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