Wwhat size pancakee??
Ii attack with suckerss
Like lolly pops? I attack with LEFTOVER CANDY!!!
Ii throw it in the trashh, Ii attack with Ipodss
I listen to the music on the Ipods...oh crap! This one is full of Justin Beiber music!!! I bake it into a pie and throw it at the next person!
Ii eat the piee, Ii attack with moldy dickk
God...that is just disturbing...I throw it to the next person
Ii let it fall to my friend Bunny, hhe throws it at another personn
Ii attack with Starbucks doughnutss
I eat the doughnuts and attack with star bucks COFFEE!!!
Yyumm, Ii drink it in a fraction of a secondd, aand attack with duckss
I have a dog eat them and attack with ZOMBIES!!!
Ii have them party with my fatherr
Ii attack with creepy middle finger green llama thingss
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! NOT LLAMAS!!! I have Kraid eat them and attack with GREEN GUMMY BEARS!!!
Ii have them dance to the gummy bear songg
Ii attack with puppyss
Aw...they are so cute...until they become ZOMBIE PUPPIES which eat you
Ii blow them up from the insidee, aand then become a zombie myselff
Ii attack with brainss