Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: food fight!!!!
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I put them in a Mcdonalds and attack with roaches in a popsicle!
Ii defend with a fat mann, wwho eats itt.... Ii then attack with a priestt
I use the power of Atheism to defend myself and attack with the Spanish Inquisition!
Nno one expects themm, sso I can't defendd :C
Ii attack with fish flavored jelly beanss, tthose things are so grosss
...never heard of those...
Tthey taste disgustingg, aalthoughh, oonion flavored jelly beans arent that badd
Ii attack with jelly beans in generall
Jellybeans are gross after a while so I pass them on to the next person
Ii eat them all cuase I can't get enough jelly beanss
Ii attack with rainbows and butterflyss
Rainbows are evil, they kill lots of people. As for the butterflies...would you kindly grow sharp fangs and poison stingers and attack the next poster?
Tthey are not butterflys anymoree, sso they go pooff, Ii attack with apple juice
I hate that stuff so I defend with Chuck Norris and attack with Chuck Norris
Ii cannot defend Chuck Norris's attackk, Ii attack with the sunn
Chuck Norris can't be beaten by the sun...so he kills you again
XI Ii is deadd, ccannot attackk
i throw a biiiiiiggggggg tost
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